Monday, December 11, 2006

Trying to Have it Both Ways (A Wasteland Reprise)

Every so often, I get involved with a chick who wants to have it both ways. This is how the scenario plays itself out. I take her out on a few dates, hang out with her, etc. She decides that she likes me but not enough to nail down any kind of commitment. I am then relegated to the status of "friend." This means I have to meet the parents, change my hair and lifestyle, be available all the time, continue with dates, etc. And do I get to go out with other women? No. In other words, I have to be a boyfriend while not having a girlfriend in the hope that maybe--MAYBE--she might like me enough to want to keep me around. In other words, I am supposed to sit on the shelf like a jar of peaches until I'm wanted.

This has happened to me three times. I suppose this is what I get for being a nice guy. I really need to quit that.

The clincher in all of this is when you decide to break it off you get the guilt trip about ending the "friendship." Chalk this up to female logic. Women love to play this game where they come off smelling like a rose while you are portrayed as the scumbag. I just have to shake my head and laugh.

So, can men and women be friends? Nope. Women love to have tons of guys as "friends." They are all jars of peaches sitting on the shelf. If your significant other has some male "friends," you better believe they will be in the sack with them at some point in the future if it hasn't already happened. "Friend" is a slippery term with women and can mean whatever they want it to mean. It's just another one of their games.

Fellahs, all I can tell you is that it pays to live like a dog. Women would rather play games with a man than get serious, so it behooves you to be a player. Men didn't invent the game. Women did. So, don't hate the player. Hate the game.


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