Wednesday, August 31, 2011

TRUE SHIT-Neutrinos

Neutrinos are sub-atomic particles that are able to pass through solid matter. Right now, as you read this, billions and billions of neutrinos which emanated from the Sun are passing through your body, and this is true even if you are reading this at night because these neutrinos actually pass through the solid earth before they pass through you.Neutrinos are similar to electrons...

Rise of the Planet of the Apes

Best movie about freakin monkeys ever!!!Better than the original 1968 Planet of the Apes.Better than that crap remake from around ten years ago.Even better than Troy McClure's play, Stop the Planet of theApes, I want to get off.Ten out of Ten, it had so many Wow moments, if you haven't seen it,grab some bananas and go no...

Oil Shocks and Good Times for the Global Economy

This post revisits the topic of oil prices and economic growth which was explored here earlier this year.  A new paper by Tobias Rasmussen and Agustin Roitmanfrom the IMF (here in PDF) titled "Oil Shocks in a Global Perspective: Are they Really that Bad?" which explores the largely uncharted territory of the effects of oil price increases on economic growth at the global...

Kettlebell Sport Instructor Course with Igor Morozov at Uddevalla Kettlebells

At last it's settled! The famous kettlebell sport lifter Igor Morozov will hold a three day course at Uddevalla Kettlebell Club the 18th to 20th of November. The course fee will be of 3.500 sek for Swedish residents (350€ for international participants). The club is downtown, close to both food places and hotels and hostels. Uddevalla is easily reached by train, or bus, from...

Comment of the Day: The Wrong Side of History, Science and Policy

This delightful and revealing comment, apparently offered as a defense of Governor Pete Shumlin's remarks that I discussed yesterday, provides a nice capsule summary of my experiences in the climate debate. Verbose and prolific (and cleverly snarky), most of the views expressed by this blog author are on the wrong side of history, climate science, and climate policy. I...

From Hesitant to Tremendous

Steve FrommeyerEminence High SchoolI was one of those coaches who was very hesitant about doing the jersey night program. We had so many players without dads or without strong male role-models in their lives, that I wondered if it wouldn’t do more harm than good. With Lou Judd’s constant encouragement, we did our first program last season. It was a huge success. This year’s...

HEROES--Rachael Ray

People who know me will tell you that I have a major crush on Rachael Ray. That chick is awesome. She is an ideal woman, and if I ever had to marry, Rachael Ray (or some chick like her) would be the one. Let me tell you why Rachael is so fucking awesome.Rachael embodies an autotelic personality. This is rare for many people but especially women. Rachael is happy, and I don't...

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Kevin Kolb Connects with Fitzy

Even though the Arizona Cardinals lost theirpreseason match to the Chargers, every Cardsfan must be celebrating, because after all the talkof a connection between Kolb and Fitzgerald, theyfinally turned the talk into reality.Three passes for 108 yards between the two, hasthe Cardinals chances of being a playoff team, soaring.What also helps is that Kolb is a running quaterback...

Not Anti-Science, Just Utterly Uninformed

Yesterday, Governor Pete Shumlin of Vermont made these remarks:I find it extraordinary that so many political leaders won’t actually talk about the relationship between climate change, fossil fuels, our continuing irrational exuberance about burning fossil fuels, in light of these storm patterns that we’ve been experiencing. Listen, since I’ve been sworn in as governor...

Sleepy man long cycle with 32kg Krafttraining Kettlebells

LC 2x20kg: 5 LC 2x24kg: 5LC 2x28kg: 5 LC 2x32kg: 3,3,5,5,2 (∑ 18reps)Oa biceps curl 16kg bar: 2x 7/7repsPush-ups: 2x 15repsBrettselsWas quite tired today, but still wanted to train. When 32s felt too heavy, I tried with 30s, but reps were so ugly that I decided to quit :-).To my help for today's session, I had a pair of fresh 32kgs from Daniel Hahn's Krafttraining and...

Gritty to Pretty: the Lovely Donation Bike!

I am pleased to report that the refurbished vintage donation touring bike - also known as "the roadbike for women who fear roadbikes" - is ready! As often happens with these things, the project took longer than I anticipated. In the end we did not have time to put the bicycle together ourselves, and I entrusted the job to the saintly Jim at Harris Cyclery - which contributed...

Coming up on tonight's show - 30th August 2011

We’re here at 7pm on 98.7FM in Cardiff and online at with award winning sporting discussion and debate.- Coming up on tonight’s show, we look back at the weekend’s football including Cardiff’s draw away to Portsmouth, a round up of our Premier League highlights and the latest transfer talk as the window prepares to close. Inevitably we’ll also be discusing...

Certain Ignorance versus Uncertain Uncertainty

Writing in the quarterly newsletter of Risk Frontiers at Macquarie University in Sydney, Rob van den Honert has an excellent discussion (here in PDF) of the interim report of the Queensland Flood Inquiry. Some background on the topic can be found in this post from last January.In his summary van den Honert writes of the decision of the dam operators to ignore weather forecasts...


Monday, August 29, 2011

Q & A

Q: Does talking about your problems help?A: No.That was the short answer. Here is the long answer. Imagine you have a couple. They love each other, but they fight a lot. Will talking settle things? Nope. As someone who has been in many of these "talks," they have never been productive. I cannot recall a time when I or anyone else was able to make things better after one of these talks.This question comes up as a result of this article that says that males tend to not want to talk about problems while females do. This produced much derision and...

