Friday, August 31, 2012
Wolfville (Canada) – ”Raymond Field”
”Raymond Field”
Este stadionul din orașul canadian Wolfville, aici având loc partidele formației Acadia University. Stadionul a fost construit în anul 1966 și are o capacitate de 3.000 locuri.
Este un oraș din Canada, situat pe Valea Annapolis, în regiunea Noua Scoție. Se află la aproximativ 100 km nord-vest de capitala regiunii, Halifax, și are o populație de puțin peste 4.000 locuitori.
Este stadionul din orașul canadian Wolfville, aici având loc partidele formației Acadia University. Stadionul a fost construit în anul 1966 și are o capacitate de 3.000 locuri.
Este un oraș din Canada, situat pe Valea Annapolis, în regiunea Noua Scoție. Se află la aproximativ 100 km nord-vest de capitala regiunii, Halifax, și are o populație de puțin peste 4.000 locuitori.
Sâmbătă, 1 septembrie, partide internaţionale oficiale
Cupa Regiunilor
ora 17.00, Strumica (Macedonia): South East Macedonia - Hestrafors (Suedia)
Gerhard Grobelnik - Roland Braunschmidt (Austria), Remy Zgraggen - Nikolaj Hanni (Elveţia)
ora 17.00, Strumica (Macedonia): Eastern Region (Irlanda de Nord) - North Wales
Radek Matejeg - Ivo Nadvornik (foto) (Cehia), Dejan Kostadinov - Nikola Kostencev (Macedonia)
ora 17.00, Strumica (Macedonia): South East Macedonia - Hestrafors (Suedia)
Gerhard Grobelnik - Roland Braunschmidt (Austria), Remy Zgraggen - Nikolaj Hanni (Elveţia)
ora 17.00, Strumica (Macedonia): Eastern Region (Irlanda de Nord) - North Wales
Radek Matejeg - Ivo Nadvornik (foto) (Cehia), Dejan Kostadinov - Nikola Kostencev (Macedonia)
CONCURS. Concluziile etapei a doua
S-a încheiat a doua etapă a noului nostru concurs. După cum v-am promis, vă voi prezenta răspunsurile corecte, cu sursa lor, precum şi clasamentul intermediar.
Aşadar, iată întrebările celei de-a doua etape şi răspunsurile corecte:
Continuarea, aici.
Aşadar, iată întrebările celei de-a doua etape şi răspunsurile corecte:
Continuarea, aici.
Liga a III-a: Unirea Câmpina - Fortuna Brazi 0-2
Debutul Unirii Câmpina în Liga a III-a nu a adus iubitorilor de fotbal câmpineni bucuria la care visau de la începutul sezonului trecut. Pe de o parte, Unirea a avut ghinionul de a întâlni încă din prima etapă una dintre cele mai valoroase echipe ale seriei şi o pretendentă certă la promovare, iar pe de altă parte, tracul debutului şi-a pus amprenta asupra jocului câmpinenilor într-o măsură mult prea mare. A rezultat un joc modest, în care Fortuna Brazi a rezolvat rapid ecuaţia celor trei puncte, prin "dubla" lui Elek, o palidă consolare pentru câmpineni pentru că Elek s-a lansat în fotbalul mare la... Poiana Câmpina. Stăncioiu a încercat să schimbe ceva, introducându-l pe Dobrescu, dar oaspeţii au îngheţat jocul, iar câmpinenii au expediat primul şut spre poarta adversă abia în minutul 45 prin Cernea.
Spre final, a mai fost un şut al lui Cernea, un "trasor" al lui Bogdan Şandru dintr-o lovitură liberă şi o lovitură de cap destul de slabă a lui Dobrescu. Şi cam atât...
Marcator: Elek 10, 23.
Unirea Câmpina: Anghelache - A. Stoica, Neagu (cpt), B. Şandru, Filip (23 Dobrescu) - Yeboah, Lungu (54 Lambă), Ir. Dumitru, Cernea - Bica (73 Nichifor), Băcioiu (54 Neacşu). Rezerve neutilizate: D. Şandru - Zecheru. Antrenor: Florin Stăncioiu.
