Thursday, December 31, 2009

Bicycle Snow Cover!

As we head towards the New Year, I give you this image of our neighbor's awesome bicycle cover!It is snowing here in Boston again and the forecast promises that it will continue doing so for four days straight. So far, I have not exactly been a heroic winter cyclist, but in 2010, I hope to get increasingly more comfortable. Other cycling goals include: touring long distance,...

The Fox-Cable Wars -- Sports Fans' Woes

In addition to sports law, I teach and write about communications law issues. With a new year approaching, a nasty access war between Fox and Time-Warner Cable, one of the nation's largest cable operators is simmering, which may wreck havoc on college football fans (and devotees of other Fox programs) once the new year begins.Basically, it comes to a game of economic chicken....

Why Movies Suck

The pinnacle decade for movies was the 1970's. My absolute top favorite films came out during that decade. Prior to that decade, movies were good. They got better and better each year. Hollywood turned out some great stuff like The Godfather, Apocalypse Now, and The Outlaw Josey Wales. Even B-movie material like Dirty Harry and Shaft were damn good. So, what happened? How did movies go from consistently good to being consistently bad?The answer to that question is two words--Star Wars. Star Wars is a great movie with a great story, but Hollywood...

Wednesday, December 30, 2009

New Column on Mike Leach and Texas Tech Legal Battle: Was He Wrongfully Terminated?

I have a new column that looks at the Mike Leach firing from Texas Tech and the possibility of a wrongful termination lawsuit. Here's an excerpt:* * *Was Texas Tech legally entitled to fire Leach for cause? In addition to requiring Leach to follow Texas Tech procedures and polices and to provide responsible treatment of players' health, Leach's contract lists the circumstances...

Texas Tech coach fired: Updated and moved to top

Texas Tech has suspended football coach Mike Leach for its bowl game, because of Leach's alleged treatment of a player (receiver Adam James, the son of ESPN college football analyst Craig James) who had suffered a concussion and was unable to practice. The James family alleges that Leach ordered the player to sit in an equipment closet or equipment bin (reports conflict) and was told that if he came out, he would be kicked off the team. Leach's attorney insists that Leach had James sit in a cooler, darker area than the practice field because it...

Letter from a Parent

TKC!I got a letter in the mail today from a SportsLeader coach in Oregon. His team made it to the State Championship final ...In his letter he very aptly put:"Lou, Thought you would enjoy some info on our season. Also ... our team got a big silver trophy ... I got this letter from a parent ... I'LL KEEP THE LETTER!"God bless, Louwww.sportsleader.org am not really sure how to say this... .l really want to tell you thank you from the bottom of my heart and soul!I am not sure how much you know about JD's...

Chance Encounters and Boston Vintage Bikes

Taking advantage of the mild temperatures a couple of days ago, we went for another ride along the Charles River Trail, this time a nice long one. We were taking a break to photograph the bikes (a totally normal part of any day, right?), when I heard a very polite yet excited voice from the trail. Was I by chance the person from Lovely Bicycle? I guess of all the girls out...

The NFL's Brief in American Needle v. NFL

For those who have been waiting to read the brief filed by the NFL in the upcoming American Needle v. NFL case, it is now available to be downloaded. Meanwhile, a complete collection of all the briefs filed with the Supreme Court in the case can be accessed he...


Snatch 16kg: 10/10 Snatch 20kg: 5/5, 43/43, 5/5Snatch 24kg: 5/5, 20/20 Snatch 16kg: 10/10Inget speciellt att säga om detta. VM i Oslo i Oktober verkar spikat. Ska försöka tävla som veteran i lc. Annars drar jag upp och bara är GS-fan....

Warren Buffett vs. Index Funds

Warren Buffett is the greatest investor of all time. No one disputes this. He has a long track record of beating the markets in investment returns. He has many emulators, but though he is often imitated, he has yet to be duplicated. For some strange reason, the Warren Buffett magic is non-transferrable. Why is this?I know a lot about Buffett's strategy. Here are the basics:-Buy stocks when they are cheap.-Buy stocks only in businesses you understand.-Hold them forever.The result of this strategy is pretty straightforward. You reduce costs. You...

Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Reilly gets a makeover

I could stand it no longer so today I got busy and tidied the boy up. He had about 15cm lopped off his tail (which was on the ground *blush*) and I pulled his mane to a much more respectable length. He still has some weight to gain and was knocked for six last week when, after recovering from his gelding so well, he developed a lymphatic infection and had to have a course...

The Aroldis Chapman Sports Law Saga Continues

A couple of weeks ago, Ed and I discussed an interesting lawsuit filed in a Massachusetts state court by the former agents of 21-year-old Cuban defector Aroldis Chapman against his new agents for "stealing" Chapman as a client. The lawsuit -- Athletes Premier International v. Hendricks Sports Management -- is based on a tortius interference claim, which Jimmy Golen of the...

