I admit that I take a certain interest in celebrity gossip. I don't know why, but there is something about celecrity misery that piques my curiosity. It is essentially gossip on a larger page. So, I admit with some glee that I am laughing my ass off over rumors that Ashton Kutcher has been getting some ass on the side and that he and Demi are splitsville. Love is such bullshit. Bitches deserve every ounce of misery they get.
News that the USA Assassination Corps has taken out an American citizen and some collateral damage without due process is greeted with glee by the fasctards and with trepidation and dismay by civil liberties people, libertarians, and the broader antiwar movement. Why does it matter? Wasn't that guy scum?
There is a reason we have things like the Bill of Rights and the rule of law. These things keep the government and the clamoring mob in check. Yet, if you are Arab, you can virtually kiss your constitutional rights good-bye. From Guantanamo Bay to assassination, we have moved far away from the principles this great nation was founded on. Both Ron Paul and Gary Johnson have questioned this latest move, and I am in agreement with them. Where will all this lead? And are we so far down the road to tyranny that it doesn't even matter?
Due process matters because we cannot let the guilt or innocence of anyone be determined because of the whim of an elected leader especially when that leader gets to carry out the death sentence. People will say that scum like al-Awlaki don't deserve due process. This is absurd. Are we going to say that Charles Manson didn't deserve due process? Or Ted Bundy? Or the Unabomber? Or Tim McVeigh? If we say that only the good people deserve due process, then there is no due process. Due process is for bad people or at least people we think are bad. It is a check against the impulse to falsely condemn, sentence, and execute people. We already see how this has happened with the West Memphis Three, and they did get due process.
Things are so fucked up in this area now that it doesn't even matter anymore. Until the outright atrocities occur, things on the civil liberties front are not going to change. The fact that a lefty is POTUS when all this shit has gone down shows the utter absurdity of it all. There are no principles when it comes to government. There is only PR. Due process was good PR for a different time. But as the dirty cops used to say in New York, "It's Giuliani time!!"
If obama can unilaterally decide to assassinate an American citizen [slave], he can assassinate ANY American citizen. He should be impeached and charged with murder immediately.--SID LEROUX
BOA has really fucked up with their proposal to charge $5 a month for debit card usage. This is the bank's scheme ever since the collapse. They look for a hundred different ways to bleed your account with fees. Other banks are certain to follow suit. I have already decided to move my Wells Fargo account to a credit union. The irony is that when I do this they will probably charge me a fee for leaving their bank.
I understand banking is not free. The way it works is that you deposit your money to earn interest. The bank then uses this money to lend to others. Things like free checking and ATMs are there to entice depositors to put their money in that bank. Charging fees for this is akin to Google charging people for search or Facebook charging you to post links or connect with friends.
These fees are backlash against the government coming in and taking away the bank fees on bounced checks and other things. So, the banks have responded. I think the government should have stayed out of this, but they didn't. But this response is bad business on the part of the banks. As a man on the street, I can tell you that there is palpable anger against the banking sector amongst the public. Banks are hated now. A backlash is growing.
Lefties are protesting on Wall Street while Wall Street fat cats laugh and sip champagne. I don't know who is dumber. Is it the leftards who chose Wall Street instead of the Federal Reserve or Washington for their demonstration? Or is it the Masters of the Universe types thumbing their noses at the Marxist horde? I hate to say this, but I am not going to be terribly broken up over it if those champagne sippers get looted to hell and back. I remember them getting taxpayer bailout money. I suspect they are now going to discover the true price of those bailouts. It's like the price of getting a loan from the Mafia. The conditions of the agreement are subject to immediate and unpredictable revisions.
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