On Friday, the Wall Street Journal profiled (subscription required) NHL Deputy General Counsel Julie Spar Grand. As WSJ law blogger Peter Lattman attests, Ms. Grand seems quite satisfied with her sports law position:
Julie Spar Grand is a deputy GC at the National Hockey League. The 36-year-old Penn law grad loves her job. So much so, that in responding to the question “worst part about your job,” she replied, “Nothing comes to mind.” She’s says she’s spending much of her time these days implementing a league-wide electronic database of players’ medical records. . . .
Grand worked at Skadden, Arps, Slate, Meagher & Flom, where she worked in the firm’s prominent sports law practice. A former Skadden colleague who had already skated over to the NHL brought her onto the team. (Gary Bettman, the league’s commish, is a former partner at New York’s Proskauer Rose, as is the NBA’s Stern.)
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