A Nice Analysis of Print Media Coverage of Hurricane Irene

At the NYT FiveThirtyEight blog Nate Silver uses our normalized loss database (above) and historical loss of life data to assess the relative intensity of (mostly) print media coverage of Hurricane Irene. He finds that the coverage was in line with that of other storms since 1980. I would love to see a similar analysis exclusively focused on television news coverage -- I'd...

The Folly of Emissions Trading: New Zealand and Europe

Coming Clean - New Zealand's Emissions Trading Scheme Explained from Lindsay Horner on Vimeo.The video above was brought to my attention by a student in my graduate seminar this term.  It was done by one of his classmates in grad school in New Zealand (Thanks Adam!).  The video is exceedingly well done.  If you have 15 minutes and are interested in the debacle that is New Zealand's carbon policy, have a look.News from Europe is similarly discouraging about the prospects for emissions trading, EurActiv reports: European...

Guest Post: Kevin Vranes on the Virginia Earthquake

NOTE: This is a guest post by Kevin Vranes. The overwrought reaction to the M5.8 Virgina earthquake on Tuesday had a lot of native Californians snickering (ok, me included, I grew up just south of San Francisco), but I had to concede that a M5.8 in the east is not the same thing in the well-prepared west.  The fact is, the eastern seaboard has plenty of shaking in...

Ron Paul 2...


I worry that I may be overdoing my visits to Hooters. I spent Saturday night there watching UFC on the tube despite all my previous writings about "bread-and-circuses." But it was fun until my ass started to rebel from sitting on a bar stool for all that time. Later, I would regret that time wasted because I could have gotten some reading done.This dovetails into a larger issue that I have had a hard time trying to figure out and categorize. This is the distinction between work and leisure. Obviously, working your job for the sake of a paycheck...

This is truly why I got into coaching

We had our our father-son jersey night a few days ago. We had 17 seniors and each one was represented by either their father or important male.This is truly why I got into coaching.It was so moving. One of our seniors is a third generation Flyer and to see the pride on his face giving that jersey to his son and telling him how much he loved him and how proud of him he...

Sunday, August 28, 2011



1. Another minimalist blogger bites the dust. He wants to make a blog dealing with broader topics of personal interest. His name is also Charlie. 2. Dick Cheney is putting the dick back in Dick.3. Jennifer Anston shacks up with a new beau. Lucky bastard.4. Ron Paul must be the only guy in Washington with a memory. People want to pillory the man for calling FEMA a joke. When...

Quotable Quotes--Steve Jobs Edition

Apple's goal isn't to make money. Our goal is to design and develop and bring to market good products... We trust as a consequence of that, people will like them, and as another consequence, we'll make some money. But we're really clear about what our goals are.We're gambling on our vision, and we would rather do that than make 'me too' products. Let some other companies do...

Usain Bolts out of the Blocks too fast

Say it anit so? The fastest man in History had a false startin the 100 metres final of the track and field world champs.Bolt told the media, that he wont cry, but Im guessing hiscompetitors will in the final of the 200 metres, I'm alsoguessing we are going to see the 200 metres world recordsmashed.Lets hope this great sportsperson can comeback and show theworld why he ...

Greatest Sporting Victory this Year

When the Tall Blacks beat Russia 80-77 over Russia to win  the Stankovic Cup it represented the greatest sporting achievementof 2011, it doesn't matter if the All Blacks go on to win the Rugby world cup, a sport that is too tiny outside our country, it wouldn't had matter if we had of won the Netball world champs, the most insignificant sport on the face of the planet.We...

A Ride with Irene

And so we have weathered the storm. Here in Boston, the general attitude toward Hurricane/ Tropical Storm Irene has mostly been one of sarcasm. Sure, there was some anxiety - stocking up on water and that sort of thing. But for the most part it's been a collective rolling of the eyes, a general feeling that the whole thing was unnecessarily hyped up by the media. One local...

Terry Serepisos to sell assets

Terry Serepisos is to sell his assets, he has debt of around200 million dollars, like the fighter that he is, he hung on and onbut it was probably always going to come this, here's hoping,  hecan make a comeback, what he has given to New Zealand football can not be repaid, I just hope the tall poppy syndromepeople aren't celebrating.Also good luck to the Wellington Phoenix...

Get Over Yourself Lomu

Get over yourself Lomu. Once again NewZealand's biggest ego cant get over the fact that it's not 1995 anymore and there may be others that are in the spotlight more than him.Yes you have to say congrats to anyone who overcomes an serious serious illness, and you have to say congrats to anyone who spends time raising money for charity.What you don't say congrats...

Con artist Ken Ring predicts September Earthquake

New Zealand's biggest fraudster, Ken Ring is at it again.The man who has never accurately predicted anything inhis life, but has put fear into the residents of Canterbury, hasnow told the people of Christchurch that there is going to beanother large quake in Christchurch in about four weeks time.He is our version of Fred Phelps. causing grieve and heartache to a city...

Clean-dip video and training diary

LC 2x20kg: 5 LC 2x24kg: 5LC 2x28kg: 5LC 2x30kg:10 (3rpm, PR but too slow up from 2nd dip)LC 2x28kg:13 (4rpm)LC 2x24kg: 33 (+6rpm) Jerk and clean mix 2x20kg: 4min, no countingFrench press: 21kg x 15reps Biceps curl: 21kg x 12, 26kg x12repsOverhand Biceps curl 16kg: 12repsBridge workThematically, I tried to get the dip after cleaning the bells. I haven't really found the feel for it. Maybe it doesn't suit me? Anyway, I want to learn it good enough to see if it works for me, or not. Anton Anasenko and Gregor Sobocan practicing LC; here's were I got...

How Intellectually Interesting is the "Debate" over Global Warming and Hurricanes?


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