I received this email not long ago on MySpace:
What is up with all the negativity? I got your friend request read your page. You totally changed my mood. Not for the better or worse, but it kindof saddened me. I don't even know why I am writing this but I felt compelled. I hate to see people go through life with such a negative attitude. If you have a negative outlook on life that is what you will get. If you wish to continue this conversation let me know.
Cheer Up Tomorrow is a New Day!
I felt bad because I don't want to be a negative person. I don't think everything is doom and gloom. But I am a realist. I believe that we must face what is real, and this is not always pleasant. On the other hand, there are many things that I do find pleasant. My worldview is not entirely negative but has many positive features. I just don't think I emphasize them enough.
Here are the things I am negative about and the things I am positive about:
Religion is stupid. This is because there is no evidence for God, your soul, demons, angels, or what have you. None of these things have been proven or are provable. They are the figments of overactive imaginations. People who believe in this stuff are idiots. They are under delusion. They are idiots.
It is sad to face the reality that when you die that is it. You are dead. No more. You will be so dead that you won't even know you're dead. And while you are alive, you live in an indifferent universe that doesn't give a fuck about you.
Yes, this is dark stuff, but it is the truth. Just because it is negative doesn't mean it cannot or should not be believed. But I take hope in this reality. I will not suffer in hell for eternity. I don't have to feel guilt for offending some non-existent deity. I can enjoy my sex life as something normal and enjoyable. And I have already been dead. It didn't disturb me then because I didn't exist. It won't disturb me after I am gone. I have made peace with my death. It no longer frightens me. There are worse fates than death, and those are the things that do frighten me.
Government is, at best, a necessary evil. Time and time again, the government fails to make a positive impact that could not have been achieved better through private means. Government exists to restrain evil. It does very little in promoting the good. From warfare to welfare, government does not make the world a better place but a worse place. The only thing the government does reasonably well is deprive us of liberty. It is ruthlessly efficient at this. When it comes to killing people or locking them up, nothing is better than government. Against people like Ted Bundy or Osama bin Laden, this is a good thing. Against people like you and me, this is a horrible thing. We need less government trimmed back to its essential purpose. The American people need to wake up and stop drinking the Kool-Aid. Fucking idiots.
Love is bullshit. I've said this countless times before. Women have sworn their love to me only I have found out later that they either wanted to use me for money or cheat on me. I see this shit on a daily basis. I can recount story after story of infidelity and divorce. Overall, it is a dismal thing. I know people who are happily married, but this is because they are good people. Love does not conquer all, but character does. Most of the women I meet and date aren't worth a teetotal fuck. Love is not enough to overcome these problems. Consequently, I remain single like my hero, George Clooney. If a guy like George can't find happiness in love, I doubt I can do better.
I'm not much of a joiner. I tend to not want to be in groups, and I'm not big on shit like the "brotherhood of man." I'm also not big on racism either. I don't care to lose myself in something bigger than myself. I am not a bee in a hive. I am a human being. Groups scare me.
I am simply amazed at the times we live in. My life is so much better now than it was just ten years ago. Things like the internet have greatly improved my enjoyment of life. Scientists discover new things all the time, and I believe I will witness cures to many diseases that afflict us now. I believe there is truth, and we can know it. And I believe that the best is still ahead of us.
I am also very glad that I live in a relatively free country where I can express myself such as on this blog and be the person that I want to be. I can believe what I want and say what I want and do what I want. These freedoms are in danger at all times from the government which is why I believe we need to exercise them to the fullest extent to maintain them. Use it or lose it.
I am also a big believer in the free market. Socialism does not work. It is feudalism updated for modern times. Lazy fuckheads love the welfare state because it allows them to loaf. But I tell you that even the lazy prosper more under capitalism than they ever did under communism. It is the free market that gives us a higher standard of living than even royalty enjoyed 100 years ago. Our poor live better lives than Queen Victoria ever did. Unfortunately, people are obsessed with their place in the social order than they are with the actual conditions of their lives. I'd rather be poor today than rich back in 1920. The free market works. Think about this the next time you turn on your cellphone or pop a meal in the microwave.
4. SEX
You can't always find love, but you can always get laid. I am a fat bald guy with a small pecker and an asshole personality. I get laid all the time. With the advent of viagra, I know I will be getting it for a long time to come. I would rather have that sex in the context of a loving and monogamous relationship, but I know I can have one without the other. I don't even have to pay for it. One chick even told me to forget about dinner because she came to fuck. I'm not sure this is exactly positive, but it is nice to know it is available.
I believe the answer to most of our personal problems or desire for achievement lies in hard work. Work is fun. I enjoy doing it. I lose myself in my projects all the time. I love making things and doing things and accomplishing things. It is where happiness lies. My favorite day of the week is Monday, and my least favorite day is Friday. I never have a problem finding something to do so much as picking what to do next. I get so high from whatever it is I set myself to do.
I believe in being true to yourself. I believe in expressing yourself. I believe in being unique. It is individuals that make the world an interesting and better place. I celebrate the individual, and I will always defend them even if I don't always agree with them. It takes courage to stand out in the world, but I believe we owe our very lives to those who had the balls to be who they were. I believe one person can make a difference because history is replete with those individuals. They are called heroes, and I aspire to be one. I am my own hero.
There you have it, folks. I don't know if you think I am negative or positive now, but I can say that I am genuine and real. I refuse to not question things because it might lead to something unpleasant like the truth. I believe you are better off knowing than not knowing. There is bliss in ignorance, but ignorance does not last forever. True happiness comes from fidelity to reality. That is positive and real.
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