The Earthquake vs. Weather Trick

It has become common of late to observe that the number of weather-related disasters has increased faster than the number of earthquake-related disasters, and imply directly or indirectly that the different must be due to greenhouse gas induced climate changes. The image above comes from UNEP. Or consider this excerpt from a news article out today quoting Munich Re:Munich...

The "Consistent With" Fallacy: How Not to Compare Predictions and Observations

Over at Real Climate there is a misleading post up about IPCC global temperature projections as compared with actual temperature observations, suggesting success where caution and uncertainty is a more warranted conclusion.The scientists at Real Climate explain that to compare a prediction with observations one must assess whether the observations fall within a range defined...

Texas Tech coach suspended--some questions

Texas Tech has suspended football coach Mike Leach for its bowl game, because of Leach's alleged treatment of a player (receiver Adam James, the son of ESPN college football analyst Craig James) who had suffered a concussion and was unable to practice. The James family alleges that Leach ordered the player to sit in an equipment closet or equipment bin (reports conflict) and was told that if he came out, he would be kicked off the team. Leach's attorney insists that Leach had James sit in a cooler, darker area than the practice field because it...

Making hay while the sun shines ...

Well hopefully we will be! It's that time of the year again and we are patiently awaiting a visit from our hay man to inspect the paddocks and start the annual hay harvest. Thankfully this year we have had an awesome growing season and the paddocks are looking as good as they ever have. After last season's disappointingly low yield, I locked up a couple of extra paddocks this...

Monday, December 28, 2009

Five Rivendell Fork Crowns

We were at Harris Cyclery the other day and I took the opportunity to photograph the fork crowns of the Rivendell frames that were hanging in the shop. Enjoy the colourburst!the Atlantisthe original green Sam Hillbornethe orange Sam Hillbornethe A. Homer Hilsenthe Betty FoyNice, aren't they? I think the "curly-cue" design that's on the Betty Foy, the A. Homer Hilsen, and...

Feeling Slow? A Simple Explanation

It's funny that no matter how much cycling experience we gain, we remain susceptible to those silly mistakes and those "duh!" moments. I am sure I have many, but the most recent one really had me smacking my forehead. For the past month I had been favouring my vintage Raleigh and not riding the Pashley as much. When I finally did take out the Pashley last week, I noticed that...


MåOajerks 20kg: 5/5Lccj 2x20kg: 5, 60(10min), 5Lccj 2x24kg: 5, 1210-minuters-setet: Jag har svårt att hålla räkningen just vid lc. Det beror nog på att det är två moment inblandade. Därför brukar jag alltid filma mina lc-set. De första minuterna låg jag på i alla fall 7rpm. Och jag tyckte att jag höll ett högt tempo setet igenom - kändes som att jag aldrig vilade. Jag trodde nånstans att jag nått de efterlängtade 64 repsen (ranktabell-länk). Dock, filmen visade att det bara var 60 reps - visade också att jag visst vilade :-). Nåja, det ger s...

Sunday, December 27, 2009

Why You Should Eat at Chick-fil-a

Why Atheists Shouldn't Eat at Chick-Fil-A is a stupid article. Chick-fil-a was founded by Truett Cathy who is a well known Biblethumper. So, what? They have some good food and the finest service I have ever received at a fast food restaurant. My only criticism of the chain is that it is damn aggravating when I want a chicken sandwich on a Sunday, and they are closed.Boycotting products and services is a leftard tactic and a stupid one. I am reminded of...

Multitasking is Bullshit

When I drive down the road, I see a common sight. The car ahead of me is driving slowly and swerving. I pass the car, and it is someone at the wheel texting or yammering on their cellphone. This is multitasking, and it doesn't work.I have been reading study after study on multitasking, and the evidence is overwhelming. Multitasking is bullshit. You can't do more than one thing at a time except walk and chew gum. Anyone who says they can pull this shit off is lying.I have been doing the multitasking thing for years now, and I can tell you that I...

The Days Ahead

The pre-Christmas blizzard has come and gone, leaving in its wake a patchy landscape of snow, slush, ice, and mud. Yesterday the weather was mostly good and we went for a ride along the Charles River Trail - our first real ride together in weeks. In the afternoon everything looked lilac and utterly beautiful; it was a wonderful ride.The previous night it had rained and much...

Saturday, December 26, 2009

Enya - 'TF Celtic Moon' - Registered ISH Filly

June 2012 UPDATED for sale listingEnya - Poetry in MotionFoaled Spring 2009 - Leggy, beautiful and elegant, Enya has a very bright and exciting future as a competitive sport horse. Her bloodlines suggest immense potential as an event horse but we don't think this should deter any would-be dressage or show queens from considering this filly. Her correct conformation, balanced...

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