Anyone who knows me will tell you that I spend a lot of time talking about time, money, and energy. I call them the limiting factors because I never seem to have enough of all three. I believe that if I could ever get those three things straight in my life, a whole lot of good things would happen for me.
One of the things I have noticed is how all three are related in some way. A shortage of energy increases the time it takes to do things. A shortage of time increases the amount of money you spend such as the amount you will drop for the "convenience" of a convenience store. Or you might cut back on sleep which lowers your energy levels and also your immunity. The result is that you get sick more often.
The reality is that time, money, and energy are not limiting factors but resources. The only limitation with them is that they are finite. But if you make the correct choices with those resources, they will add to themselves and grow. I must admit that I have been making the wrong choices. Here are some things I have figured out about time, money, and energy.
The biggest torpedo to your time is the agenda of other people. It pains me to say that, but I had that epiphany while talking to my girlfriend. She is frustrated because she can't get anything done at work because people are interrupting her all day long. The result is that she is working Saturday while those people are out enjoying their weekends.
People eat time. They co-opt your time and make it theirs. They may not even realize they are doing it. But they are doing it. I am always aware of this. I don't like to waste other people's time. Time is life, so when you waste time, you are wasting life.
What defines a productive use of time is person relative. For instance, writing on this blog is a waste of time to just about anyone else except me. One of the things that pisses me off is when people ask me what I am doing before asking me to do something. The use of my time is not up for their appraisal. It is my time even if I want to spend it watching Saturday morning cartoons in my underwear and eating a peanut butter and jelly sandwich. Ask me if I would like to do something, but don't ask me what I am doing. That's my business.
It is easy to say no to fucktard coworkers, cocksucker salesmen, and utter strangers especially the ones cluthing a copy of The Watchtower in their hands. It is hard to say no to the people you love. What adds to the stress level is when multiple people you love all want you at the same time. This is why your parents end up hating the people you date and marry. "He never visits anymore since marrying that woman. . ."
You are never going to win on this shit. What is funny is how these same people never take the time out for you. They will low rate the shit out of you for not catering to their agendas, but they never take a moment to help you with your agenda except maybe to criticize you for not getting more shit done. And the reason it doesn't get done? You guessed it. Those same people who eat up your time.
You have to be selfish with your time and not feel guilty about it. That is the secret of time management. You have to feel free to turn off the cellphone or not answer your email for awhile or tell people if they want some time with you they are going to have to make the effort once in awhile to see you. What you will find to your utter amazement is how people can get along just fine without you especially when it is going to cost them something.
There are certain people you can't ignore. This is also person relative. Your list will differ from mine. You can ignore your coworkers but not your boss. You can ignore a nagging mother but never a nagging girlfriend. People learn their importance to you, and it is not always pleasant. But it is unavoidable. I'm just going to quit feeling guilty when I tell someone I don't have the time to spend with them.
The other thing I have noticed is how people who waste their time don't think anything of wasting your time. These people have nothing to do, so they want you to do nothing with them. Fucking annoying as hell. My old man would do this. He would piddle his time away in the garage. I never had a problem with this until he asked me to come help him piddle. Fuck that. I hated him for that shit. I still do.
My time is mine. I'm not letting other people steal it and waste it.
It never fails that no matter how much money I make it is never enough. I don't have any trouble paying my bills. I live within my means. Most people don't. They spend rather than save. They don't budget. They are always borrowing and conveniently forgetting to repay.
I learned a long time ago that the key to building wealth was to build savings through spending less than what you earn and investing it appropriately. This will always be true. People who are bad with money can't stand this truth. They abhor it. They ignore it to their own demise. This is because saving requires delaying gratification. It means working longer hours and doing without. It means buying cheaper goods and services and ignoring social pressures and class expectations to have more and better.
I haven't really learned anything new when it comes to money. I just know that it is the repeated small purchases that add up to big monthly expenses. I think cable TV is a great deal all things considered. I think buying cigarettes is a lousy deal. I think having a Lexus is a great deal. I think a Harley-Davidson is a waste of money. And don't get me started on boats and Jet Skis. They are all lousy deals.
It is hard to have energy when you are sleep deprived, out of shape, and sick. You are better off sleeping than skipping sleep. I've done the Zombie Dance, and it isn't more productive. It is less.
I have learned a few things about energy. You have to sleep at least 6 hours to be worth a damn. People who say they are getting by on 3 to 4 hours a night for nights on end are lying. I've tried it, and you will be shutdown by the end of the week. These people are crashing on the weekends and wiping the fuck out. I know because this is what I do.
In terms of energy, it is better to work more days than more hours. This means getting things done on the weekend instead of during the week and getting adequate rest. Skipping sleep doesn't work. It results in more errors and less getting done. But you can still work 12 hours a day and get your rest. You just can't do much of anything else.
Another insight that I have come across is caffeine doesn't work. It peps you up for a short bit, but sleep deprivation always wins. In addition, coffee and sodas all day dehydrate you which compromises your immunity. I noticed I am sick more often and longer than people who drink water regularly.
When it comes to energy, you have to take care of your body. It is unavoidable. You have to rest. You have to exercise. You have to eat right. And you have to hydrate.
I am sick and sleep deprived almost all the time. This is because I have become deficient in taking care of myself. But I am eating right which is resulting in pretty good things for me these days. I think cutting out the caffeine and getting to bed can only benefit me.
When it comes to time, money, and energy, you have to learn to accept your limits and live within them. The product of this common sense should actually result in greater productivity over the long term. We'll see what happens.
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