Sunday, July 14, 2013

Kesehatan Suplemen Makanan - Panduan Konsumen

Suplemen makanan kesehatan adalah salah satu menjual produk terpanas di pasar hari ini. Total konsumsi mereka nilai miliaran dolar di AS sendiri. Survei terbaru menunjukkan bahwa lebih dari setengah dari orang dewasa di AS mengonsumsi suplemen membuat makanan sehat dalam berbagai bentuk, seperti tablet, kapsul, bubuk, gel lembut, topi gel dan cairan.Peningkatan konsumsi suplemen makanan kesehatan dapat dikaitkan dengan kesadaran masyarakat tentang masalah kesehatan dan peningkatan standar hidup di masyarakat kita. Banyak penelitian telah...

Sunday, February 24, 2013

Random Card Of The Day: Scottie Pippen Stadium Club 93-94 High Court


Preview: Upper Deck Football 2013

2013 Upper Deck Football releases in April and brings back some favorites from last year such as the College Mascots as it continues the series of them. It also brings a pretty impressive autograph list including the possible #1 pick in Geno Smith. The card set is 50 base cards and 200 rookies.In a box you should find:6 cards per pack 20 packs per box Product Arrival Date:...

Saturday, February 23, 2013

Interesting Update on the Sandy "Hurricane Deductible"

Yesterday the NHC released an update to its hurricane reanalysis page which lists Sandy as a hurricane in the state of NY, but not NJ. The new update is consistent with the recent Sandy assessment, but far more back and white -- a storm is is or is not on the list as a hurricane.In New York following Sandy this happened (emphasis added, and for more background go here):The...


Contra Atheismum--Part 2: Pascal's Wager Reconsidered

Simon Peter answered him, “Lord, to whom shall we go? You have the words of eternal life. . ."JOHN 6:68 ESVBlaise Pascal is famous for his wager. It is very simple. If there is no God, the Christian and the atheist go to the grave. If God exists, the Christian goes to heaven while the atheist goes to hell. In short, the Christian has nothing to lose in believing, so being...

Random Card Of The Day: Jay Buhner Pacific Collection 1995



Friday, February 22, 2013

Random Card Of The Day: Tom Gordon 1989 Score Rookie


Thursday, February 21, 2013


Fellow sports lawyers, the Sports Law Blog has been a leading site for delivering cutting edge commentary and insight in the field of sports law.  As this leading site celebrates its 10th Anniversary in November, with the support of our Editor-in-Chief Michael McCann, we decided it was time to expand our efforts to brand and promote the tremendous talents of our contributors.A...


There are hundreds of energy drinks on the market, many the equivalent of putting gasoline in your tank... literally. The energy high comes with a crashing low, that is both physically and mentally depleting. There are a number though, like E-Boost, David Kirsch's Energy Bubbles and ZipFizz, with all natural ingredients that offer their pick-me-up power not with heart racing...

How Fast Does Energy Access Occur?

The figure above was shown by Morgan Bazilian, Deputy Director of the Joint Institute for Strategic Energy Analysis, in his talk at our Center today (details plus a webcast of the talk here). It comes from Chapter 19 of the 2012 Global Energy Assessment by IIASA (here in PDF).The graph shows for 10 countries the historical growth in energy access. In 1920, only 35% of Americans...

24/24; recovery

LC 2x20kg, 2x24kg: 5 reps each weightSC jerk 2x32kg: 2,4,4,4,4,2Clean 2x32kg: 5,5,5.4,5in sum: 24 jerk, 24 cleanGoblet squat 16kg: 2x 10reps Still recovering from the Disease (a flu or cold). The fever is gone and wanted to try some lifting. It was nice to haul some iron again, but my cardio was bad. I lost somewhere between 2, or 3kg, in bodyweight so I am down at 80,5kg. A long time since I got ill like this. Will make me appreciate even more when I'm healt...

FANdom Card Of The Day: 2011 Topps Supreme Autographed Relics Red #SARSR Stevan Ridley

Stevan Ridley had a break out season this year. It will be very interesting to see what he brings to the table next season.2011 Topps Supreme Autographed Relics Red #SARSR Stevan Ridley #01/20 If you want to own this card go to this link: Thanks to Jammin JDcard for providing us with the FANdom Card Of The Day...

