Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Lunch Break

Just to reassure parents that we're not eating junk food day in and out, we have included a few proper meals at sit-down group gatherings.  On their own, the students have sampled classic English pub fare such as bangers and mash, and of course, fish and chips!  This shot was taken at The Living Room Restaurant in Oxfo...

The Greatest of all Time

Michael Phelps the greatest of all ti...

Glasgow (Scoția) – ”Hampden Park Stadium”

”Hampden Park Stadium”Este stadionul din Glasgow care găzduiește meciurile echipei naționale a Scoției, având o capacitate de 52.063 locuri. La această ediție a Jocurilor Olimpice aici au loc mai multe partide de fotbal, una dintre ele chiar astăzi, Egipt – Belarus. Arena a fost inaugurată pe 31 octombrie 1903 și modernizată în mai multe rânduri, fiind o arenă categorisită...

Got Your Back

Golden Bear is enjoying the view from its perch atop Dennis Rinaldi's backpack on a walking tour of the city of Oxfo...

London Eye

A popular tourist stop in London is a gigantic Ferris Wheel with 32 pods that can hold up to 24 people each . . . sort of like a giant ski gondola.  This shot of the students + Golden Bear is taken with the Houses of Parliament, Clock Tower (Big Ben), and The River Thames in the background.&nbs...

Scenes from Harry Potter

Today, we went on a field trip to Oxford, about 90 minutes outside of London, and home to the oldest university in the English-speaking world.  Oxford is also known for its spires and building designs that span the English architectural period dating to the Saxons.  A special treat was visiting Christ Church College (one of 39 colleges that comprise...

Happy Birthday, Dan!

Today is Dan Colton's birthday, so we celebrated by singing "Happy Birthday" to him at least three times . . . at morning seminar, during lunch in Oxford, and atop the London Eye this evening.  I say "at least," because I understand the students went a few more rounds at dinner and après-dîn...

Panini's Unique Employee Twist To Their National Wrapper Redemption Set

Panini's always coming up with creative card sets. They came up with Black Friday, Father's Day, and now for their cards at The National ...they have added employee cards! So if you ever had wanted to own a piece of Panini history here is your chance!In addition to these being limited  to just 20, the cards include over-sized pieces of work-worn  Rated Rookie T-shirt...

Miercuri, două amicale interesante

La mijlicul acestei săptămâni, în Câmpina și împrejurimi au loc două partide amicale interesante.ora 18.00, Câmpina, stadionul ”Rafinăriei”:Unirea Câmpina - CS Băneștiora 19.00, Cornu:CS Cornu - Vulturii Provița de SusMâine seară voi reveni cu rezultatele, detalii și imagini de la aceste parti...

Colțescu, meciul 150 în Liga I la Astra - Steaua

Conform statisticii oficiale a FRF, în etapa din week-end-ul trecut din Liga I, arbitrul craiovean Sebastian Colțescu a arbitrat meciul cu numărul 150 în Liga I. A fost vorba de partida Astra - Steaua, scor 3-4, la care a fost ajutat de asistenții FIFA Mikloș Nagy și Sebastian Gheorg...

Miercuri, 1 august, partide internaționale oficiale

Jocurile OlimpiceOra 16.30, Newcastle: Brazilia – Noua ZeelandăBakary Gassama (Gambia) – Jason Damoo (Seychelles), Angesom Ogbamariam (Eritrea) – Mark Geiger (SUA)Ora 16.30, Glasgow: Egipt – BelarusRoberto Garcia – Jose Camargo, Alberto Morin (foto) (Mexic) – Raul Orosco (Bolivia)Ora 19.00, Cardiff: Mexic – ElvețiaRavshan Irmatov – Abdukhamidullo Rasulov (Uzbekistan), Bakhadyr...

Marți, 31 iulie, partide internaționale oficiale, rezultate

Jocurile Olimpice, femininCardiff: Japonia – Africa de Sud 0-0Newcastle: Canada – Suedia 2-2Manchester: SUA – Coreea de Nord 1-0Newcastle: Franța – Columbia 1-0Coventry: Noua Zeelandă – Camerun 3-1Londra: Marea Britanie – Brazilia 1-0Champions League, turul al III-lea preliminar, manșa IKiev: Dinamo Kiev – Feyenoord 2-1Motherwell (Scoția): Motherwell – Panathinaikos Atena ...

