Thursday, May 31, 2012

Liga lu' Lică, etapa a 32-a, delegările lu' nea Marean

Sâmbătă, 2 iunie, ora 11.00Progresul Drăgăneşti - Astra III PloieştiBogdan Zahiu - Bogdan Banu, Mihai Vizitiu - Ion AndreoiuSâmbătă, 2 iunie, ora 18.00Carpaţi Sinaia - Petrolistul BoldeştiMihai Amorăriţei - Roxana Bănăseanu, Cristian Lefter - Decu CrângaşuAFC Brebu - Unirea CâmpinaRadu Danielenco - Emil Bozieru (foto), Ionuţ Gheorghe - Vasile RaduCS Vispeşti Blejoi - Petrolul...

S-a întâmplat astăzi...

1941, Bucureşti: România – Germania 1-4, amical, marcator - Niculescu, arbitri - Bizic (Slovacia) - Mielu Petrescu, Emil Kroner (România)1957, Moscova: URSS – România 1-1, amical, marcator - Ene, arbitri - Sten Ahlner - John Erik Andersson, Bengt Lundell (Suedia)1966, Ludwigshafen: RFG – România 1-0, amical, arbitru - Franz Mayer (Austria)1975, Bucureşti: România – Scoţia...

Tartu (Estonia) – “Tamme Stadion”

“Tamme Stadion” Normal 0 false false false MicrosoftInternetExplorer4 st1\:*{behavior:url(#ieooui) } /* Style Definitions */ table.MsoNormalTable {mso-style-name:"Table Normal"; mso-tstyle-rowband-size:0; mso-tstyle-colband-size:0; mso-style-noshow:yes; mso-style-parent:""; mso-padding-alt:0in 5.4pt 0in 5.4pt; mso-para-margin:0in; ...

Hooters Girls are not Hicks Neutral

This post is a continuation of what will eventually be a long series of discussions of innovation in the economy, with a longer-term objective of gaining some clarity on how innovation is understood, directed and regulated in the economy. This post is also part of a argument that asserts that the discipline of economics has failed to provide an account of innovation in the...

Vineri, 1 iunie, partide internaționale oficiale

Preliminariile Campionatului European TineretOra 18.00, Jablonec nad Nisou: Cehia – MuntenegruVladimir Kazmenko - Oleg Tselovalnikov, Vitali Drozdov - Vitali Meshkov (Rusia)Szekesfehervar: Ungaria – TurciaVlado Gladjovic - Vladimir Jovanovic, Milan Minic - Miodrag Gogic (Serbia)Ora 19.00, Drammen: Norvegia – AzerbaidjanDimitar Meckarovski (foto) - Dusko Miloseski, Igor Sirilov...

10,000 view Contest Preview Part 3

When we reach 10,000 views there will be excitement all around. We are combining with Bring Back UD in what will be a 3 part giveaway. There will be 3 great prizes. This is what we call the first place prize. This card has a BV of $60 and is numbered 7/15. Each part and prize from the contests will all have a small task for each one other than the usual enter daily.And...

Brigadă prahoveană în Liga I feminin

Duminică, 3 iunie, ora 11.00Brazi: CS Brazi - FCM Tg. MureşMihai Amorăriţei (foto) - Roxana Bănăseanu (Câmpina), Robert Nuţu (Ploieş...

Joi, 31 mai, partide internaţionale oficiale, rezultate

Preliminariile Campionatului European TineretTallinn: Estonia – Spania 0-1Loveci: Bulgaria – Scoţia 2-2Kiev: Ucraina – Suedia 6-0Preliminariile Campionatului European Juniori sub 19 aniFaro-Loule (Portugalia): Ucraina – Portugalia 0-3Ferreira (Portugalia): Israel – Irlanda 1-1Preliminariile Campionatului European FemininBielefeld: Germania – România ...


LC 2x20kg: 5LC 2x24kg: 5LC 2x28kg: 7x 5repsOa swing 28kg: 2x 10/10repsBiceps curl (two hands+towel+28kg): 4x 7repsFarm walk to and from training area, not far, but lots of stairs: 2x28kgStretchingWent down to the park with two 28s after joint mobility and warm-up with bells at home. Good with some fresh air. Maybe running tomorrow, I think next iron session will be traditional gym at Sunday. Kipp...

The Taxation Distraction

Martin Wolf, the consistently excellent FT economic columnist, has an excellent blog post up which explains why a focus on taxation as a focus of economic policy debates is misguided.  he writes:The focus of US economic policy discussion at present is almost entirely on fiscal deficits and the level of taxes. My view is that these are second or even third order issues....

