We've all heard the phrase before ... "The Elephant in the Room" ...
That awkward subject that everyone knows about but no one wants to talk about ...
At virtue camp we at SportsLeader make it a point to publicly address all the Elephants - give them their due.
This past weekend was no exception. Hanover College, a division 3 school in Indiana, brought their Senior football players for an opportunity to grow in leadership.
We were blessed with a fabulously star-studded night sky, an enormous bonfire, an opportunity to help someone pull their 2,000 pound tractor out of a ditch ... and some serious "elephant time".
I was impressed with the coaching staff ... they really got after this.
Some coaching staffs "go silent" when we've had some discussions like this - they unfortunately get as passive as the players. Not these men.
We found two main issues, we circled them in, and didn't stop till we came up with some concrete actions.
We finished off with an activity called "The Commission" where the coaches handed off the leadership of the team to this new group of Seniors. It was an event I don't these young men will ever forget.
Virtue = Strength, Lou
*-If you'd like to schedule a virtue camp for your team drop me a line.
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