MLB World Series Prize Group # 1 Revealed

We finally put together the winnings for Group #1 of our MLB World Series Contest. Group #2's will be similar to this. The value of this lot is around $70. We tried to make it worth your time. Good Luck and we hope you enjoy!Those of you involved in this contest right now in Group #1 are listed here:

Daily Fantasy Sports and the Law: The First Legal Challenge

On March 21, 2012, Illinois lawyer Chris Langone filed a lawsuit in the U.S. District Court for the Northern District of Illinois against Fan Duel and one of its purported winners, Patrick Kaiser.  The lawsuit seeks to recover the third-party losses of Fan Duel's contestants based on Illinois's version of the Statute of Anne -- a common law statute that sometimes...

Random Card Of The Day: Tommy Lasorda Topps 1983


February Contest Winners+Notes

We are sad to say that our February Contest has officially ended. And boy, what ups and downs we have seen throughout. People moving from first place to last to first. This was probably the best month yet. And the ending was much more thrilling than last months. All Top 3 heading into last night did not end up in the Top 3 in the end. As we stated throughout, anyone can win. With pretty much everyone gambling it all away, a few didn't enter, some not gambling anything and one other who gambled just enough to put themselves into third it was a lot...

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Front Porch Living

Walking through our neighbourhood, it's always interesting to see how many people store their bicycles out on the porch. Passing one particular block, it seemed like every other house had one. Occasionally readers ask whether storing a bike on the porch is a good idea, especially in the winter months. And as usual, it depends. Indoor bike storage can be tough around here,...

Presentation to Northwestern Sports Law Society

I will be at Northwestern University School of Law tomorrow (Thursday), presenting The Economics of the Infield Fly Rule to NU's Sports Law Society as part of Sports Law Society Week. The program runs from 12:10-1:20. Feel free to stop by if you are in Chica...

Slate on Indian Mascots

Following up on our discussions of Indian mascots, this week's Slate Hang Up and Listen podcast includes a segment (starting at 34:10) on the controversy, featuring Dr. Ellen Staurowsky, a professor of sports management at Drexel University (Ellen also was kind enough to contribute an excellent chapter for my book on Duke lacrosse). It is a good conversation, touching on many of the issues of Indian self-concept and self-image that Alex mentions in his post.Worth a list...

What is Basic Research?

Basic research is a political symbol. What is a "political symbol"? I explain the notion of a political symbol in my recent paper on basic research (here in PDF):Elder and Cobb (1983) define a symbol as: ‘‘any object used by human beings to index meanings that are not inherent in, nor discernible from, the object itself.’’ They continue:Literally anything can be a symbol:...

A Call to Action

NCAA President Mark Emmert's leadership, and lack of accountability, surrounding his organization's investigation into the University of Miami was an embarrasment to those of us in higher education.  Thankfully, the good folks at The Huffington Post have provided me an outlet to rant.The result is the following piece, titled "A Call to Action" where I advocate...

More on the significance of defining sport

The surprising and controversial announcement that wrestling is being dropped from the core Olympic programme effective with the 2020 Summer Games made me think that we may have found a reason why it matters whether something is a sport or not: Whether something is a sport (as opposed to a game or a competition) should be a tiebreaking factor when choosing between two events. In other words, when the IOC is deciding between wrestling and, say, synchronized ballroom dancing, the former wins out because it is a sport and the other is n...

MLB World Series Team Results!

We know there was some confusion with our contest rules. We had people picking teams, not realizing that the contest is open to US Residents only (all of our contests are like this due to shipping costs and a couple of bad experiences with shipping out of country. We apologize profusely for this rule but we have got to keep it in place) below every contest post it says this. If any of participants in group one missed this direction please let us know.Now onto the good news! Here are the 30 involved in our World Series promo! If we get more entries,...

Interesting Timing to be Removed from GEC Editorial Board

Five days ago I critiqued a shoddy paper by Brysse et al. 2013 which appeared in the journal Global Environmental Change. Today I received notice from the GEC editor-in chief and executive editor that I have been asked to "step down from the Editorial Board." They say that it is to "give other scientists the chance to gain experience of editorial duties."Over the past 20 years...