Fortuna Brazi: C. Ion - C. Gheorghe, Bilia, Tegles, Cioinac - Munteanu (77 C. Vlad), Borbely (cpt) (56 Vişan), Minciună, Năstase (85 Floruţ) - Elek (69 Danci), Marin. Rezerve neutilizate: A. Vlad - A. Gheorghe, Crosman. Antrenor: Daniel Dobai.
Cartonaşe galbene: Yeboah 74, Neagu 80.
Arbitri: Cătălin Pană (Bucureşti) - Florin Burlacu (Urziceni), Ionuţ Dimache (Slobozia).
Observatori: Ion Coman (Târgovişte) - pentru arbitraj; Hacic Garabet (Constanţa) - pentru joc.
Spre final, a mai fost un şut al lui Cernea, un "trasor" al lui Bogdan Şandru dintr-o lovitură liberă şi o lovitură de cap destul de slabă a lui Dobrescu. Şi cam atât...
Marcator: Elek 10, 23.
Unirea Câmpina: Anghelache - A. Stoica, Neagu (cpt), B. Şandru, Filip (23 Dobrescu) - Yeboah, Lungu (54 Lambă), Ir. Dumitru, Cernea - Bica (73 Nichifor), Băcioiu (54 Neacşu). Rezerve neutilizate: D. Şandru - Zecheru. Antrenor: Florin Stăncioiu.
Fortuna Brazi: C. Ion - C. Gheorghe, Bilia, Tegles, Cioinac - Munteanu (77 C. Vlad), Borbely (cpt) (56 Vişan), Minciună, Năstase (85 Floruţ) - Elek (69 Danci), Marin. Rezerve neutilizate: A. Vlad - A. Gheorghe, Crosman. Antrenor: Daniel Dobai.
Cartonaşe galbene: Yeboah 74, Neagu 80.
Arbitri: Cătălin Pană (Bucureşti) - Florin Burlacu (Urziceni), Ionuţ Dimache (Slobozia).
Observatori: Ion Coman (Târgovişte) - pentru arbitraj; Hacic Garabet (Constanţa) - pentru joc.
Why Lance will be just fine
Last week, just after Lance Armstrong announced that he would not contest the USADA proceedings, I did a radio interview in which the interviewer relayed the comments of a marketing expert who suggested that Armstrong was done as spokesman, fundraiser, and endorser. I disagreed, saying (consistent with similar arguments made elsewhere) that Lance would benefit from not participating in the proceeding; he would argue that the proceedings were biased and illegitimate, that he was the wronged party and justified in not participating (and thus giving USADA legitimacy), and that he remains a clean champion cyclist.
Case in point: Armstrong's speech yesterday to the World Cancer Congress, which he began as follows: "My name is Lance Armstrong. I am a cancer survivor . . . I'm a father of five. And yes, I won the Tour de France seven times." Combined with reports that Armstrong's Livestrong Foundation saw a dramatic uptick in donations last week, it looks like, at least in the short term, my instinct was right--Armstrong is going to come through this just fine.
Case in point: Armstrong's speech yesterday to the World Cancer Congress, which he began as follows: "My name is Lance Armstrong. I am a cancer survivor . . . I'm a father of five. And yes, I won the Tour de France seven times." Combined with reports that Armstrong's Livestrong Foundation saw a dramatic uptick in donations last week, it looks like, at least in the short term, my instinct was right--Armstrong is going to come through this just fine.
Unirea Câmpina - Fortuna Brazi 0-2. Florin Stăncioiu: "Mă aşteptam la mai multă determinare şi ambiţie din partea noastră"
Imediat după fluierul final al partidei de debut în Liga a III-a pentru Unirea Câmpina, antrenorul acestei formaţii, Florin Stăncioiu (foto), ne-a declarat: "În ciuda faptului că am pregătit jocul, m-am temut cel mai mult de impactul cu Liga a III-a. S-a dovedit că temerile mele au fost justificate, jucătorii mei intrând mult prea timoraţi pe teren. Respectăm adversarul de astăzi, suntem realişti, au fost mai buni decât noi, dar mă aşteptam la mai multă determinare şi ambiţie din partea noastră. Sperăm ca în cel mai scurt timp să punem la punct aceste probleme şi să începem să acumulăm puncte în clasament".
