Saturday, May 31, 2008

Why do some people think they have Authority?

Why do some people in society think they have authority over others? I'm not talking about the Police or Firefighters or the army or civil defense officers, Im talking about people from certain sectors of society, who think they have the right to tell people what to do.Here are some examples.Take those jackasses from Destiny Church, the media was filming a conference in...

Lagan and Aimee - Dressage

These came into my inbox over the weekend. They look good together don't they. They qualified for HOTY the weekend these pix were taken. Well done Aimee and Lag...

Random Thoughts on Various Subjects

1. GEORGE CLOONEYGeorge Clooney busted up with Sarah Larson after one year. Not sure why. There's a lot of speculation that she pissed George off by talking publicly about their relationship or because pictures are surfacing on the internet of Larson in the nude. Who knows? I just know that Clooney is always going to be a bachelor. Smart guy.2. GREAT RACHAEL RAY QUOTEI've just sort of gone with the flow and I ended up here. Crazy. I'm not going to start planning anything, my life is way better than anybody could have planned it.Amazing woman.3....

Friday, May 30, 2008

Reilly's Paddock Antics

Today was another lovely sunny Wairarapa day so the horse's rugs all came off and I snapped off some shots of my little ratbag enjoying the sunshine....

PRINT-Blink by Malcolm Gladwell

Malcolm Gladwell's Blink is about instinctive thinking. It deals with intuition and gut reaction. The book is evenhanded showing how this type of thinking can be positive, and how it can be negative.Gladwell points out that more deliberate thinking involving logic and data leaves out a great deal of this subconscious processing that goes on in our brains. He gives an example...

"Friendly" Confines = Confines with a Civility Code?

Yet another fan speech controversy is brewing, this one in the left-field bleachers at Wrigley Field. Cub fans have been booing Alfonso Soriano for his poor defense, which prompted Cub officials to warn fans that "any profane or inappropriate comments" toward Soriano would result in immediate rejection. (H/T: Adam Wasch, Sports Law Blog reader and president of the FIU Sports...

Why Cricket is not a Gentle Game

This short clip, shows you have to be pretty tough to play cricket. This is a high motion video of a cricket ball breaking the rim of the helmet of batsmen Daniel Flynn and thus doing him serious damage to his face.He actually managed to walk off the field, but has been in a bad way ever since, the accident happened last friday.He had a bit of a relapse today, but should pull through. A cricket ball is much harder than a baseball, so you kinda know what kind of pain this poor man has been in the last few days.Unfortunately, according to our...

Thursday, May 29, 2008

Intentional Tort of Last Resort Alert: Clemens Adds "Outrage" Claim to McNamee Suit

Yesterday, Roger Clemens added a claim for "Intentional Infliction of Emotional Distress" to his lawsuit against former trainer Brian McNamee. Prior to this, Clemens claim was based on defamation (false statements harming his reputation).Intentional infliction of emotional distress ("IIED"), also known as the tort of "Outrage", is the new kid on the intentional tort block....

SORAYAMA, unkn...

Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Economic Illiteracy

The thing that separates libertarians from the rest of the political world is that libertarians have a keen understanding of economics. Talk to any Democrat or Republican, and you will find them to be clueless fucktards on economic issues.I can tell you that this country will never come around to a pro-freedom direction until the public becomes educated on economics. This does not mean they have to have Ph.D. level knowledge on this shit. But they should have some basic clue that the miniumum wage is not good, trade deficits are not bad, government...

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

The Bioethics of Oscar Pistorius Competing in the Olympics

Last week, Geoff wrote an excellent post on whether double amputee sprinter Oscar Pistorius should be able to compete in the Olympics. Over Blog Bioethics, Dr. Arthur Caplan, Chair of the Department of Medical Ethics and the Director of the Center for Bioethics at the University of Pennsylvania, has a compelling analysis that largely argues against allowing Pistorius to compete. Here's an excerpt:Continuity with history Pistorius' amazing drive to compete may cause an even more troubling problem. Sport demands continuity with its own history....

BUMPER STICKER-- Save a cow. Eat a vegetari...

How do you get a nun pregnant? Dress her up as an altar b...

New Sports Law Scholarship

Recently published scholarship, including a symposium on Title IX:Omar Hafez Ayad, Note, Take the training wheels off the league: Major League Soccer’s dysfunctional relationship with the international soccer transfer system, 10 VANDERBILT JOURNAL OF ENTERTAINMENT & TECHNOLOGY LAW 413 (2008) Sen. Birch Bayh, Personal insights and experiences regarding the passage of Title IX, 55 CLEVELAND STATE LAW REVIEW 463 (2007)Deborah L. Brake, Title IX as pragmatic feminism, 55 CLEVELAND STATE LAW REVIEW 513 (2007)Tim Bezbatchenko, Comment, Bend it for...

