Bill Gates and Warren Buffett have made headlines recently with their combined contributions of wealth towards causes they consider to be worthy. Both men believe in confiscatory tax policies and the power of government to change things. Yet, neither one has elected to donate their fortunes to the federal government.
Gates and Buffett are idiots with money. It happens. And like lottery winners, both these billionaires seem intent on dissipating their wealth in wasteful pursuits. But hey, they made the money, so they can dispose of it as they please.
Why are these rich guys giving away their money? Because they believe the Marxist lie that they have stolen the wealth they possess. So, they will now attempt to atone for this theft by returning this money. In other words, they have spent their respective lifetimes "hurting" people, so they will now try to help them. It boggles the mind.
What would I do with the money? Well, I'd probably do my best to make even more of it by offering products and services to customers and putting people to work. Hell, the best thing Bill Gates could do for humanity would be to develop an operating system that didn't crash all the fucking time. But I am digressing. . .
In the way of purely charitable causes, I would put my money to work on the causes I support now namely promoting freedom. I don't believe there is a better place to do good than here. Other places I might deploy cash to would be pure science endeavors. There are things that I would like to know and discover that would yield not a single cent of profit to anyone especially myself. SETI is one of those projects, but Microsoft billionaire Paul Allen has already tossed some money that way. But I'd probably start something called the Pure Science Foundation just for this type of stuff.
The bottom line is that capitalism is not evil. It's a shame that two of the most successful capitalists in history don't see it this way. But I'm not going to complain but elect to put my principles into action and accumulate some of my own wealth to deploy as I see fit.
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