1. Governor Sanford is asking for a tax hike on cigarettes. This is to pay for a corresponding decrease in the income tax. Governor Sanford is a piece of shit for doing this. I'm all for a tax decrease especially on the taxes I pay. I don't smoke, so the tax hike wouldn't directly affect me. But I think this proposed tax hike is a violation of principle. Sanford should just call for tax cuts across the board and quit trying to "compromise" on this shit. It's like letting yourself get ass raped because there might be a reacharound in it for you.
Wake up, governor.
2. I don't sit on the Iraq Study Group, but I can already tell you what the US should do in Iraq. Let the Kurds establish a separate homeland in the north. Then leave. This may sound crazy, but I think staying over there is even crazier. There is even talk of working out a deal with Iran. What a joke.
The simple fact of the matter is that the USA needs to mind its own business when it comes to foreign affairs. How many time do US politicians need to get slapped in the face before they realize it makes no sense to keep sticking their noses where they don't belong?
I would love for Iraq to be a free country. But it isn't my country. It is their country. Let them do with it what they will.
3. I'm not a big fan of Steve Spurrier. In two years at USC, he hasn't done much of anything, and he acts like it is someone else's fault. It's as if he isn't a coach so much as a visiting consultant to give tips to a bunch of losers. I'm sorry, but Spurrier was brought to USC to win not belittle the team in the media. We'll see what he does next season. But win or lose, the Gamecocks are his team, and he bears the responsibility for their performance.
4. I'm going through serious NASCAR withdrawal, and I can't wait for Daytona. But I have to say that the "Car of the Future" is going to really suck because I see those new spoilers littering the track on a regular basis. We'll see what happens, but it will probably be as popular as the NBA's new basketball.
5. Finally, Michael Richards shouldn't feel bad. His career was done long before that racist tirade. It's like sending a torpedo into the Titanic.
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