Friday, August 27, 2010


“For we are God’s fellow workers; you are God’s field, you are God’s building.” 
1 Corinthians 3:9
“Do not let any unwholesome talk come out of your mouths, but only what is helpful for building others up according to their needs, that it may benefit those who listen.”
Ephesians 4:29
“Therefore encourage one another and build each other up, just as in fact you are doing.”
 Thessalonians 5:11
I was struck the past few days of the many uses of the word “build”. 
*** For example, my 3 year old daughter watched Bob the Builder this morning.(and my son and I sang the song for the next hour, much to my wife’s annoyance!)
***  Jeff Jordan’s State Champ Camp has written on their merchandise, Noah didn’t wait for his ship to come in…he built one.  
***Jim Collins, author of Good to Great, first wrote the best seller, Built to Last.
*** We all have wanted to be “bodybuilders”, especially the ultimate bodybuilder, Arnold Schwarzenegger(sp?). 
***Probably my favorite is in the movie, Field of Dreams, when Kevin Costner keeps hearing that mysterious voice urging him…. “Build it and he will come!”
At Winton Woods High School we are attempting to build a championship wrestling program.  We are attempting to build boys up into championship men.  We are builders.  I’ve never thought about it, but what a noble profession! Not necessarily to be a coach but to be a builder.  To take something, and mold it, shape it, urge it into something different, something new, something better than what is was before, dare I say is heavenly.  As we all know, we have not built ourselves.  God built us, he created us.  What is more, He is constantly creating us, making us better every day on this earth…..with or without our consent.  For us to participate in the art of building is to connect us intimately to Our Creator, the Master Builder.  
What have you built recently?  Have you built up another person?  Have you built up muscles you never thought you had before?  Have you built an addition to your house?  Have you built a sandcastle with your kids this summer?  Have you helped build a school curriculum plan? Have you built your lesson plans/football plans for the season?  Have you have helped build team unity on your team for the upcoming season?  Have you helped build up a struggling wrestling program?(I know many of you have done this!)  I am sure you have built something recently.  Now take a minute to think of the joy you had during the building, the excitement, the lying in bed at night, not being able to fall asleep, because you just can’t turn off your brain. Then think of the joy when you accomplished the task.  How proud were you?  How good did you feel?  I know that feeling comes from God.  Does God feel the same way when he builds me? God, I hope so!  We are meant to build life here on earth.  We are meant to experience the glory of God on earth, doing God’s bidding.  We are meant to build.
Think hard……..Pray harder…….Ask friends and family…..pray again.  What does God want you to build?  I KNOW He wants us all to build something or somebody.  The question is, do you? 
Turn off the TV and computer, get off the couch and get going.  The sooner you start tearing up your backyard to build a baseball field…..the sooner you’ll be playing catch with your Father on that field you built together!  May it bring tears to your eyes!
Coach Willertz
Winton Woods Wrestling:  If you can’t stand the heat..get out of the kitchen!


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