Friday, January 11, 2013

Fan Box Breakers: UD Sp Golf Blaster 2012

Thanks again to Jammin JDcards who provided us with a look at some golf cards. Variety is the spice of life! And this was a product I wanted to get a better look at. Personally, I didn't even know they made this into retail so it was surprising for me to see. Thanks again Jammin JDcards for sharing with us!

Here is what Jammin JDcards had to say about the break:

"This is a retail version found at Target. The retail base set is a different color variation than the hobby version. There are no guaranteed hits. I like the Blue parallel version as well as the Parade of Stars cards. You can see I got Drew Brees and Jason Kidd golfing, that is pretty cool. Other than that this product does not offer a whole lot. There are no inserts, not many hits and only one parallel I have seen. I do like the older names as well as the LPGA players in the set. I recommend buying 1 maybe 2 blasters of this stuff but no more than that. It gets boring really quick. I rate this product a 6/10 for design, 8/10 for quality, and 5/10 for value – Very Average, I expect more."

What was your thought on his break? Would you give it a try?


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