Unirea Câmpina - Fortuna Brazi 0-2. Imagini cu brigada lui Cătălin Pană
Partida Unirea Câmpina - Fortuna Brazi a fost arbitrată de Cătălin Pană (Bucureşti), asistat de Florin Burlacu (Urziceni) şi Ionuţ Dimache (Slobozia). Observatori au fost Ion Coman (Târgovişte) - pentru arbitraj, Hacic Garabet (Constanţa) - pentru joc. Cătălin Pană nu a avut nici un fel de problemă,
jocul fiind unul uşor şi fără nici o problemă de arbitraj.
jocul fiind unul uşor şi fără nici o problemă de arbitraj.


I grew up watching tennis in the late 1970's and early 1980's when champions like Bjorn Borg, Guillermo Vilas and John McEnroe ruled the courts. So cool they were with their long hair and headbands, adorned in brands like Fila, Tacchini and Ellesse, and claiming their victories with racquets made of wood.
Now don't get me wrong, I love Federer, Djokovic, and Nadal but I do miss the style and swagger of those days gone by. So while your flat screens are tuned to the US Open, this final grand slam tournament of 2012, I leave you with these images of an era when our tennis players were gods among men.
Unirea Câmpina - Fortuna Brazi 0-2. Oaspeţii au câştigat şi la capitolul galeriilor
Oaspeţii de astăzi ai stadionului "Rafinăriei" au venit însoţiţi şi de o micuţă galerie, de 15-20 de persoane, echipate cu steaguri şi eşarfe şi care au cântat aproape tot timpul. Un capitol la care Unirea Câmpina mai are încă de lucrat,
publicul nefiind - cel puţin la meciul de debut - un al 12-lea jucător pentru trupa lui Stăncioiu. Poate la primul meci doar a savurat bucuria reîntâlnirii cu un eşalon naţional...
La finalul partidei, jucătorii Fortunei Brazi le-au mulţumit suporterilor pentru încurajare şi i-au aplaudat.
publicul nefiind - cel puţin la meciul de debut - un al 12-lea jucător pentru trupa lui Stăncioiu. Poate la primul meci doar a savurat bucuria reîntâlnirii cu un eşalon naţional...
La finalul partidei, jucătorii Fortunei Brazi le-au mulţumit suporterilor pentru încurajare şi i-au aplaudat.
Unirea Câmpina - Fortuna Brazi 0-2. Lume multă şi bună la meci
Multă lume la meciul de debut al Unirii Câmpina în Liga a III-a. În primul rând, au fost foarte mulţi spectatori, dornici să asiste la un meci oficial de nivel naţional la Câmpina. În opinia mea, au fost peste 600 de spectatori şi nu puteau lipsi VIP-urile.
De la Constantin Anghelache (foto jos), la Dan Chiţu, Adrian Teodorescu, Mircea Dridea, la mulţi oameni de fotbal câmpineni - fie ei arbitri, oficiali sau doar împătimiţi ai sportului-rege.
De asemenea, gruparea oaspete a fost foarte bine reprezentată. În afara oficialilor - Grigore Sichitiu sau fostul arbitru divizionar Alexandru Dobrin - la meci a fost prezent şi patronul oaspeţilor, Călin Radu (foto jos), cel care a achiziţionat recent stadionul "Poiana".
De la Constantin Anghelache (foto jos), la Dan Chiţu, Adrian Teodorescu, Mircea Dridea, la mulţi oameni de fotbal câmpineni - fie ei arbitri, oficiali sau doar împătimiţi ai sportului-rege.
De asemenea, gruparea oaspete a fost foarte bine reprezentată. În afara oficialilor - Grigore Sichitiu sau fostul arbitru divizionar Alexandru Dobrin - la meci a fost prezent şi patronul oaspeţilor, Călin Radu (foto jos), cel care a achiziţionat recent stadionul "Poiana".
Liga lu' Lică: Astra II Ploieşti - CSM Câmpina 0-3
În singurul meci al etapei a aptra care a avut loc astăzi, CSM Câmpina a dispus mai clar decât o arată scorul de "satelitul" formaţiei Astra Ploieşti. Golurile trupei antrenate de Victor Roşca au fost marcate de Burloiu 23, Bridinel (foto) 25 şi Nae 81.
CSM Câmpina a jucat în formula: Panaite - Olteanu, Gânju, D. Chiriţă, Nincă - Bridinel, Ilioiu, Yao, D. Gheorghe - Burloiu, Nae. Au mai jucat: A. Chiriţă, C. Nicolae, Codreanu.
