Q: Are there any conspiracy theories you believe in?
A: I don't subscribe to the many conspiracy theories that you will see here from the likes of the Unknown Blogger. I don't believe 9/11 was an inside job. I don't believe in Planet X. I don't believe in the Illuminati, the globalist conspiracy, or that the Bilderberg group is a cabal that meets to decide on how to run the world. I reject 99% of the shit the U-man posts. The 1% I like would be the clips and music from blaxploitation flicks.
There is one conspiracy theory that does make me wonder. This would be the mysteries surrounding the JFK assassination. Unlike the big conspiracy theories, this one is actually small all things considered. Lee Harvey Oswald is believed to have acted alone which is the Lone Gunman Theory. The thing that blows my mind is how he actually pulled off three shots from where he was at considering the distance, the time, and the shitty rifle he had. I know Mythbusters did a special on this, so it is possible. But there's still plenty of room for conjecture and debate.
The reason I don't subscribe to conspiracy theories is because they rely on large groups of people colluding, coordinating, and keeping a secret. This just isn't possible. A real conspiracy like Watergate was blown open fairly quickly. There's no way a gigantic conspiracy like the one about the Illuminati could actually be true or even be pulled off. People always spill the beans.
The JFK conspiracy theory is different because if true it only required a handful of people to pull off. This makes it sound more plausible as I think a few people working together can keep this a secret especially when the consequences of being discovered would be so dire. Plus, Jack Ruby shooting the one guy that seemed very willing to spill the beans on such a conspiracy lends additional support to the theory. In fact, it was the killing of Oswald more than JFK that has sparked the theories. I remain open on the subject.
What does mystify me is how people don't pay attention to real conspiracies being perpetrated that we have evidence for. Wikileaks uncovers this shit, and it is a big deal around the rest world. Here in the USA, reactions are ho-hum. It blows my mind. It seems the American public only cares when the theory is mostly bullshit. I think the reason for this is because it is entertaining to subscribe to theories, but facts require action. The bottom line is that these nuts like to share a delusion they don't really believe in. With a guy like Alex Jones, you see it is a lucrative industry. In short, it is a subculture, and that's it.
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