I am against war. This does not mean that I am a peace loving hippie who would run and smoke dope instead of protecting himself. I am a big believer in having a strong national defense. But I would prefer to never have to use it.
If you've noticed the rising prices at the gas pump, then you know that war comes at a price. War is destruction--pure and simple. It takes a nation's resources and squanders it all in an attempt to destroy another nation's resources for the sake of politics, religion, or what have you.
War is the primary occupation of the parasites that I call the political class. In the days of feudalism, lords would wage war on other lords. This was because the lords had lots of leisure time and were given to theft since this was how they made their way in the world. Once a tyrant has cowed his people into submission, he must turn to other conquests which usually involves taking land and resources from some other tyrant. This thinking persists even to this day. Much of Hitler's conquests were fueled by the insane demands of the German welfare state. In order to keep Germany going, he had to steal from other countries.
Welfare and war also go hand in hand. It surprises people to learn that Hezbollah runs many social welfare programs. It does not surprise me. All political groups use welfare to buy off the public from governments to terrorists groups to leaders of organized crime. People are willing to overlook a great many atrocities and injustices if they are getting some cold hard cash in the process.
In all of this, you can see that warfare is antithetical to liberty, prosperity, and the free market. It is the occupation of thieves and parasites who cannot produce but must loot and destroy. The current crisis in the Middle East has less to do with Israel's occupation of Palestine than it does with Iran and Syria's political aims. They co-opt the Palestinian struggle as a moral justification for their tyranny. But don't be fooled by all of this. The leaders of Iran and Syria want power, and there are those in the West who will use the latest crisis to follow their own course of looting and destruction. Meanwhile, the price tag for all of this goes higher and higher.
The real tragedy in all of this is Lebanon. Here was a country torn by war that decided to give peace a chance and move on with things. The result of this was miraculous as Lebanon began to return to its previous glory. It is really a great country from what I hear. Now, it has been ruined by Hezbollah--a foreign funded terrorist organization which was founded to "protect" Lebanon. Instead, it was a cancer that was in remission but has returned with a vengeance. Peace meant death for Hezbollah. So, they started a war.
It is pretty sad to see all of this, but it is not surprising. Where it will go only time will tell. I just hope people realize the true reasons behind all of this conflict.
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