Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Fan Box Break-2011-2012 Limited Basketball

Another Box Break brought to you by Jammin JDcards! This time we go hoops and with a box of Limited Basketball 2011-2012. Here is how he did:

Here is what Jammin JDcards said about his break:

"This product comes with 6 cards and 3 hits per box. I am very torn with this stuff in the same way as I am with Prime Signatures. The value is potentially there but most of the time you don’t get much. This box contained a draft redemption auto of nobody worth mentioning, a nice throwback auto, a Garnett Jersey and a nice Spotlight Derrick Rose. The design is decent, the quality matches the price with a nice high gloss thick card and the value...well it is very inconsistent. I do enjoy breaking this product but at a very limited amount. 7/10 for Design, 9.25/10 for Quality, 6/10 for value due to extreme inconsistency."


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