The pundits will talk and the politicians will spin. But in the end, voter anger wins. The message to Obama is clear. Stop fucking with us. Stop with the socialism. Stop with the deficit spending. Stop with the bailouts. Just fucking stop.
Obama won't get the message, but he will get it again in November and in 2012. As for the people who voted for the fucker, you are all stupid. You should have known better especially after I told you so.
The SCOTUS rules companies can spend on election advertising. All it does is make the whole thing honest where companies were simply gaming the system to practice their First Amendment rights. This won't change much of anything IMHO. Corporation corruption of politics is like blow flies corrupting horseshit.
The guy makes a classy and funny exit. I'm going to go out on a limb here and make a prediction. That guy is going to do great wherever he lands.
On the flipside, Jay Leno is getting a lot of flak which I don't think is deserved. People portray him as a conniver, but this simply isn't true. All Leno does is work. That's it. NBC could have fired him, and he would have simply moved to the next job. We could say that Conan was the conniver taking Leno's job. The fact is that Leno could have saved us all this drama by being meaner and more conniving. But he isn't like this. From the moment he started as guest host on Tonight to the present day, Leno has simply given the bosses and the audience what they wanted. But giving people what they want is the surest path to being hated. Remember disco? You can say that Leno isn't funny, but you can never say that the man is egomanical, lazy, or mean. The man just shows up everyday and does his job.
At some point, I contemplate running out of shit to write. Current events provide enough fodder for me to write about, but I feel that I am running out of creativity. I still have my books to write, but I must admit that blogging on an almost daily basis does wear on me. Of course, I remember when Stephen King said he was going to retire. I have lost count of how many books he has written since that announcement. No retirement here on my part. Just a new challenge.
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