Professor Daniel Lazaroff of Loyola Law School Los Angeles and director of his school's Sports Law Institute, passes along the following info about what should be an engaging and provocative sports law symposium:
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On Friday, January 18, 2008, the Loyola Sports Law Institute and Loyola Law School will be presenting our fourth annual symposium. This year's event is entitled "Discrimination Issues in Sports: Race, Gender & Sexual Orientation." The symposium will begin at 8:30 A.M. and run until 3:45 P.M. We think it will be an informative and enjoyable event.Please feel free to contact Dan with any questions.
The race discrimination panel will include Dusty Baker (Manager, Cincinnati Reds), Bill Gould (Professor, Stanford Law School) and Ken Shropshire (Professor, Wharton School). The gender panel features Anita DeFrantz (IOC Member), Nona Lee (V.P. and General Counsel, Arizona Diamondbacks), Jacqueline Michaels (OCR, U.S. Dept. of Education) and Kim Ng (V.P. and Ass't G.M., Los Angeles Dodgers). The scheduled sexual orientation speakers are Jim Buzinski (, Karen Doering (Senior Counsel, National Center for Lesbian Rights) and Claire Williams (Graduate Teaching Ass't, Ohio State University).
Beginning on Thursday, November 29, 2007, access to registration will be available online at this link. I would greatly appreciate it if you would share this information with your colleagues and students. We will admit students from any law school at no charge, Others will be required to pay $50 for the symposium and lunch ($70 with 5 hours of MCLE credit).* * *
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