Friday, September 22, 2006

The Citgo Sign Behind Fenway Park and Fearing Hugo Chavez

In a speech before the United Nations General Assembly on Thursday, Venezuelan president Hugo Chavez called President Bush "el diablo" which means "The Devil." Although Chavez's speech drew loud applause and cheer in the Assembly, it has generated a great deal of disdain in the United States, as has his remark that Bush is "an alcoholic." Chavez's remarks have also lead to guilt-by-association of the Citgo Petroleum Corporation, which is the U.S. based refining arm of Venezuela's state-run oil company. Venezuela is the fourth largest foreign source of U.S. oil and petroleum.

One proposed sanction of Citgo might affect baseball fans. Local city councilor Jerry McDermott argues that the storied "Citgo Sign" behind Fenway Park should be replaced by the City of Boston with a very large American Flag. Here's McDermott:

"Given the hatred of the United States displayed by dictator Hugo Chavez, it would be more fitting to see an American flag when you drive through Kenmore Square. I think people would soon forget the Citgo sign."
I have a better idea: let's do nothing. Really, wouldn't a government seizure of the Citgo sign only support Chavez's argument that we are living in a totalitarian state masked as a democracy? McDermott may be right that "people would soon forget the Citgo sign," but I wonder what else they might soon forget.


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