Sunday, December 18, 2005

A New Job and Ratty Jeans

My blog here has definitely been neglected lately. I have so much going on that I never really get to write like I want to. Plus, I write a lot of other things, so the CB gets shoved to the bottom of my "To Do" list. I intend to remedy this. This will be a once a week blog with a new post published each weekend. I'll cram everything into it on that one day.
I've started a new job but because of the nature of the business and the many incidents where employees were fired for posting company business on the internet, this will be the last thing you will ever read concerning my job. Sorry.
In other news, I finished reading Atlas Shrugged, and I highly recommend it. I am currently reading all of the Sherlock Homes stories which I found in a two volume paperback collection at Waldenbooks. Holmes is a great character.
Yesterday, I went Christmas shopping with my aunt. (Yes, I am this bored. It is tragic.) I couldn't help but notice the ratty jeans they were selling in the stores as the latest fashion. They look atrocious.
Now, don't get me wrong. I wear some ratty stuff, but I didn't buy the stuff that way. They became that way after wearing it for a long time. Most of it needs to be thrown out. But maybe I'm just being an old man now. I just think buying jeans with holes already in them is dumb as hell.
I also hate denim. It is the worst material ever made. I hate jeans. They are heavy, hot in the summer, cold in the winter, and wear like sandpaper when they get wet. Plus, they look like shit. I wear slacks, Dickie's workpants, or what have you. Jeans are probably good for welding, but I recommend Carharrts for that kind of work.
On the political front, I'm not too pleased with George W. Bush admitting that he allowed the NSA to spy on Americans. I am glad the Senate scuttled the Patriot Act. Like it or not, the Bushies have not been kind to civil liberties. This is very disturbing. Along with the recent 9/11 Commission Report Card where Bush and Co. got a big fat F, it is pretty clear to me that Bush has been more interested in being a tyrant than doing his job. As Americans give up their freedoms, the AQ terrorists are pretty much just as free as ever to do their thing. What a joke.


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