Sunday, February 6, 2011

[U.] Introducing the Unknown Blogger

I put out a notice awhile back for guest bloggers, and no one responded to the notice except this guy. He is a bit of a fucknut, but he swears he has important things to share with us that are totally true and are not covered fairly or accurately in the mainstream media. Due to the nature of his revelations, he has requested that his identity remain a secret so as to avoid surveillance and assassination attempts. He has also asked me to refrain from any editing of content including for spelling, grammar, and punctuation. Without further ado, I give you the Unknown Blogger.--C.

hello everybody. i wish i could tell you who i am but i want to live. i haven't seen the black helicopters for awhile, so i think i lost them. i stay on the move a lot. i am writing this from a flying j truck stop in topeka. fuck i shouldn't have wrote that. they'll come get my ass.

charlie writes a lot of kick ass shit, but he is a lightweight pantywaist. he only gives half the truth. he doesn't give the WHOLE truth like i do. we both hate government so he is ok in my book. but he doesn't tell you that 9/11 was an inside job or the cia had a sharpshooter on the GRASSY KNOLL. the moon landing was a total hoax. there are concentration camps out here that they are preparing for us. i can go on and on.

i will lay it out for you. i will tell you the TRUTH. i will also give you tips on how to SURVIVE. buy some gold. get some ammo. buy more canned goods. it will get dark before it gets light. the future is mad max and beyond thunderdome fuckers. fucked up SHIT is coming.

our GOVERNMENT has nefariouss plots and skemes in store for us. they know shit is coming down in 2012. they know this because of the secrets out at roswell and AREA 51.

i am a big fan of coast to coast am and alex jones and loose change 9/11. i am also big on homeopathik medicine. don't let the big pharma boys fool you. you can cure cancer with magnets and carots. they just want to keep making money off our ignorance.

then i will tell you about the illuminati and the bliderberg group. there is so much SHIT you people don't have a clue about. but i do. and i will make this cblog the ublog as i tackle the UNKNOWN. the truth is out there motherfuckers.


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