Wednesday, August 31, 2011

HEROES--Rachael Ray

People who know me will tell you that I have a major crush on Rachael Ray. That chick is awesome. She is an ideal woman, and if I ever had to marry, Rachael Ray (or some chick like her) would be the one. Let me tell you why Rachael is so fucking awesome.

Rachael embodies an autotelic personality. This is rare for many people but especially women. Rachael is happy, and I don't mean that ooey gooey smiley happiness. She is happy in that Aristotelian sense. If you doubt this, consider that Rachael does a daytime talk show, three shows for Food Network, a magazine where she writes the bulk of the material, and writes cookbooks. This is what I know just from the top of my head. I hear she does a bunch of other stuff as well behind the scenes. The woman is superbusy. How does she find the energy?

The woman's energy comes from that autotelic thing I mentioned. The woman lives in a constant state of flow. Her enthusiasm is infectious, but she is also very down-to-earth. She shows a great deal of humility pointing out her lack of training as a serious chef and her failures in the kitchen. None of this deters her. Plus, it helps that she is not Oprah.

Rachael is one of those women who I admire not just as a pretty woman with a pleasant personality but also as someone who lives robustly. She has a zeal for life that few others have. If you ever want to see happiness in a living person, you need look no further than Rachael Ray.

People know me for my love of food, but I have so much more I want to share. Our show's going to be all about taking a bigger bite out of life. I want people to see themselves in this show because life is full of messes and successes, and getting there is half the fun.



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