Recommended Reading

        Students in "Seminar Abroad 2012: London Olympics" have been assigned to read several books to give them some perspective of the magnitude of this once-in-every-four-year spectacle.  Michael Payne's "Olympic Turn Around" tells the story of the IOC's miraculous transformation from virtual insolvency in the early 1980s to the multibillion...

Floor Pumps: What's Your Favourite?

Occasionally I will hear from readers who are having trouble pumping their own tires, and inevitably the cause ends up being their bicycle pump. Sometimes it is simply a matter of the pump not accommodating their bicycle's valve system and the new cyclist not realising this. Other times, the pump's chuck (the part that fits onto the valve) is difficult to get on and off without...


TRUE SHIT--Operation Northwoods

Operation Northwoods is another one of those things that sound like a conspiracy theory, but it is actually a conspiracy fact. In the early sixties, the government made proposals for false flag terrorism to be performed by the CIA to whip up popular support for an invasion of Cuba. This fake terrorism would be hijackings and bombings. The proposals never turned into actions...


Panini 2012 Father’s Day Set: Elements Insert

Panini released these images for their upcoming Father's Day extravaganza. I can't wait to get my hands on some of those Father's Day packs. The jersey and autograph cards look great. And look below at the two images of the insert Elements. Wow! The link below has more of these images:


I had to choose this card. It's a Panini Black Friday Pro Bowl jersey Card of Drew Brees. I find this card sweet in design, piece of jersey and just looks nice. You could find these in Black Friday packs. I bought it off from eBay. Another reason to post this card if the fact the NFL brought back the Pro Bowl for next season.IF YOU WOULD LIKE TO PARTICIPATE IN THIS FAVORITE...

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Liga C Prahova, Seria Ploieşti, rezultatele etapei intermediare

CIS Construct Tăriceni – NG Brătăşanca 2-6Viitorul Crivina – Viitorul Poienarii Burchii 7-2AS Balta Doamnei – AS Puşcaşi 3-0Voinţa Hăbud – Viitorul Puchenii Mari 1-1Progresul Puchenii Moşneni – San Sar Malu Roşu 2-1Unirea Corlăteşti – Viitorul Predeşti 3-1Speranţa Olari – CS Şirna II Brăteşti 3-0Victoria Pisculeşti – AS Potigrafu 1-0Arizona Zalhanaua – Spicul Poienarii Rali 1-1Clasament1. Victoria Pisculeşti 27 19 3 5 72-31 602. Viitorul Crivina 28 19 2 7 91-47 593. Progresul Puchenii Moşneni 28 17 4 7 68-42 554. Speranţa Olari 28 15 3 10 69-63...

S-a întâmplat astăzi...

1925, Sofia: Bulgaria – România 2-4, amical, marcatori - Wetzer (2), Semler (2); arbitru - Humberto Marca (Italia)1959, Belgrad: Iugoslavia – Bulgaria 2-0, preliminarii CE, arbitru - Mihai Popa (România)1961, Berna: Benfica – Barcelona 3-2, finala Cupa Campionilor Europeni, arbitru - Gottfried Dienst (Elveţia)1964, Sofia: Bulgaria – România 0-1, preliminarii JO, arbitru -...

Leipzig (Germania) – “Red Bull Arena”

“Red Bull Arena” Normal 0 false false false MicrosoftInternetExplorer4 st1\:*{behavior:url(#ieooui) } /* Style Definitions */ table.MsoNormalTable {mso-style-name:"Table Normal"; mso-tstyle-rowband-size:0; mso-tstyle-colband-size:0; mso-style-noshow:yes; mso-style-parent:""; mso-padding-alt:0in 5.4pt 0in 5.4pt; mso-para-margin:0in;...

Why did Vilma not sue the NFL?

Mike's SI piece on the Vilma lawsuit got mentioned on Slate's Hang Up and Listen podcast this week. I disagree with a couple of points that Mike makes (and that the HU&L guys largely repeat): I do not believe there is any chance the claim is frivolous, although the issue of whether the whole thing is preempted by the NLRA and the CBA is an interesting one (the answer to which I have no idea). It seems to me that while the CBA gave Goodell a great deal of investigatory and sanction power over the players, it did not give him license to defame...

Blog Updates

We would like to thank Cards & Case Breaks ( for their continuous support by posting our links every so often on their blog and Facebook page and for keeping our blog link on the front of theirs. And if you have not visited their site yet..please do! Weekly giveaways, reviews, previews, and more!I was comparing some numbers from this blog to theirs from what they posted about a week ago. Congrats to them for some incredible strides and numbers!Here is a breakdown of what was posted.  They hit 401 hits in a...

