Sports Court, a weekly sports law radio show hosted by attorneys David Frank and Scott Gilefsky of Sporting News Radio, has a great program scheduled for tonight (6 PM to 8 PM). Columnist Shawn Peters, who is the founder of Sports Page 43, will be the guest for the first hour. He'll discuss athletes who break the law or violate league rules, and how the "court of public opinion" can sometimes render stiffer sentences than any court would--the very focus of his column this week.
In the second half of the show, David and Scott will interview Los Angeles attorney Howard Slavin of Lewis Brisbois Bisgaard & Smith. During the week, Attorney Slavin specializes in medical malpractice defense. On the weekends, he is an NFL replay official, a position he has held since 1999 (and he was also an NFL side judge from 1986 to 1999). He will discuss his very interesting two careers, as well issues specific to instant replay in the NFL.
Also to be interviewed is Paul Perocchi, a partner at Brown Rudnick in Boston and a prominent divorce attorney. Attorney Perocchi will discuss Los Angeles Dodgers pitcher Derek Lowe and his highly-publicized divorce, and how recent allegations of marital infidelity will impact the divorce proceedings. Attorney Perocchi will also explain what factors a divorce court will consider in the division of Derek and Trinka Lowe's marital property (Lowe's present and any future contracts, endorsements, etc.).
Sports Court can be heard live at this link from 6 PM to 8 PM tonight. It should be another great show.
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