Saturday, January 19, 2013

Father Robert Barron on Agora

In one of the most visually arresting scenes in the film, Amenabar brings his camera up to a very high point of vantage overlooking the Alexandria library while it is being ransacked by the Christian mob.  From this perspective, the Christians look for all the world like scurrying cockroaches.  In another memorable scene, the director shows a group of Christian thugs carting away the mangled corpses of Jews whom they have just put to death, and he composes the shot in such a way that the piled bodies vividly call to mind the bodies of the dead in photographs of Dachau and Auschwitz.  The not so subtle implication of all of this is that Christians are dangerous types, threats to civilization, and that they should, like pests, be eliminated.  I wonder if it ever occurred to Amenabar that his movie might incite violence against religious people, especially Christians, and that precisely his manner of critique was used by some of the most vicious persecutors of Christianity in the last century.  My very real fear is that the meanness, half-truths, and outright slanders in such books as Christopher Hitchens's God is Not Great and Richard Dawkins's The God Delusion have begun to work their way into the popular culture.

Atheists claim to be people dedicated to facts and reason. Truth is supreme. It is amusing to see just how untruthful these atheists can be. I can personally attest to the fact that many atheists will blatantly lie to support their worldview. Agora is an atheist propaganda film. Goebbels would be proud.


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