Monday, May 26, 2008

Memorial Day Weekend Recap

Not much to say about this weekend. I saw Iron Man on Saturday with a charming young lady. It was a great movie and great company.On Sunday, I goofed off until I got the usual Sunday evening blues. I foguht them by seeing the new Indiana Jones movie. It only made me sadder as that movie is filled with nostalgia. Nostalgia is a form of sadness which is why the movie is kind of a downer. Still fun, but you felt a bit wistful watching it.On Monday, I had a day off but managed to go into work anyway. It is probably my best way to spend a holiday.Finally,...

Two from The Times

Two interesting sports-related op-eds in The New York Times:First, former major leaguer Doug Glanville (a Penn grad and a very thoughtful person) discusses the "unwritten rules" of baseball, mostly as the relate to players' obligations to fight.Second, Francis Clines considers what he sees as the new practice of fans booing their own playe...

England Win


The Social Cost of Atheism

One day, a son approached his father and said, "Dad, I have something to tell you. It may upset you, but I have to tell you this.""What is it, son?" the father replied."Dad, I am gay.""Oh, thank God. You had me worried there. I thought you were going tell me you had become an atheist."I share this fictional anecdote in jest to show how far acceptance of homosexuality has come compared to acceptance of atheism. The reality is that there are many atheists who spare themselves the social cost of that atheism by never declaring their beliefs on the...

Sunday, May 25, 2008

Well Done to TVNZ

For your coverage of Scott Dix...



Bob Barr for President

Bob Barr is the LP candidate for president. He has my vote and support.Yes, I know he has no chance of winning, but I am hoping he will get enough support to be included in the presidential debates. He is already being called a spoiler. Personally, I don't see how we would be better off with either Obama or McCain. Neither one of them gives a damn about freedom.If the Ron Paul Revolution falls in behind the Bob Barr campaign, good things will happen. I think our message will be heard and our ideas gain a greater adherence. I think people are starting...

Hey Telfer, where's my air ticket

Hey Telfer, where is my airticket??? You promised me that you will buy me a airticket to North Korea, just because you didnt like the email I sent to radiosport, but you have yet to sendin the money. Surly your not a man who would break your promises???Imagine, someone questioning a sporting Journalist over his coverage of the Scott Dixon's story, I mean ya wake up in...

Where to Now for Scott Dixon

During the upcoming weeks, Dixon is going to be everywhere in the media, every talkshow in the USA, every newspaper across the USA all over radio, so the question has to be asked? where does he go from here?He has won the most famous race in all of sport, should he retire? What has he got left to achieve?He has the world at his feet, and if the New Zealand Government has...

NZL Sporting Journos Blow it

Once again, our sporting Journos have blown it, with one of Nzl's biggest sporting achievements ever, Scott Dixon winning the Indy 500, they are once again downplaying it.To wake up and turn on the radio and hear the Journos talk about how Dan Carter is a great rugby player, to log on to NZL sports websites and see pictures of rugby players, on a day when Scott became...

Blackcaps Blow it

Is there any team in sport, that gets his fans hopes us, only to have them crashing down to earth, like the blackcaps. With a lead of 179 on the first innings, all the blackcaps had to do was to cruise past 200 runs in their second innings to get a big lead and have England out of the match, well I dont even want to write about it, we collasped for 114, leaving England 294...

Scott Dixon Wins the Indy 500!!!

Congrats to Scott Dixon for becoming the first kiwi to win the Indy 500. This would have to be one of our best sporting achievements ev...

Saturday, May 24, 2008

Random Thoughts on Various Subjects

1. HILLARYIt is time for this stupid bitch to take a curtain call. That RFK remark was really stupid politically. She is our IDIOT OF THE WEEK.2. OBAMAThe only good thing I can say about this fucktard is that he will get us out of Iraq. Of course, Bush promised no "nation building." Presidents have a bad habit of doing the opposite of what they campaigned on.3. McCAINMore of the same. Voting for him would be no different than voting to extend the Bush presidency.4. KYLE BUSCHThough I hate to admit it, I like this punk. He is a rebel and a non-conformist....

Sports Media Ethics (or lack thereof)

Bonjour from France. I am teaching an international sports law course in France, so my blogging will be limited during the next several weeks. But I wanted to mention the panel on sports media ethics that I moderated last week in San Francisco at the Sports Lawyers Association annual conference. The panelists included members of the sports media, Lester Munson (ESPN) and Jon Wertheim (Sports Illustrated), Jane Kirtley (media ethics professor and expert) and Michael Huyghue (commissioner of the newly formed United Football League and former agent...

