As a Southerner and a white hetero man, this is an issue I have to deal with. So, let me explain my issue as succinctly as I can.
When it comes to the government, I believe in equal treatment of all individuals. I decry discrimination against blacks, women, latinos, homosexuals, etc.
When it comes to individuals, I believe people have the right to be as racist and bigoted as much as they want including denying employment, goods, and services to people they hate. However, they do not have the right to deny other people their human rights which are life, liberty, and property.
How does this work out? Well, I oppose affirmative action, reparations for slavery, the notion of wrongful termination, etc. when it comes to private individuals. OTOH, I think the policy banning gays from the military was wrong as hell. I despise racial profiling, and I agree that many drivers are stopped for no other crime than driving while black. This shit is wrong.
I believe in the individual which as Ayn Rand pointed out is the smallest minority there is. If you protect individual rights, you automatically protect minority rights. And if this means the rights of some former Klansman to discriminate in his hiring practices, then so be it. I can believe in his right to be a racist and in his property rights without also believing in his bigotry.
Because minority groups have strayed from a firm foundation of individual rights, they are lead to hopeless contradictions, strife, and misery. This is why a million dollar ballplayer like Barry Bonds can still be mad as hell over his "mistreatment." I wish I was mistreated that way. And why does he feel that he is the victim of injustice? Because of racial collectivism. His individual rights are still much intact. He has suffered no injustice. Yet, he is a victim. I wish I was victimized like that.
The sad fact is that this mentality permeates much of Black America and has seeped into the women's rights movement, the gay rights movement, etc. And the unfortunate results are these groups are now the force of tyranny in this country with their speech codes, denial of property rights, etc. They believe that two wrongs make a right, but they don't.
Much of this stupidity is due to the work of activist organizations that exploit the anger and ignorance of their members. From Al Sharpton to Act Up to NOW, you have these people making a pretty good living and public career from the discontent of their "victims." Naturally, they have to stir up shit to keep their jobs, and this is what they do.
On the flip side, I'm not into the guilt thing. You're not going to make me feel guilty over shit that I simply did not do. My ancestors undoubtedly did some bad shit, but that was them. I didn't do it, and even if I did some of that shit today, that would still be between one individual and another.
The problem is that minorities have embraced Nietzsche's will to power bullshit. This is why you always hear the word "empowerment." They justify their own tyranny. But among minorities, this is a minority view. For instance, very few women contribute to and support NOW or actually give a shit about it. Unlike many feminists, there are women who want to be mothers, wives, and homemakers. This is not all of them, but if they choose this lifestyle, why should they be vilified? And why is it a bad thing?
The great threat to these organizations is contentment. So, they agitate. Liberty creates peace. By nature, people are largely indifferent to those things that are not immediately causing them harm. In fact, people will actually put up with lots and lots of shit. The income tax is a great example.
So, why is there so much minority strife? Because of these agitators. Now, I'm not singling them out. They are merely doing what the politicians do with their endless doomsday scenarios or what have you. In effect, these groups represent a shadow government lacking only in government power to force their agenda. But with a few contributions to the right people, they achieve the same end.
Tyranny is tyranny. Your victimhood doesn't give you the right to make victims of other people. But as it stands, this type of shit is what tears up the rest of the world in conflict. It actually makes people become racists or homophobes or misogynists when they normally wouldn't give a shit. If you keep labelling people this way and keep berating them, then they will embrace this shit simply because you have painted them in a corner. The result is a backlash. It is this cycle that fuels groups like al-Qaeda or the tribal conflicts in Africa. It is collectivism, and it is insidious.
I don't believe in color blindness, the brotherhood of man, or any of that other shit. This is just another collective. I believe in the individual, and this makes me surprisingly tolerant. I don't feel threatened by another person's differences. I accept these differences because they are what make him or her unique. I'm not on the power trip. I'm for the individual esp. those who are a bit odd.
In way of a conclusion, I need to go do some laundry now and go to the grocery store.
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