Friday, August 31, 2012

Review:Panini NFL Sticker 2012 Packets 10-packages

We here at Sport Card Collectors will pretty much review anything...and since we are fans of Panini and we like the sticker albums..well here it is...a review of the Panini NFL Stickers 2012. This is what we found in a break of 10 packages:

Packaging: Can't go wrong here...a package full of stars!

Base Sticker Design:  Slick, open design with action photos and an emphasis on the players.

Rookie Sticker

Panini added Hall Of Fame dedicated stickers

Due to a blurry picture, it doesn't show the Giants kicking a FG against the Pack..but memorable Super Bowl moments are found as well!

Inserts: Shiny, updated players, has everything a kid, or a grown-up kid will love!

Overall: $1 a pack. Comes with rookies that some people collect as rookie cards..must say we do...and you can find albums to put the stickers in for $2. Its a fun chase to see if you can get them all and it doesn't cost much to do so. The design of both the stickers and album are catchy. This has always been a great idea for Panini as a draw to our younger generation of collectors!

Extra Thoughts:I like the sticker albums as a starting point Kids can bend, tear these but it takes a lot to destroy them. It will teach them to take care of their cards when they are ready. Also, by having numbers on the back and having them match the numbers on the back to the numbers in the book teaches them how to organize.

Ratings:  Bloggers Note: Our ratings are based specifically on the blaster, box or packs we opened and do not express what the overall product could bring. Ratings based on a 1-5. 1 Being the lowest and 5 being the highest.
                Packaging: 5
                Base Design: 5
                Insert Design: 5
                Memorablila/Autographs: N/A
                Blaster, Hobby Box, or Pack Value: 5


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