Partida a fost arbitrată de Viorel Căunei (Plopeni) - Cristian Lefter (Urlaţi) şi Roxana Bănăseanu (Câmpina).
CSM Câmpina a jucat în formula: Panaite - Olteanu, Gânju, D. Chiriţă, Nincă - Bridinel, Ilioiu, Yao, D. Gheorghe - Burloiu, Nae. Au mai jucat: A. Chiriţă, C. Nicolae, Codreanu.
Partida a fost arbitrată de Viorel Căunei (Plopeni) - Cristian Lefter (Urlaţi) şi Roxana Bănăseanu (Câmpina).
Vineri, 31 august, partide internaţionale oficiale, rezultate
Cupa Mondială Feminin Juniori sub 20 de ani, Japonia, sferturi
Saitama: Coreea de Nord – SUA 1-2, după prelungiri
Saitama: Germania – Norvegia 4-0
Supercupa Europei
Monte Carlo: Chelsea – Atletico Madrid 1-4
Saitama: Coreea de Nord – SUA 1-2, după prelungiri
Saitama: Germania – Norvegia 4-0
Supercupa Europei
Monte Carlo: Chelsea – Atletico Madrid 1-4
Never underestimate the importance you have as a coach. You can never replace a young person's father but you can be a leader and a role model who steers them in the right direction.
You are desperately NEEDED!
Embrace mentoring!
Sam Becker shares his third testimony below.
Virtue=Strength, Lou Judd
Wade Horn, Ph.D., President of the National Fatherhood Initiative, had an intriguing article entitled “Of Elephants and Men” in a recent issue of Fatherhood Today magazine. I found Dr. Horn’s story about young elephants to be simply fascinating, and you will too.
Some years ago, officials at the Kruger National Park and game reserve in South Africa were faced with a growing elephant problem. The population of African elephants, once endangered, had grown larger than the park could sustain. So measures had to be taken to thin the ranks. A plan was devised to relocate some of the elephants to other African game reserves. Being enormous creatures, elephants are not easily transported. So a special harness was created to air-lift the elephants and fly them out of the park using helicopters.
The helicopters were up to the task, but, as it turned out, the harness wasn’t. It could handle the juvenile and adult female elephants, but not the huge African bull elephants. A quick solution had to be found, so a decision was made to leave the much larger bulls at Kruger and relocate only some of the female elephants and juvenile males.
The problem was solved. The herd was thinned out, and all was well at Kruger National Park. Sometime later, however, a strange problem surfaced at South Africa’s other game reserve, Pilanesburg National Park, the younger elephants’ new home.
Rangers at Pilanesburg began finding the dead bodies of endangered white rhinoceros. At first, poachers were suspected, but the huge rhinos had not died of gunshot wounds, and their precious horns were left intact. The rhinos appeared to be killed violently, with deep puncture wounds. Not much in the wild can kill a rhino, so rangers set up hidden cameras throughout the park.
The result was shocking. The culprits turned out to be marauding bands of aggressive juvenile male elephants, the very elephants relocated from Kruger National Park a few years earlier. The young males were caught on camera chasing down the rhinos, knocking them over, and stomping and goring them to death with their tusks. The juvenile elephants were terrorizing other animals in the park as well. Such behavior was very rare among elephants. Something had gone terribly wrong.
Some of the park rangers settled on a theory. What had been missing from the relocated herd was the presence of the large dominant bulls that remained at Kruger. In natural circumstances, the adult bulls provide modeling behaviors for younger elephants, keeping them in line.
Juvenile male elephants, Dr. Horn pointed out, experience “musth,” a state of frenzy triggered by mating season and increases in testosterone. Normally, dominant bulls manage and contain the testosterone-induced frenzy in the younger males. Left without elephant modeling, the rangers theorized, the younger elephants were missing the civilizing influence of their elders as nature and pachyderm protocol intended.
To test the theory, the rangers constructed a bigger and stronger harness, then flew in some of the older bulls left behind at Kruger. Within weeks, the bizarre and violent behavior of the juvenile elephants stopped completely. The older bulls let them know that their behaviors were not elephant-like at all. In a short time, the younger elephants were following the older and more dominant bulls around while learning how to be elephants.
