Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Jesse Ryder Dropped for Drinking

(Update3 : despite earlier reports that Jesse Ryderhad been completely dropped from the New Zealandcricket team, NZC has confirmed it's just the third onedayer that he and Doug Bracewell wont be consideredfor)(UPDATE2: NZC states they have a non drinkingpolicy for players recovering from injury)(Update: It would appear both Jesse Ryder and DougBracewell wont be considered...


You guessed it, yes indeed, the latest Modern Familyepisode titled "Leap Day" gets ten out of ten for beingbeautifully funny and at sometimes freaky.The episode revolves around Leap day, and Cam's birthdaythat falls on Leap Day. So according to Cam he's actually onlyten.Mitch had planned a Wizard of Oz theme,  but then came to theconclusion that a theme about a  movie...

Jamaica 3 New Zealand 2

So a loss for New Zealand, in their friendly  footballmatch against Jamaica, 3-2. A great gamethough and a wonderful effort, two penaltiesthat weren't given to NZ  by the ref, didn't help.The New Zealand team known as "The All Whites"(the team colours, despite wearing black for this match)were unlucky to lose and could've well taken the gameout, they had flown from...

Energy and Global GDP

Ed Morse of Citi writes a sobering commentary on oil prices in the Financial Times, and includes this comment:The biggest problems, however, appear to lie in the impact of prices on the global economy. From a global perspective, total energy costs are about 10 per cent of global gross domestic product, a level last seen in the late 1970s. In the US, oil costs are above...

It's Electric! A Case of Fear and Loathing?

Every once in a while I am asked why I do not write about electric bikes, and the answer is simple: because they do not interest me. Maybe in 40 years they will, but at the moment I do not find myself longing for a sweet e-assist ride. Still, I have nothing against electric bikes and their usefulness is readily apparent to me: cargo bikes and pedicabs, upright bikes in truly...


Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Hey Jesse Ryder, why don't you F off

Excuse my language here, but could JesseRyder please just F**k off.Could he quit New Zealand cricket and takehis rather large stomach and poor attitudewith him.Could he please leave so we can never see himwaddle between the wickets again.Could NewZealand cricket please stop saying onelast chance, when talking about Ryder.Go away Ryder, please go away, my leastfavorite cricket...

Big Girl's Undies and a morning of Megastar moments

I am truly blessed to have in my life such wonderful horses. That is a...

Selle AnAtomica Titanico, New Version

Last year I posted a review of the Selle AnAtomica Titanico saddle, just as the manufacturer was revamping their product. They have since sent me the new version of this saddle to try, and I am ready to post an update. I got the saddle in black, with copper rivets. I opted for the slotted version, to make it an equal comparison to the previous saddle I owned. I installed...

Harlem Ambasadors sue Harlem Wizards over LaMarvon Jackson

Back in 2006, we blogged about the Harlem Ambassadors taking on the Harlem Globetrotters in an FTC complaint over the Globetrotters'"use of arenas" clauses that allegedly prevented the Ambassadors from playing in certain arenas.Six years later, the Ambassadors are back in sports legal news.  This time they have filed a lawsuit against the Harlem Wizards over the Wizards...

Light LC & Stretching

MobilityLC 2x20kg: 5LC 2x24kg: 5LC 2x28kg: 5LC 2x30kg: 5,5Stretch...

Gasoline Intensity of The Economy

UPDATE 3/1: Please also see the follow up post here. Following up yesterday's post on US gasoline prices, here is a comparison figure for UK petrol spending as a proportion of GDP over the period 1991-2010 (the period for which data is available) with petrol data from the UK government's DECC and GDP data from ONS (conversion factors courtesy BP).In this post I introduce a...


Q & A

Q: What would you do if you won the lottery?A: Surprisingly, I have never really answered this question for myself. I have considered how people could keep from losing or blowing the winnings as they often do. I have also said that winning wouldn't change me or my lifestyle. I would still keep working my job. I would still live in my apartment or buy a modest home with some sort of workshop out back for various blue collar and artistic endeavors.The lottery represents a windfall of sudden cash, and the appeal of those tickets is the entertainment...


Monday, February 27, 2012

The Office: Classic Scene


Major Changes at The Office

I think my love affair with The Office is over. It's beena great eight seasons, but if the Rumors are true, I thinkI will give season 9 and beyond a miss.Not only is my favorite new character, Robert Calforniaplayed brilliantly by James Spader saying Goodbye, butwe also say goodbye to Kelly, and what must be a hugeshock, we say goodbye to Dwight.Yes Dwight is going, his character...

Warriors Could Get 60 Thousand

That would be something. The biggest League crowd inNew Zealand history would be a heck of a way to starta season.A win would even be better.Roll on the 2012 season. ...

Harvard law School Sports Law Symposium on March 23

I'm looking forward to joining many others for what should be a fantastic symposium at Harvard Law School on Friday, March 23.  Here are the details:Spring 2012 Sports Law Symposium - Friday, March 23, 2012Professional Sports in America:Labor Peace BUT...Harvard Law SchoolFriday, March 23, 20129:30am-6:00pmOVERVIEWHarvard Law School’s Committee on Sports and Entertainment Law will host the 2012 Sports Law Symposium on Friday, March 23, 2012.  CSEL’s 2012 Sports Law Symposium will focus on the legal and business issues surrounding...


1. I must apologize to my readers for not being more consistent as a blogger. I have a hernia. Or something.2. When Santorum talks about courageous and principled stands that went against the popular grain, I have to wonder. Does Rick think he is more radical or principled than Ron Paul? And does a principled stand on a trivial issue like contraception really fucking matter?3....



These SOC posts are where I write whatever comes into my head, but I am finding this particular edition to be problematic because what I am thinking about is not something I want to write about. I can't stop thinking about it, and I can't write about it. Talk about mas problemas!This presents a mystery for people. What the fuck is Charlie thinking about that he can't write about? Could it be his job? Does he have hemorrhoids? Is he on the run from the law? There is this huge blank left for people to fill, and they fill it with their imaginations....


Revisiting the KHS Green

If anybody out there has been reading this blog from the beginning, you know my fondness for the KHS Manhattan Green. A simple, inexpensive steel 3-speed, the KHS Green is the bike that got me back into cycling after a 12 year hiatus. For months I had been visiting local bike shops, but in 2008/2009 there was not much choice out there. The KHS Green was the first bike that...

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