I rub shoulders with a lot of left wing thinking people. This is usually happens as a result of being an atheist. Generally, I respect their social and religious views because they are similar to my own. I do not respect their economic views. This is because those views require having shit for brains, and I do not have shit for brains except maybe when it comes to picking my clothes and friends.
Before I even begin with this literary beatdown, I want to go ahead and deal with the only argument my leftist friends will make against me. "That is not my way of thinking at all. You are overgeneralizing. Blah blah blah." In short, these folks try to slice their apple so thin as to say that it isn't an apple. But it is an apple, folks. Let us begin.
Lefties, liberals, or whatnot are communists. This is the bottom line. This is where we go back to the apple slicing analogy. Lefties try to disclaim Marxist thought because of the negative but empirical data showing that it is an utter failure and can never work. In short, they want a Marxist world, but they try not to call it Marxism or communism or what have you. But it is what it is.
Communism does not work. The Soviet Union collapsed because its economic system did not work. Eastern Europe went with it. Communist China has abandoned its strict economic control and given way to capitalist free market reforms. North Korea is a nightmare world of starvation and oppression. Cuba is in a time warp. Wherever there is communism, freedom and prosperity are absent.
The Left is desperate to salvage communism because they believe in the dream of total equality for all. But it is simply a dream. Only a deluded fool can go along with it. Communism does not work. Under the mixed economy of socialism, you have a diminishment of prosperity and freedom. In France, unemployment is high along with taxation and the ability to work extra hours to make more money.
Where we have free markets (or some level of freedom since there are no absolute free markets), there is an increase in prosperity and freedom. China, India, and Ireland were all very poor nations. Since instituting free market reforms, they have boomed in a dramatic way. Again and again, economic freedom is shown to improve the quality of life for all people. Granted, this prosperity is not equal. But which is better--the unequal prosperity of the USA or the equal poverty of North Korea? The reality is that the impoverished in capitalist countries fare better than those in communist countries.
I find it absurd that I have to continue to present these arguments. It amazes me how utterly fucking retarded lefties are on this shit. How can anyone ignore the mountain of evidence in support of economic freedom?
This doctrine of equality among the Left is more religion than fact. It is a touchstone of faith and not empirical thinking. I laugh at how far lefties will go to delude themselves into thinking that a simple tweak of Marxist policy will yield some egalitarian utopia. Capitalism works every time. Communism fails every time. Free markets do not need pristine conditions to work their magic. Hell, they often work despite efforts to suppress them. Black markets spring up all the time to fill the vacuum.
The only real argument the Left has is damage to the environment. As I said before, the Reds are Greens now. This is because lefties care less about the environment than they do about greedy corporate interests. They would believe in just about anything so long as it is anti-capitalistic. If it hurts business, they are for it.
I am not a supporter of pollution, but I will match the environmental record of any industrialized Western nation against the Soviet Union. The USSR was an ecological nightmare. A big part of the reason why we care about the environment here in the USA is a direct result of our prosperity. We want clean air and water. We don't want costs imposed upon us, and these are legitimate concerns which I support. But the answer lies in economic freedom not in economic control.
My advice to the Left is to abandon Marxism. Quit being commies. Instead, embrace capitalism, entrepreneurship, and free markets. Use freedom to come up with alternatives. If you believe that corporations impose costs upon others, then sue them. But don't kill free markets thinking this will make things better. Freedom isn't the problem. It is the solution. Communism never worked. It never will. So, get some brains and evolve out of being stupid.
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