When Prisons Replace Families
Once in prison, this system is very hard to leave behind.
The New Hampshire prison system just released a dismal report two weeks ago.
Of 1,095 prisoners released in 2007, over 500 were back in prison by 2010.
Clearly, the loss of freedom does not compensate for the loss of fathers in managing the behavior of young men.
At least Eighty percent of the young men in prison grew up in homes without fathers. The problem seems clear. When prisons and police replace fathers, chaos reigns, and promising young lives are sacrificed.
I hope all of you enjoyed reading about my experience on my school’s retreat. Now that I have had time to relax and school has officially started I can focused on school and of course, football.
This year my high school football team, the McNicholas Rockets, have been blessed to have the mentor system started by Mr. Lou Judd. From what I have seen the mentoring by our coaches has been working wonders for the team. We all seem to getting along better and finding out what we really want to accomplish this season.
I was selected to be in Coach Paul Romulo’s mentoring group. Every Thursday we meet together and talk one on one about how life is going, how I think the team is doing, and how can I better accomplish the virtue of the week. Coach Romolo and I have a great relationship. He is one of the younger coaches and teachers I have so it’s easy to relate with him. Sometimes we will randomly start quoting movie lines together. Most importantly, he is always more concerned about you as a person than as a football player.
The virtue of the week for week 1 was SELFLESSNESS. Being a team manager in my position is a very selfless job. Some of my coaches and teammates including coach Romolo told me I was an example of this virtue for the whole team. I know what I do is selfless, but I still wanted to try and be more selfless for my team and school. I wanted to find one or two ways I could accomplish being more selfless but I didn’t know how at first…..
Leading up to this past Saturday’s game was a very emotional week. Knowing that I couldn’t be out on the field with my teammates in our school’s first ever game in our new stadium did hurt me. On top of that we had Father-Son jersey night on Thursday. We ate pizza and hung out as with our dads or whoever was representing us. At the end of the dinner each senior father/father figure went up in front of the team with his son, said a speech about how proud of them they were, (many which were very emotional resulting in a few tears shed) and handed them their jersey….
I did not plan on wearing a jersey again this year. I thought it would be too hard to bear knowing I couldn’t wear my number out on the field with pads underneath competing with my teammates. I only wore #18 last year in honor of my cousin who was in coma at the beginning of the season due to a fall at his college house. 18 was and still is his number in college. I know I am as important as any other play on the team, but to me wearing a jersey was an emotional obstacle for me.
….As the fathers were giving their speeches to my teammates I said to my dad, “You don’t have to do this, you tell me all the time how proud of me you are, and I am not wearing jersey anyway.” He just responded OK. It turns out as I expected, the coaches noticed I was the only senior not to go up in front of the team. Head Coach Mike Orlando looks at me and says “So Sam, you thought we forgot about you?” I responded, “I was hoping that was the case.”
My dad and I walked up to the microphone. Right when he started talking about everything I have overcome and how I was hero I started to cry. It was hard enough having the jerseys being handed out to all my teammates, and this being thrown on top of it was over whelming. At the conclusion of his short speech, my dad handed me one of the jerseys on the table, but I refused to put it on. I walked back to my chair with tears my eyes listening to my teammates and their fathers give me a standing ovation. Some of my teammates met me with hugs shedding the same tears I had in my eyes….
The next day we met in the locker room before school started to be surprised with our new gray, green, and gold Adidas Tech-Fit jerseys which we spent all off season fundraising for. I walked in to return the jersey I was given the night before, while the rest of the team was going to wear theirs to school like we do every Friday. Coach Romolo told me to put on my jersey like the rest of the guys, I respectfully declined. After receiving a weird look from him, I told him we would talk about it later. So as my teammates walked out to school in our old green jerseys I was in my regular school uniform. I was still on the fence about whether I should wear one for the game Saturday or not. Throughout the day my teammates asked me why didn’t have a jersey on and if I would wear a new one for the game. I still had no idea. Before our team mass after school I explained to Coach Romolo why didn’t wear a jersey that day and how difficult it was for me during jersey night. He completely understood and told me it was my decision, but that I deserved to wear one just as much as the rest of the team.
