Folks, I've been a bit nutty over the past couple of days here on the blog and elsewhere. So, I will level with you. I have met someone, and I am nuts about her. Yes, I know I am a total hypocrite on this. I am supposed to be the he-man woman hater. But this one is very special to me.
I keep going back and forth between wanting her and wanting to run her off. But I have settled on wanting her. My heart is hers to break. And so it goes. . .
So, I apologize for the bullshit. I'm not in my right mind currently because I have it bad for her. I find her very appealling on all levels. I love talking to her because unlike the other women I have dated, this one has a brain. She is very intelligent. She is also very kind and sweet but in a real way not a fake girlie way. I also like the fact that she has a very active life which includes running marathons.
There is a lot of chemistry between us. It was instantaneous. I'm still trying to wrap my mind around it. It is hard for me to believe that we have grown so close in such a short span of time.
I still retain my cynicism about love, and I am sad because I know love doesn't last. One day, she will get rid of me, and it will be over. But I like what I have now, and I am giving over to the experience. I just totally enjoy being with her. When I hold her, my heart feels like it will burst. When I am away from her, I feel an ache in my chest. It is a taste of the pain to come.
I am older and wiser, and I know better. But I still fall in love. I love this woman. She can do whatever she wants to me.
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