This is a note for my blog readers that I am making a change to my buttons at the bottom of my posts. For a long time, you could vote "amen" on a post if you agreed with it, and "fuck you" on posts that you disagreed with. I thought this was really hip, and I will retain the voting option. The problem is that "fuck you" is so in your face vulgar that I want to clean it up a bit. The "fuck you" button is now the "anathema" button. For those who don't know, anathema means "the denunciation of something as accursed." It is the word the Catholic Church uses for heresies.
I know this change will displease some of my readers while it will delight others who have chided me over the years for my vulgar language. I am no Baptist prude, so I am not going to be a blue law Christian on this stuff. But I am just not an atheist anymore. My delight in offending is less pleasurable these days. I think they call this "sanctification."
If you disagree with this change feel free to vote "anathema" on this post. As always, thank you for reading and sharing your thoughts.
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