When I discuss the higher ed bubble on Facebook and other places, I always hear people rate the value of various degrees in terms of earnings after graduation. But as I pointed out, I can't think of any undergrad major that would justify six figure student loan debt. On the graduate level, medical school might make more sense. The bottom line is that too many people go to college, and the financing comes from the government which drives up the cost of tuition. Naturally, some fool wants to criticize liberal arts majors for this problem. This is stupid.
Universities are not trade schools. Their role historically was not to turn out a skilled worked force. Universities were always about academics first. If some good workers got churned out in this process, so be it. But learning, scholarship, and research were paramount. Fuck profits. Somehow, this has been lost. The result is that universities really suck at teaching and the things they did really well.
Now, I'm all for trade schools. I think trade schools are great. A skilled workforce especially in the blue collar trades is needed. But universities should not ever be concerned with this task. The reality is that applied knowledge rests on a much larger foundation of academic knowledge that was pursued with no regard to profit. Universities are now profit seeking affairs, and it shows. They suck now. Students merely go to earn a piece of paper signifying nothing. So, not only are they saddled with inescapable debt, they are also stupid as fuck. Awesome.
I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but military personnel have been frequenting prostitutes for centuries. The fact that some Secret Service guys got caught is just laughable. There are four branches of military doing the same shit. As a libertarian, I don't care unless they are using taxpayer dollars. Then, I care a whole damn lot.
Apple is enjoying awesome earnings and an outstanding stock price. Steve Jobs is dead, but people say it doesn't matter. My advice? Short that stock. Apple isn't going to last. Apple almost died without Jobs one time. It will certainly die this time. In the end, leadership matters. It can't be quantified except in increased earnings and market share. But companies need good leaders. This shit can't be taught. You either have it, or you don't. Jobs was the life of Apple. That life is gone.
If Zimmerman gets off, the state of Florida will turn into a gigantic race riot. I have foreseen it.
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