The leftard blogosphere is abuzz with the news that Ayn Rand collected Social Security and Medicare. This would make her a hypocrite. But this is the same variation of an argument I have heard my entire life. In order to not be hypocrites, libertarians would have to refrain from driving on public highways or eating food inspected by the USDA or even refrain from saving and spending US currency. In short, because there is virtually no sphere of one's life left untouched by government tomfuckery, we should be grateful for that tomfuckery and shut the fuck up.
Rand may have been a hypocrite from an Objectivist standpoint but certainly not from a libertarian standpoint. I never turn down free money. If I can get back some of my stolen cash from Uncle Sam, I am going to do it. In addition, I will not hesitate to continue to use the postal service or attend public institutions of higher learning. The only welfare I turn down is one that reinforces bad choices such as unemployment compensation or collecting food stamps. As long as I don't have to give up something or change anything, this is free money, and I will sign up. Besides, I'm a taxpayer. I pay for that shit. Ayn Rand paid, too.
The New York Times used the hell out of Julian Assange and Wikileaks calling him not a partner but a "source." But unlike other sources, the NYT then turned around and trashed the living shit out of Assange trying to paint him as some unshowered nutcase. Now you know why Assange was not eager to cut deals with the duplicitous legacy media.
The Times is the past. Wikileaks is the future. Without Wikileaks, where would the Times be? William Keller is a slimebag piece of shit.
I don't know what else I can say about this except that it shows the folly of US interventionist foreign policy. Obama and his ilk sound dumber by the day. At some point, they will toss Mubarak under the bus and try to get all friendly with the new regime. But the Egyptians won't forget the meddling. Why can't the government just mind its own business?
For you info junkies out there, the best tip I can give you on dealing with the volume overload is to subscribe to all the Google News RSS feeds while cutting almost everything else out. You won't miss any of the good stuff while cutting way down on the overload.
5. CNN
I've been watching the Egyptian coverage on CNN instead of Fox or MSNBC. CNN is experiencing higher ratings which shows that there is a market for hard news and objective reporting especially during a time of breaking news. I think the network should leave the showbiz to the other news channels and go hard with the news and do it better than anyone else.
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