Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Review: Upper Deck World Of Sports 2011

First off, we want to thank Upper Deck for providing us with this box to not only review, but to be able to do some giveaways from :) Look for those in the near future!!

                                   $-$$$$$ Rating System

Box: The box design has premier athletes on the outside of it such as Michael Jordan and Landon Donovan.


Wrapper: Matches the box. Shiny. Kinda Catchy.


Base Cards: Clean. Good photography. Upper Deck has always done a great job with this and with not covering the cards with borders. And this brand covers all sports from Lacrosse to Golf to Football. Some of the base cards also have SP versions to them. We got 5 in our box.


Inserts: The only insert this brand has is World Of Politics. We got Newted. Some of these, not ours, are short prints.


Memorabilia: It, just as the title of it states, covers all sports. We got an Lacrosse swatch. its pretty cool.


Autographs: The autographs were nice. Some people don't care for sticker graphs, can't say we can complain. However, the only complaint we have is the dullness to the Athletes Of The World autograph. No pic of the person. Not very creative. And we didn't really hit it big with big name autos. Some of whom you can get is Michael Jordan, Cam Newton, and Landon Donovan.

Overall: A very, very unique product covering a ton of sports and over the world athletes as well. We beat the odds and got 4 hits instead of the stated 3. But, don't really know if the value is there. At least for the box we got. Maybe others did better. But still is a nice product and should you have a chance, give it a try if you like to go outside one sport and looking for something new.


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