At night, I like to listen to AM radio in the dark while I try and sleep. I say try because people who know me will tell you that I don't sleep enough, and I am very restless. Part of this comes from massive quantities of caffeine. The other comes from having a brain that simply refuses to turn off. When you live in the flow state, you don't want to sleep. Sleep becomes the enemy. This is because sleep robs you of experience and opportunity. Flow demands that you move and create. But I digress. . .
There is something neat about the pop and crackle of AM radio in the dark. Add on top of that the weird tales you hear on Coast to Coast AM, and it makes for interesting late night and early morning experiences. It also fucks with your head a bit if you are traveling remote roads late at night. I admit that C2C is a weird show, and I certainly don't subscribe to the craziness you hear on the show. But it is wildly entertaining, paranoid, and creepy.
I have a high tolerance for weird and offbeat people. In fact, I actually like those types of people. Granted, I am not going to believe wild tales of UFO abduction and anal probes. But you have to admit that these people are wildly imaginative and inventive. Crazy people are mostly harmless, and their weirdness doesn't rate any worse than many of the religious beliefs out there that get official tolerance. The really neat thing is when these people actually hit on something that is true or correct. Their craziness helps them to see things the rest of us might overlook. These crazy people are like canaries in the coal mine alerting us to the real dangers that come along.
I like C2C because they exhibit the same tolerance on their show that I exhibit in my daily life. I don't believe there is any such thing as "normal," so I give these people the latitude and the freedom to indulge their weirdness. C2C does this every night. This is also why it wins its time slot over any other programming. People love this show.
Regular C-blog readers may wonder what has happened to our biggest fan of C2C, the Unknown Blogger. He is still there sending me crazy shit, but I don't have time to watch his vids and edit his shit into something readable. I spend weekends traveling and working, and I play catch up during the week. I will see what I can do about getting the U-man back on the air here.
Finally, I must also confess that I have been taking some massive shits lately. I try to include more fruits and vegetables in my program along with the usual Taco Bell consumption. The result is that I take a dump 3 to 5 times a day, and I don't mean diarrhea either. This is the real deal shitting here. We are talking horse manure. Lots of fiber is going through my colon. Is this TMI? I suppose it is. But it is what is on my brain as I write this. Regularity is very important to me. If you aren't shitting 3 to 5 times daily, you aren't eating right.
More coffee, a shower, and off to work. Have a great day and a great week, folks.
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