The Iowa Straw Poll is today, and Mitt Romney is the heavy favorite to win it. But it would be amazing if Ron Paul did. But as a libertarian, I have gotten used to seeing my hopes dashed.
No matter how you look at it, the Ron Paul for 2008 campaign is something special. To me, we have already won a victory by moblilizing a lot of people to do something. It has brought together groups who would never have met or thought they had anything in common. Ron Paul has also put to rest the notion that there is no option. Dr. Paul is an option for those wanting honest and principled leadership.
The reason Dr. Paul won't win is because the vast majority of the American public has shit-for-brains. This is the bottom line. There is a sizable minority of Americans like me who believe in freedom and have a decent understanding of economics and the importance of free markets. But the rest of the country will continue to give their votes and support to the scumbags who promise them the most slop from the public trough. Nevermind that this system can't last and hurts the country as a whole. As long as people keep getting their government checks or believe the government is doing the right thing by tearing up other countries, you can expect more of the same.
But I am doing what I can for the campaign. It isn't much, but I am getting the word out, passing out DVD's, etc. I am trying to get people motivated on this stuff, and I think some of them will come around. Hopefully, a good showing in Iowa will get Dr. Paul some more mainstream exposure, and we can take this campaign to the next level.
Vote for Ron Paul!!
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