Monday, January 18, 2010

White Guilt

Since today is MLK Day, I thought it would be a perfect time to address the subject of race in the United States. I will begin with the legacy of MLK.

Dr. King has a mixed history. Critics will point out that he was an adulterer and a plagiarist. But this merely puts him in the company of most Americans who cheat on their SO's and rip off the work of others. For me, the greatest scandal was that he was sympathetic to communism and found the atheism in it to be the only repugnant feature. Otherwise, I think the man did more good than bad. King shamed this country into change. Unfortunately, this shame is now to the detriment of the country. It has given us collective guilt and political correctness. These are two things I oppose.

I do not believe in collectivism; therefore, I do not believe in collective guilt. I look back over my life, and I cannot recall a single time that I ever owned a slave, lynched a black man, or denied a single African-American any of their human rights. I cannot feel guilty for things I did not do. Likewise, black people should not feel anger for wrongs they did not suffer. This is why I laugh when some black person mentions being in chains. Maybe I should go around talking about the persecution I endured under the English that drove my Scotch-Irish ancestors to these shores or the genocide of myself along with my Cherokee ancestors or the moneygrubbing capitalism of my Dutch ancestors. (Since I can't get much traction out of that Dutch thing, I will leave that part out.)

Black people have it good. They might endure some prejudice from individuals, but who doesn't? It might surprise people to learn that I have endured some pretty shitty treatment from black people who have found themselves in a power position over me and wanted to settle the historical score. But I have learned to shrug off a lot of shit because to be perfectly honest, the white folks in power don't treat me much better.

The reality is that being white doesn't make you a bad guy and being black doesn't make you a good guy. It is your actions that make you who you are. This is individualism. Black people today are in chains, but this is because they put them on themselves. When a black individual rises on individual accomplishment, he or she is often hit from behind from envious members of their race who cannot stand that one of their own rose above the collective. This all changes when this individual gains the top echelon and becomes the figurehead of racial identity. The most telling example would be Barack Obama who was derided as an Uncle Tom and acting white to get to where he is. Trust me, Obama had more support from the white folks than he did from people like Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton. That is sad. But once he won the presidency, he became the Messiah. This is the same man who makes sure that his daughters attend the largely white Sidwell Friends school to keep them away from the thug life of DC schools and also makes sure that the thugs never get the chance to attend Sidwell Friends by opposing school choice. But I digress. . .

The divide today is less between white and black than it is between rich and poor. For instance, the justice system works great for rich black people but not so great for poor black people. Why did OJ get off while black people have been on death row for crimes they did not commit? Two words--PUBLIC DEFENDER. Why does powder cocaine get a lighter sentence than crack cocaine? Because crack is the poor drug. But get a scrip and a bottle to go with it, and you can be high all day and not worry about a thing.

MLK fought for equality under the law, but we don't have equality. We have a government that gives bailouts to rich bankers and fights wars to protect and enlarge the financial interests of corporations and rich individuals. We have elitist Democrats who sneer at someone like Sarah Palin not because she is pro-life or anti-government but because she is working class and rural. Elitist Republicans are no different. Yet, what is the accusation hurled at the Palin crowd? Bunch of racist inbred hicks. In other words, if you oppose TARP and high taxes, you are a racist. I wonder what MLK would say to that.

Today, the race rhetoric is used merely as the will to power in action. If you can put guilt on someone, you can control and manipulate them. Fortunately for me, I don't have any guilt. Obama is a piece of shit not because he is black but because he is a thief who steals my money through the IRS and gives it to Wall Street. But by playing the race card, Obama supporters can shut me up along with the poor black working class people. That is a neat trick.

It is plain to me how the elites use collective tactics to divide and confuse the issues while they universally fuck over the mass of American society. It is divide and conquer. This is the price of white guilt. We are all getting screwed, and black people think it is progress that it is a black dick reaming them out now instead of a white dick. The mind boggles.


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