Friday, May 23, 2008

Day One Test Two Blackscap do well and thats the tooth!

Er, the truth. On a bouncy wicket and a overcast day that was once again effected by the weather. New Zealand batted on and made 202/4, a solid position.Taylor showed his brilliance with an unbeaten 67, Flynn lost a toothed, and New Zealand is well positioned with six wickets in hand to get past 300 and maybe push 350.Tomorrow morning session's will determined the outcome...

Thursday, May 22, 2008

Learning to Be Alone

There are two cures for loneliness. The first cure is to go out and find some people to be with. This helps a bit, but it doesn't change the fact that you live alone. You can get a girlfriend, and try to change this reality. But she is simply going to use you or fuck you over. The simple fact is that when I am dating someone I usually end up worse off than before.The second cure for loneliness is to immerse yourself in work and projects and forget about finding someone. It doesn't really cure anything much like eating rice cakes won't stop you...

All women are different, but all wives are the same. (Hat tip: my brother Jaso...

NEXT GREAT INVENTION-- The vibrator-salad tosser combo. (Hat tip: my wise frien...

Wednesday, May 21, 2008


Why I Go Public

I have a habit which may or may not necessarily be bad. But it is one I fall into again and again. When people fuck me over, I let the world know about it.All of this began the day I went down to get in my car to go to work only to see that it was gone. Someone had stolen my car. It was later recovered, and I know who did it. It was an ex-girlfriend. She stole it and wrecked it.This incident came after a lifetime of fuckovers from people close to me. I was just mystified as to why this had happened. I ended up blaming myself.My problem is that...

Love is Still Bullshit

Schopenhauer was right.I want to believe. I want to believe that two people can be together, and it means something. But it doesn't. Love is a fiction. Love is bullshit. I am a fool for ever thinking differently.The statistics, the reams of personal anecdotes I have collected, my observations of what I see going on everyday with others, and my own disastrous personal life all point to one inescapable conclusion. It is all an utter crock of shit.Don't fall in love. It is an illusion. Women are fuckmeat. Even if you try to think higher of them, they...

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Despair is the byproduct of a life of inactivi...

California's Miller-Ayala Act and the O.J. Mayo Situation

Most states have a statute regulating agents that is modeled after the Uniform Athlete Agents Act. The one in California is not based upon that model, but section 18897.6 of the California Business and Professions Code does seem to apply to the Mayo allegations:“18897.6. No athlete agent or athlete agent's representative or employee shall, directly or indirectly, offer or provide money or any other thing of benefit or value to a student athlete.”The USC Trojans website actually contains a link to the Miller-Ayala Act at

Monday, May 19, 2008

Garth Gets Crystalized

If your a music artist, you may get a gold record, if your a good artist you may go Platinum, if your a great artist you may go Multi Platinum and if your a Legend you will receive a Diamond award.When your name is Garth Brooks, they have to invent a whole new award for you.You see nothing had existed that complements Garth's career, so they had to come up with a whole new...

First Test: A Draw

The first cricket test between New Zealand and England has ended in a draw. It was a match in which the blackcaps will come out feeling better, with a five wicket bag for Vettori, a Century for Oram and amazing performances by How and McCullum.Once again, cricket writers have underestimated how good this team is under Daniel Vettori, and the blackcaps changes of winning this...

Labor-management conflict brewing in the NFL (in 2011)?

The Workplace Prof blog links to the ESPN stori...

Are aluminum bats an unreasonably dangerous product?

The Tort Law Professor blog has details (and links) regarding a products liability lawsuit filed over an injury to a little league baseball player hit in the chest by a batted ball against, among other defandants, the manufacturer of the bat.Under the "risk-utility" test for products cases, the plaintiff will have to show that the "usefulness" of the bat's design (aluminum, as opposed to wood), is not outweighed by the higher risks to players in the field that aluminum bats pose.An interesting case to watch.UPDATE (7:38 pm): A sympathetic Jeff...

Sunday, May 18, 2008

Reilly at home - May 19th

Photos and a brief video of today's ride. The first canter is hysterical - hopefully I remembered to edit out the sound - Bit of excitement when I thought we were going to struggle to get around the corner, especially with Reilly on the wrong lead. Dear little horse tried hard to please me as always. The second canter is much better, we even have the beginnings of self carriage,...


