What was most fascinating about last night’s 60 Minutes Program was the hype. For days we have been seeing the promos for the blockbuster face-off between Roger Clemens and Mike Wallace. The interview was so newsworthy the New York Times leaked its highlights a few days before the show aired.
When Sunday night arrived, we all knew the Clemens piece would be the last of the three segments. Any follower of the program knows that CBS saves the most important piece for last so the viewer has to stay tuned, particularly during football season when the odd finishing time compels the viewer to watch CBS for the night.
So what were the filler segments? Just a little interview with Pakistani President Pervez Musharraf about his thoughts on the assassination of Benazir Bhutto. While the fate of the free world and its war on terror may ride on what happens in Pakistan, this must pale in importance to whether Clemens did or did not use performance enhancing drugs to throw a baseball 60 feet 6 inches. Edwar R. Murrow must be rolling in his grave.
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