Snatch 24kg: 5/5,40/40
LCCJ 2x20kg: 5
LCCJ 2x24kg: 5, 42(9min)
Wanted a higher intensity, lower volume session. Aim was to reach lactic acid and cardio while adding the specificity of the competition format. This session, snatches became a cardio event and lc a grip event.
So by my standards this is high intensity in the sense that it is single sets that are close to my max. For others this would be a light warm-up :-).
SM in Kuusamo (LCCJ) is next weekend. I felt kind of worn out today before training with some muscle soreness from Thursday. If I feel great, I do some lifting Monday and then rest. If I still feel tired, I rest all week. So far, it seems like 5-6 rest days work best for me.
"Rest" includes mobility, stretching, light cardio, or even a very few heavy lifts.
There are no weight-classes in Kuusamo. So I can eat at ease, and even take a beer now :-)!
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