I am compelled to write this because I think someone needs this very much.I am proud of who I am. I do what I do for me. I am good to other people not for their sake but for my sake. I like who I am.I don't ever say that to anyone because it seems arrogant. But what is the alternative? I should hate myself?I used to hate myself. When I did, I didn't care what I did to other people because I was a piece of shit anyway. People are amazed at how self-deprecating I am and will say that I hate myself. But I don't hate myself. It is because I accept...

The End of Joyce

Joyce and I are done. I tried very hard to make it work with her, but she is now no longer speaking to me. I'm not sure why, but she says it is for the best. Sadly, I must agree.I am a good guy. I hate writing that, but it is true. I don't cheat. I don't beat on women. I work my job and pay my bills. I have great compassion for others. And when I love a woman, I love her absolutely.I don't know why women can't deal with me. They want to be with me so bad. Then, they fall apart. They can't keep it together. Why do they have to date me? Why do they...

Day 4: New Zealand 277 & 40-0 v England 319

How valuable is Vettori to the New Zealand cricket side? Well in terms of the history of New Zealand cricket, only Sir Richard Hadlee has contributed more.New Zealand could of been facing heavy defeat, but thanks to a five wicket bag, the first for a spinner since 1996 at Lords, the blackcaps have been saved by their courageous captain, with only one days play left, a draw...

Watch out Dawg!

So Reilly was feeling his oats this morning when I was out taking clip pix and he and Jet had quite a run around together. Of course my batteries went flat so I missed all the best shots but here are a couple that I managed to get off before the batteries died completely. Jet actually keeps quite a distance from Reilly even though the photos may not show this. She was kicked...

Another tick in a box for Reilly - Clipped!

I really wish I had video of Reilly's first clipping session now - I swear if you did not know, you would've sworn he had been sedated but no, he was just soaking up the attention because, as far as Reilly is concerned, any time with people is a good time. Karen came down with her lovely quiet cordless clippers and did a much better job of clipping him than I ever would have....

Double-Amputee Pistorius Wins Right to Run with Cheetahs; Most Offensive Metaphor in a Disability Case Ever?

Oscar Pistorius has become "the first amputee to successfully challenge the notion that his carbon-fiber prosthetics gave him an unfair advantage and assured his right to race against able-bodied athletes in the Olympics . . ." The full text of the Court for Arbitration of Sport ("CAS") panel's decision can be downloaded here. However, since CAS has not yet created a searchable...

Skywalker, Solo, and Vader

I have a taxonomy of women called the Three Categories. Naturally, women ask me if I have a similar taxonomy for men. I lie and tell them that I don't. The reality is that I do and have had it for a long time. I categorize men in three categories--Skywalker, Solo, and Vader.SKYWALKERA Skywalker is a nice guy. He is a boy scout. He goes to church. He honors his parents, and...

Saturday, May 17, 2008

Day 3: Oh the weather outside is frightful

Only 42 Minutes on Day 3.NZL 277 and England 89/0.It has to be a draw, unless England gives a sporting declaration, followed by the Blackcaps. I doubt this will happen thou...

The Fountainhead


Ayn Rand on Phil Donahue

Part 1Part 2Part 3Part 4Part...

Friday, May 16, 2008

Day 2: NZ 277 England 68/0

Day 2 once again belonged to England, but with a brilliant lower order 48 from Vettori, New Zealand is still in this match, we finally have a captain who is consistent in his run making, not bad for a bowler, I think!!!!Southee is going to be the key on day three, the Blackcaps must get him on straight away and hopefully he can stay swinging the ba...

How to Cope


Thursday, May 15, 2008

Day1: Brendon McCullum gets 97 NZ 208/6

How valuable is this player to the team? NZ in all sorts of trouble at 100 odd for five and once again a middle order player saves our bacon as New Zealand finishes the day at 208/6. A brilliant innings of 97 has not only kept the Blackcaps innings alive, but they have kept their chances in this test alive.If Vettori and Oram and then Southee can go on with it, NZ might push...

The Cost of College Sports

A new article in the Chronicle of Higher Education reveals that from 2004-06, only 17 out of 330 Division I athletic departments operated at a profit, with universities making up the difference, usually out of general operating revenues. This marked the first time the NCAA had reported budgetary numbers by focusing on revenues allocated to athletics departments by the school, rather than on revenues generated by athletics themselv...

I have a real knack for pissing women off. I just tell them the tru...

Graduation - I did it!

This week I graduated with my Postgraduate Diploma in Teaching (Secondary) and this time around, unlike when I graduated with my Bachelor of Arts, I was capped in a Graduation Ceremony. It was great! I didn't really know anyone as I did my studies online but amazingly the one single online student aside from me graduating in the May ceremony was number 288 to go and I was...

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