10,000 views Contest Preview Part 2

When we reach 10,000 views there will be excitement all around. We are combining with Bring Back UD in what will be a 3 part giveaway. There will be 3 great prizes. This is what we call the second place prize. This card has a BV of $40. Each part and prize from the contests will all have a small task for each one other than the usual enter daily.REMEMBER THIS IS JUST...

Joi, 31 mai, partide internaţionale oficiale

Preliminariile Campionatului European TineretOra 19.00, Tallinn: Estonia – SpaniaDawid Piasecki - Maciej Wierzbowski, Tomasz Listkiewicz - Daniel Stefanski (Polonia)Ora 19.30, Loveci: Bulgaria – ScoţiaArtur Soares - Rui Tavares, Antonio Godinho - Cosme Machado (Portugalia)Ora 20.30, Kiev: Ucraina – SuediaKristo Tohver - Sten Klaasen, Silver Koiv - Jaan Roos (Estonia)Preliminariile...

Călătorii. Paris. O poveste lângă o fântână din La Defense

La Defense sau Manhattanul franţuzesc este o poveste în sine... Un cartier de zgârie-nori, din mijlocul cărora Turnul Eiffel se vede undeva departe şi mic... Dar La Defense este spectaculos. Am ajuns în acest cartier al capitalei franceze într-o zi de lucru, pe la 5 fără un sfert după-amiaza... Era aproape pustiu... După ce ne-am sucit gâturile pe la toţi zgârie-norii,...

Câmpina găzduieşte o competiţie fotbalistică a unităţilor de învăţământ ale Ministerului de Interne

În aceste zile, la Câmpina are loc o competiţie fotbalistică rezervată echipelor unităţilor de învăţământ din cadrul Ministerului de Interne. Participă şapte echipe, repartizate în două grupe: Academia de Poliţie "Alexandru Ioan Cuza" Bucureşti, Şcoala de Agenţi de Poliţie "Vasile Lascăr" Câmpina, Şcoala de Subofiţeri de Jandarmi Fălticeni, Şcoala de Subofiţeri de Jandarmi...

Miercuri, 30 mai, partide internaţionale oficiale, rezultate

Preliminariile Campionatului European Juniori sub 19 aniZagreb: Croația – Bosnia 2-0Velika Gorica (Croația): Austria – Georgia 1-2Praga: Olanda – Franța 0-6Slany (Cehia): Norvegia – Cehia 1-0Novi Sad (Serbia): Germania – Ungaria 3-0Novi Sad (Serbia): Serbia – România 3-0Preston (Anglia): Elveția – Anglia 0-1Rochdale (Anglia): Muntenegru – Slovenia ...


Wales will field three debutants and remain on course to award a 100th cap to veteran flanker Martyn Williams, when they face the Barbarians in the Test match, powered by Under Armour, at the Millennium Stadium on Saturday, 2 June (Kick-off 2.00pm).Blues wing Harry Robinson and Scarlets pair, full back Liam Williams and prop Rhodri Jones, will all make their first appearance...


Overheard while doing errands in a local suburb:Woman Walking Out of a Gym: Oh, what a nice bike! Woman on a Roadbike: Thank you.Gym Woman: How lucky you are to have time to bike. I wish I could, but after work and cooking dinner I'm just exhausted. Bike Woman: Oh I'm sorry. But it's nice that you get to go to the gym, isn't it? Gym Woman: Sure. But, you...


Ryan Wikel, head football coach at Sandusky St Mary's Central Catholic High School, had his first ever Senior Sendoff event last week.He had 10 players, 9 coaches and 1 chaplain Father Jason in attendance.They gathered at the South Shore Inn, played a game of kickball - players against coaches that went 9 innings plus a 2 out sudden death overtime where the coaches prevailed...

Two Summer Book Recommendations

Two of my long-time colleagues have had intriguing new books just come out, just in time for the summer reading season.Mike Smith has written short analysis of the Joplin tornado from just over one year ago -- When the Sirens Were Silent: How the Warning System Failed a Community. Anyone who enjoyed Mike's first book, Warnings: The True Story of How Science Tamed the Weather,...

Hedersdoktor at LiU

Here is me last week at the Linköping University commencement ceremony where I received an honorary doctorate. I had a great time and was deeply honored to receive the award. The commencement ceremony was a special occasion.I look forward to continued collaborations with all of my friends and colleagues at Linköpings universitet. I'd especially like to get started a student...

BSCM 1990'S EDITION: My opinion

I must admit, I rather enjoyed reading this month's edition of Beckett Sports Card Monthly. And not just because my name made it in there. This months issue was about the greatest era of sports cards..the 1990's.I started collecting at the end of 1993. More towards the year 1994. My first purchase was a pack of Topps Football 1994. I loved the look of these. The special effects...

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