After thinking about it that day at practice I found out how to better achieve the virtue of the week: SELFNESS. I decided to wear a jersey at the game this past Saturday not only for my coaches and teammates who wanted me to, but for my father. I know how much it means to him that I wear jersey. He was a big football star back in high school breaking all of his school rushing records. He asked me many times during the off-season what number I would wear this year. I just told him I wasn’t planning on wearing one. But as I thought about it being selflessness is also about allowing others to enjoy your accomplishments and stepping outside of your comfort zone for them.
This week the team was told repeatedly to find someone to play for. In addition to play all of the past players who never got to play at our new stadium. To play for the guys who wore your jersey years ago. As was in the equipment room picking out my jersey I decided to wear #32. It was wore by Austin Ernst’s (who I referred to in my last article) older brother Eric, 2 years ago. I wanted to wear it so Eric, my ex-teammate, would be represented. Another way I tried to improve my selflessness.
Throughout practice and before the game on Saturday some of my senior teammates told me that they were playing for me. They expressed how bad they wanted me out there with them. I didn’t find out until after the game that many of them wrote my initials on there cleats so that in some way I was on field with them. This gesture meant the world to me. It was the ultimate act of selflessness. I felt honored.
Saturday ended up being a perfect day for the McNicholas community. Austin, as our quarterback, lead the team down the field for a touchdown caught by junior Matt Curran with 43 seconds left in the game. Right after the score Austinran over to me and said that was for me, that I was on his mind every play of the drive. The game was sealed by sack from senior Todd Gula and a few nice defensive plays by our secondary.
I believe we were a great example I selfless team. We not only played for each other, but for our school, alumni, and most importantly God. As we take on New Richmond high school next week I know we will approach this game with the same selflessness we showed this week.
I encourage all of you to do something selfless for someone else each day. You don’t even have to know them. Give back to those who have given everything for you whether it is a coach, parent, or friend. Write to you soon
God Bless,
Sam Becker
Liga lu' Lică, etapa a 4-a, partida de vineri
Astra II Ploieşti - CSM Câmpina 0-3
1. CSM Câmpina 4 3 1 0 8-1 10
2. Unirea Urlaţi 3 3 0 0 10-1 9
3. Progresul Drăgăneşti 3 3 0 0 9-3 9
4. Precizia Breaza 3 2 1 0 10-7 7
5. Petrolistul Boldeşti 3 2 0 1 13-3 6
6. AS Ploieşti 3 2 0 1 10-4 6
7. CSO Plopeni 3 2 0 1 10-8 6
8. Avântul Măneciu 3 2 0 1 6-4 6
9. CS Blejoi 3 1 1 1 10-7 4
10. Chimia Brazi 3 1 1 1 3-3 4
11. CS Băneşti 3 1 0 2 9-7 3
12. CS Ceptura 3 1 0 2 4-8 3
13. CS Păuleşti 3 0 2 1 2-4 2
14. Astra II Ploieşti 4 0 2 2 5-15 2
15. Brădetul Ştefeşti 3 0 1 2 4-7 1
16. AFC Brebu 3 0 1 2 1-8 1
17. Caraimanul Buşteni 3 0 0 3 3-11 0
18. Voinţa Vadu Părului 3 0 0 3 0-16 0
1. CSM Câmpina 4 3 1 0 8-1 10
2. Unirea Urlaţi 3 3 0 0 10-1 9
3. Progresul Drăgăneşti 3 3 0 0 9-3 9
4. Precizia Breaza 3 2 1 0 10-7 7
5. Petrolistul Boldeşti 3 2 0 1 13-3 6
6. AS Ploieşti 3 2 0 1 10-4 6
7. CSO Plopeni 3 2 0 1 10-8 6
8. Avântul Măneciu 3 2 0 1 6-4 6
9. CS Blejoi 3 1 1 1 10-7 4
10. Chimia Brazi 3 1 1 1 3-3 4
11. CS Băneşti 3 1 0 2 9-7 3
12. CS Ceptura 3 1 0 2 4-8 3
13. CS Păuleşti 3 0 2 1 2-4 2
14. Astra II Ploieşti 4 0 2 2 5-15 2
15. Brădetul Ştefeşti 3 0 1 2 4-7 1
16. AFC Brebu 3 0 1 2 1-8 1
17. Caraimanul Buşteni 3 0 0 3 3-11 0
18. Voinţa Vadu Părului 3 0 0 3 0-16 0
James Harris to leave Glamorgan
Glamorgan Cricket have today announced that James Harris will be leaving the County at the end of this season.