UPDATE to include discussion of Bryce Brentz injury; Ryan Sweeney and injuring hand by punching door: is it grounds for Disqualified List?

Bryce BrentzUPDATE Feb. 9 2013: we're learning today from WEEI.com's Alex Speier that the Red Sox now have another player who has been injured outside of playing the game and in questionable circumstances: about a month ago, prospect Bryce Brentz accidentally injured himself while cleaning a hand gun.  A bullet went into his leg.  Brentz is lucky.  It doesn't...


I have been experiencing a change in my thinking lately that I have taken to calling the "Moral Revolution." I am always changing my thoughts in the light of new ideas, but these changes are often marginal. They never strike to the root or core of my beliefs. This would be growth. Instead, I am experiencing what the Greeks call "metanoia" or the changed mind. This is not growth but conversion.I am not an atheist anymore. I have been one for over a decade, but the nihilistic acid burning in my soul is turning me into a monster. Atheism is nihilism....

Yard Sale Pickups....for only $4!!

Here are some key cards I found in a box of cards I bought at a local yard sale. I paid only $4 for the box of random cards. There was mostly baseball, but golf, a few basketball and football and even Bench Warmer cards were there to be found. Overall there were probably about 300 cards. I think I made out well.I always enjoy adding a Pete Rose4 Tiger Woods cards and a Justin...


Monday, July 30, 2012

Motherwell (Scoția) – ”Fir Park Stadium”

”Fir Park Stadium”Este stadionul din localitatea scoțiană Motherwell, care găzduiește partidele formației cu același nume. Arena a fost construită în anul 1895, renovată complet după 100 de ani, în 1995, și are o capacitate de 13.742 locuri.MotherwellEste o localitate din Scoția, situată la sud-est de Glasgow. Aici se află una dintre cele mai mari oțelării din Europa, iar...

Rare Old Beast: a Very Early Brompton

Brompton folding bikes have remained virtually unchanged since they entered into production in the late 1980s. But before that happened, there was a small pilot run and the machines from this early batch were just a tad different. Only several hundred of these were made. Two of those recently ended up passing through Harris Cyclery on their way to the Brompton museum. And...

Changing of the Guard

Since we have yet to witness a changing of the guard ceremony at Buckingham Palace, Dennis Rinaldi tried to explain how it was done by staging a re-enactment using Golden Bear and a couple of Beefeater Bea...

A Good-Looking Bloke

Let me explain something about how we roll at this Seminar Abroad program.  Wherever we go at these Olympics, three things that have always been with us are (1) the WNE flag or CISB banner, (2) Golden Bear, and (3) our fearless leader, Dr. Anthony Caprio.  Thanks to Nick Varney, Maria Francese, and Dennis Rinaldi, the symbols of Western New England...

Olympic Fencing controversy

A controversial fencing semifinal bout of the women's individual epee competition was won on a final touch with 1 second remaining and the losing fencer launched an appeal of the decision which eventually cost her the finals. With time running out in one of the two semifinal matches for the women's individual epee competition, South Korea's Shin A Lam led Germany's Germany's...

Penn State Death Penalty: Was It Ever Really An Option? (The Antitrust Problem)

Several recent posts on this blog have analyzed the NCAA's punishment of Penn State University in light of rumors that the NCAA would have given Penn State a four year death penalty if it had not agreed to the NCAA's alternative sanctions. (See here, here, and here). What almost nobody is talking about, however, is that the NCAA's 'death penalty' sanction may very well have...

Wicked Awesome!

Since arriving in London, Lydia Lefevre has been dying to get a photo with the Queen's Royal Guard and so she was sorely disappointed when the public was not permitted any closer than the perimeter gate at Buckingham Palace during our visit on Friday.  At Windsor Palace, however, there was no such gate, and she and Ryan Coseo were able to get up close and personal...

Life is Grand!

Due to Sunday's inclement weather at Wimbledon, most of the group headed out after the second (or was it the third?) rain delay for the badminton competition at Wembley Arena.  Jason Titelbaum, Anthony Camardi, and Teddi-Jann Covell, however, decided to stick it out in hopes of seeing the resumption of play at the Djokovic-Fognini...

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