Thursday, October 27, 2005


My name is Charles Broadway, but I usually go by Charlie. I go by other names as well, but they aren't fit to print here.

There isn't much to know about me. I read too much, start needless arguments, and only follow through on 20% of the projects I plan. But at least I don't drink or use drugs.

I'm single, so if you're female and attractive, let's hook up. If you're rich, I will marry you. If not, I will use you until something better comes along.

Politically, I'm a libertarian. Basically, this means I'm a Republican who believes in your right to smoke dope.

Personally, I'm an individualist. This is a nice word for "eccentric" which is a nice word for "crazy as hell."

Careerwise, I'm unemployed and homeless. So, I waste time writing this blog instead of getting my shit together. I'll keep you posted when this changes.

Religionwise, I'm an atheist. I don't believe in the religious fairy tales. This would also include some of the other popular BS such as UFO's, ghosts, or whatever your stockbroker tells you.

Culturally, my tastes in music, art, and entertainment are very eclectic. You will find Foo Fighters next to Johnny Cash and Brian Eno on my CD player.

I read voraciously and write just as much. I'm also a deep thinker. Most people find these traits annoying, but they are usually uneducated and stupid anyway. They'd rather die than think, and I encourage them to do this.

You'll discover more biographical info as this blog evolves.


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