Over the past few weeks, the Club have held a number of meetings with James to discuss his future career, which culminated in the Club tabling a substantial contract offer to retain his services. Sadly, this offer was not accepted and James will now be leaving the Club.
Glamorgan Cricket would like to thank James for his outstanding contribution to the Club since making his debut back in 2007. He is a talented young cricketer and departs with the Club’s best wishes. Like all other cricket supporters, we hope that he will be able to fulfil his England ambitions in the near future.
Now that the uncertainty surrounding James’s future has been resolved, the Club will now focus on finalising the make-up of its playing squad for the 2013 season.
Earlier this month Glamorgan Cricket confirmed contracts had been agreed with seam bowlers Huw Waters and John Glover, whilst Australian pace bowler Michael Hogan will also be joining up with the County at the start of next season.
Over the past few weeks, the Club have held a number of meetings with James to discuss his future career, which culminated in the Club tabling a substantial contract offer to retain his services. Sadly, this offer was not accepted and James will now be leaving the Club.
Glamorgan Cricket would like to thank James for his outstanding contribution to the Club since making his debut back in 2007. He is a talented young cricketer and departs with the Club’s best wishes. Like all other cricket supporters, we hope that he will be able to fulfil his England ambitions in the near future.
Now that the uncertainty surrounding James’s future has been resolved, the Club will now focus on finalising the make-up of its playing squad for the 2013 season.
Earlier this month Glamorgan Cricket confirmed contracts had been agreed with seam bowlers Huw Waters and John Glover, whilst Australian pace bowler Michael Hogan will also be joining up with the County at the start of next season.
Liga a III-a, etapa 1-a, rezultatele echipelor prahovene
Unirea Câmpina - Fortuna Brazi 0-2
Elek 10, 23
CSM Făgăraş - Conpet Ploieşti 1-2
Lupu 85 - Ivan 30, Dobrinoiu 80
Elek 10, 23
CSM Făgăraş - Conpet Ploieşti 1-2
Lupu 85 - Ivan 30, Dobrinoiu 80
Contest!! Win this lot of Leaf Rookie and Stars Football cards
Now, we are NOT giving away the box pictured..we just don't have the images together of the cards yet. since they will be put together at random. So we are giving away a lot of insert and rookie cards from our break of Rookie and Stars. Look for first round picks and some big name players in the inserts. It will probably be a 5-6 card lot.
As always..its our usual weekly rules to win this lot:
*The contest winner will be announced Friday morning (September 7th) so make sure you get your entry in before then
*To enter, please leave a comment in this post
*You can enter ONCE PER DAY! The more entries, the better chance you have at winning!!!!
*The winner will be selected at random
*You can win even if you have won before!
*Contests open to U.S. RESIDENTS ONLY! (sorry)
*Please provide your name and we will post the winners name on Friday and how to contact us so we can mail your card(s) out for FREE!!
*You must claim your prize by the following Friday or it gets given away again! Thanks!
The 12 Stages of Climbing Addiction
Hey, this climb isn't so bad. What a beautiful day it is. What a pretty little mountain.
Damn it, this thing keeps getting steeper. And it's longer than I thought. My legs are killing me already. I am in my lowest gear. This is miserable. Why am I here?
Okay, look - The computer says it’s only a 10% grade. Nothing I haven't done before. I can keep at it for a while. Okay, so now it’s a 14% grade. But it’s unlikely to be a long climb. Yes, I am sure it will end soon.
If I push extra hard on this next stretch, I bet it will flatten out just around the bend. Please let it flatten out around the bend…
It's not going to flatten out, is it. In fact it’s only getting steeper. I am spent. I am nauseous. My legs are done.
Crisis Intervention...
Oh my god, I need to unclip before I fall over. Now. Right now!
Click. Thump. Pant, pant.
Great, I couldn't even make it to the top.
Oh wait, what? Looks like I did make it to the top!
I’m at the top! What a pretty little mountain. What a beautiful day. What an extremely tasty banana.
Denial Redux...
Oh that climb wasn't so bad!
Let’s do this again?