I've made a few changes to the blog here. Most are minor, but the most noticeable one will be my changing the flag at the top to one without the confederate battle eblem. I did this because I was concerned that some readers might think I am a racist or a member of the KKK. I'm not either of these.
For me, the confederate battle emblem is a sign of regional affiliation. I am a southerner, and I feel no shame in this. I love where I am from. But with that said, I must also acknowledge that the emblem is also considered racist by both hate groups and black people. I would prefer to avoid this mixed message. This doesn't mean that I am taking a turn towards political correctness because I will continue to say whatever the fuck I feel like. But I do not believe in racial collectivism, and I don't want to send the message that I am.
I am still working on the Alma Jean story which a lot of people are eager to finish reading. I am trying to get this done between my many other projects, but I am getting back to regular writing after a layoff. I think many of you will be satisfied with the result of my efforts.
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