You can file this post under "sexism."
Aristotle said that women were without virtue. Because virtue was necessary for happiness, women could never be happy. Virtue is essentially reason, and women are notorious for not possessing reason. Because of this, they are miserable.
To give an example, I was discussing with a friend today about the tendency of women to hold grudges. Women say they forgive, but this isn't true. They merely store the wrath for the rest of their lives as a slow smouldering rage just beneath the surface. I thought this was very sad. But it is very true. A female friend of mine and I were very close until we had an argument. I was completely right on that one, and she knows it. We are friends again, but it is not as warm as before. I doubt it will ever return to what it once was.
I remarked to my friend that women were like disposable razors. After you've built up so much anger in them, you have to throw them away. Women can't forgive, so after you have amassed so many demerits, you are better off to discontinue with them and move on. Things can never be restored between you and them. Contrast this with men who will often have a beer and a laugh after trying to beat the hell out of each other. Some of the best friends I have ever had I made after trying to knock the shit out of them. Men are cool like that. Men can forgive. It is because we have to.
I have had people do a lot of shit to me over the years, but I have let most of that go. Life is too short to carry a grudge forever. But for women, life isn't long enough to burn out the collected rage. This alone makes women miserable. Because of this, they cannot love or have true friendships. They lack magnanimity. At heart, women are pusillanimous. They are bitter and hateful.
I know. GROSS OVERGENERALIZATION. But I have to say that I have never met a happy woman. I suspect Rachael Ray may be the exception to that, but I have yet to meet her. For the most part, women agree with me on these things. Women especially hate each other, and this can only come from their essentially miserable natures.
My friend also pointed out that a man can be happy without a woman, but a woman cannot be happy without a man. I suppose this would explain the paths of Britney Spears and Kevin Federline. Britney has really gone to shit while K-Fed seems to be doing just fine.
Now, at this point, I am certain some folks wish to take issue with me on these points. Women will say that they are happy, but I would differ with them on the definition of happiness. For women and shitheads, happiness is a feeling. But the problem with this viewpoint is that logically, the crackhead is the happiest of them all at least while high. For women, it would be being in love or some such silly nonsense as that. But objectively, we cannot claim that these people are happy. They are deluded but not happy.
Happiness is not a feeling. It can be accompanied by good feelings, but happiness is a state of being. It is performing rationally and optimally. This is why I say that Rachael Ray is the only woman who I think is happy. She works and loves what she does. The woman is a workaholic.
Happiness is excellence. It is hard to define it, but you know it when you see it. It is when a hero triumphs over adversity. It is when a scientist discovers something new. It is when an athlete performs well. It is when a person does the right thing.
Excluding Rachael Ray, I find women are simply too stupid to be happy. They are bubbling cauldrons of emotion. They cry too much. They whine. And you can't tell them anything because their egoes are too fragile to take criticism. These emotions lead them to inescapable Catch-22's. And it is very hard to trust a woman because she justifies everything by her feelings which change from moment to moment. They will tell you one thing and expect another. It is utterly maddening trying to deal with them.
Most men wise up and learn to abandon women. It is the only logical recourse. You cannot reason with them and forcing them to do the right thing only creates worse problems. So, the smart man walks away. He does not waste his time trying to argue with a woman. Left alone, they descend into their madness because it was the man that was holding them together.
I don't mean to imply that all men have their shit together. They don't. But men learn early that life involes trade-offs. You can't have everything you want. The important things in life are accomplished through hard work, and there are few shortcuts.
It is no mistake that the virtues are attributed to masculinity while the vices are seen as womanly. Cowardice, weakness, and deceitfulness are all things considered to belong to women, and when men practice them, we call them womanly. Courage, strength, and honor are considered masculine.
When women practice these virtues, we see them as being noble. It doesn't mean being butch. I think of Sigourney Weaver in the Alien movies. Time and time again, she displays the virtues. I'd follow her to hell and back. But she is a fictional character. I know of no real life counterpart to her.
In general, women are a fucked up bunch. To make matters worse, they project their bullshit onto others. For instance, I can always tell a bipolar female because she insists that I am bipolar. On and on, it goes. Women love religion and psychobabble and astrology and all sorts of quackery. Their gazes are planted firmly in their navels, and they talk about inner journeys and "healing." Christ, it makes me want to puke.
Most women's problems are easily solved:
Eat less and exercise more.
Spend less and earn more.
Find out what one is first.
Simple answers. There's nothing complicated about this shit. But women want to complicate things. This is because complicated problems can't be solved, but they can be whined about endlessly. This is what women do. They piss and moan. Take away their problems, and you have taken away the only meaningful thing in their lives.
The reason women whine is because they need a man to solve their problems. Actually, they can solve their own problems if left to suffer, but they have been trained to look to a man to fix things for them. Then, they get angry when he does just that.
Women are hopeless. They are miserable. They are irrational and without virtue. Consequently, happiness eludes them all and always will. I find this to be very sad. But I'm too busy being happy to dwell on it.
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