Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Netball the Worst Thing For Woman's Sport in NewZealand

Without a doubt the worst thing to happen to
Woman's sport in New Zealand is the sport
of Netball and The Silver Ferns are the very
worst thing to happen to sport for females.

For those people outside of New Zealand who
read this blog, Netball is a watered down
version of Basketball, that is huge in New
Zealand  and is 99% played by females.

It must be so frustrating if your a female and you
want to take up a sport, that Netball is your
first option thru the schools system.

It is so frustrating that if your a female
sportperson in this country you will
have to play Netball to get any sort
of decent coverage for your achievements.

Countless of cases through out the schools
of young girls wanting to play Basketball
or Football, or take up Track and Field
or Swimming, only to be told, no you have
to play Netball.

Never has a sport had such a Superiority
complex than Netball has, they really
believe their sport should have rights
over all others, and that attitude has been
hurting other female sports.

Yet if you bring this up, they can always
use the catch phrase of "Your just
saying this, because it's woman's sport"
which of course is utter BS.

Countless of sporting achievements by female
sports people, such as Sophia Baker, Martine
Puketapu,Natalie Taylor to name but a few, go
unnoticed because of the Journalistic Whores
in our media.

Lets get one thing straight, Netball is the most
insignificant non existent sport on the planet.
Nobody but New Zealand cares about it, in
Australia our so called arch rivals, Woman's
Basketball is taken far more seriously, but if
you listened to our media you wouldn't
believe it.

It's a shame, that sports such as Football,
Basketball, Swimming, Track and Field
and Volleyball are missing out on some
female stars because of the the Journalistic
Rape committed by Brendan Telfer and
Joseph Ramanos.

It's good for them to keep Netball in the
spotlight, they can say they are doing their
job, by promoting woman's sport, but they
aren't promoting it, they are killing it, by putting
this in the spotlight above our other international
female sporting teams.

New Zealanders may find this hard to swallow,
but you could teach a College girls Basketball team
anywhere on the planet the rules of Netball and
within two months they would thrash the Silver
Ferns by 50 points.

But don't expect to hear that from our media.


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