NBA trade deadline Clippers end Kevin Garnett trade talks

The Los Angeles Clippers have terminated talks with the Boston Celtics on a Kevin Garnett for Eric Bledsoe and DeAndre Jordan trade for now. The Celtics have been eager to continue the conversation on the deal, but league sources said the talks will remain dormant unless Clippers star Chris Paul pushes the issue with management.Several prominent executives and coaches with championship contenders told Yahoo! Sports they believe the Clippers would become more dangerous with Garnett.Clippers coach Vinny Del Negro is a proponent of the deal, too,...

Trade on Twitter...

Recently made a great trade with a great guy I found on Twitter known as mjb_cards104 ‏@Mjb_cards104. If you haven't followed him yet, you should. Loves to talk sports and the hobby. I don't normally trade and usually when approached I tell them that. But I do consider it sometimes. Its hard to know who to trust in this online world without going to specific sites...

FANdom Card Of The Day: Paul Hornung Press Pass Legends Of The Fall Autograph

Old School and Red Ink - Oh my!2011 Press Pass Legends Legends of the Fall Auto Red Ink #LOFPH Paul HornungIf you want to own this sweet card...follow the link:

February 20th 2013 FINAL DAY!!

FINAL DAY! WE would like to thank everyone for participating this month. It has been a lot of fun. We encourage those of you who are now eliminated to come back next month. One way to keep up on when we post a new day is to subscribe to the blog. Many of you will enter a day or two then get done. If you don't follow us on Twitter or Facebook or Subscribe you will never know when a new day is up. We appreciate all of our fans! Next month is our Blogversary so look for a special twist involved.As for today, only those of you whose names are in bold...

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Leo Babauta on Life Without Facebook

Living in a Facebook-less world is an interesting experience. I’m certainly not alone — others have quit too, and still others never joined.I no longer am as in touch with what family members halfway around the world are doing on a daily basis — I hear about the most important stuff through email or phones, but the little interesting details are lost. But so are the other details I’m not as interested in, and in my experience, the noise of Facebook outweighs the signal about 10-to-1.Life Without FacebookLeo has written an interesting post here...

Local Give-Away: Basil Tour Panniers

I've received an extra set of sample panniers from the Dutch bicycle accessory manufacturer Basil, to give away locally as I see fit. Can't decide who to give them to, so will use the blog and pick randomly. Local readers, this one's for you:Basil Tour Panniers silver and black32cm x 12cm x 32cm26L capacityReinforced construction in durable water-repellent 600D polyester;...

More on the Redskins and Indian Mascots

The following is by my colleague Alex Pearl; Alex is an enrolled member of the Chickasaw Nation of Oklahoma and writes and teaches on Indian Law.As mentioned here, the National Museum of the American Indian held a symposium entitled “Racist Stereotypes and Cultural Appropriation in American Sports.”  In this post I am limiting the discussion to the Redskins specifically and sports mascots generally.  I have to plug the comprehensive blog, Native Appropriations, which examines representations of Indigenous Peoples in popular culture generally,...


[SOC] Malachi Martin, Work, Utopia, Good and Evil

I am cold right now. I have my hoodie and my superhat on. My wife made the superhat, but she steals my hoodie all the time. Most of the time, I end up wearing a black fleece jacket which looks more like a sweater that I picked up from Walmart for 10 bucks.I have been reading up a bit on the resignation of Pope Benedict XVI and all the conspiracy theories and the rest swirling around. In my search, I came across this classic episode of Coast to Coast AM that is an interview between Art Bell and Malachi Martin: My wife and I love Coast to Coast AM....

Random Card Of The Day: Jose Canseco Fleer 1990 Base Card


Upcoming Cardsmith Breaks!!

Here are some upcoming Cardsmith breaks! All of the information in this post is directly from Cardsmith Breaks. If you haven't joined in on one of their breaks are missing out!2012-13 Panini Elite Basketball Random Case Break I posted a full case of 2012-13 Panini Elite basketball as a random team break for Wednesday.  I thought we had some basketball people,...

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