Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Chris Colfer

No one does sad like Chris Colfer.Has their even been a young actor thatcan show sadness like the great ChrisColfer who plays Kurt Hummel from Glee?I don't think there is, sure there are actors whocan on cue, there are actors who can go fromhappy to sad in a instant, but I have never seenan actor show deep hurt like Chris.In scenes when he is not crying, it looks like hehas...

Heat Win Game One

Miami Heat win game one, 92-84, thanks to KingJames who scored 24 points and took sixrebounds.The game seesawed with Dallas Nowitzkibeing very quiet until a period late in thefirst half, where he scored seven points ina short span of time.The turning point in the game had to be withLeBron James hitting a three pointer right on the close of the thrid quater, that changed...


1. I thought it would be a good idea to get back to my daily posts. For some reason, when I write these things, they turn into a list of jokes. I never set out to do this, but it just happens that way. Sort of like getting drunk and having sex with the goat.2. The House puts the cock block on Senate Democrats trying to raise the debt limit. Unfortunately, the ruffies and champagne will take over before the end of the night, and those House Republicans will find themselves freshly fucked in the backseat of a car.3. This is a good article:3 Life-Changing...

Connecting Minimum Age Restrictions in NBA/NFL with Jim Tressel and Ohio State mess

Sports Illustrated's Zach Lowe makes the connection in this piece, in which he interviews Alan Milstein, a contributor to this blog who litigated on behalf of former Ohio State running back Maurice Clarett in his antitrust challenge to the NFL's age limit in 2004 [I provided Alan with legal analysis during the litigation].Here are a couple of excerpts of Zach's piece:* * *...

Donald Boudreaux: I'll Take That Bet

Writing in the WSJ last week economist Donald Boudreaux of George Mason University offers to make a bet in order to make a point about human-caused climate change in response to Bill McKibben's silly essay from earlier in the week in the Washington Post:I'll bet $10,000 that the average annual number of Americans killed by tornadoes, floods and hurricanes will fall over the...

Coming up tonight on the Tuesday Night Sports Show - 31st May 2011

We’re here for the next hour on 98.7FM in Cardiff and online at www.radiocardiff.org with award winning sporting discussion and debate.- In another packed show we give our reaction to the sacking of Dave Jones by Cardiff City and Swansea’s play-off victory over Reading yesterday.- In cricket, Cardiff played host to an extraordinary, if rather rain-affected, test match which...

England v Sri Lanka at Cardiff 1st Test Review

By Zaheer HaqueThe Home International series was eagerly anticipated after England’s magnificent ashes win down under first time after 24 years.The First Test of the Series took place in Cardiff in front of crowds numbering hundreds not thousands which was a huge disappointment and not a great advert for the game. The ECB should seriously consider where they hold future tests...

Kettlebell Sport Training Program Generator

Here is a good training aid. A Kettlebells Sport Training Program Generator for biathlon. It is great for creating a good set/rep/weight progression. It has an accent on lockouts, which makes it good for competitors. Just click in your equipment, level, and progression rate and voilà!http://www.girevik.info/gsprogram/eng/index/index (LINK)The inventor behind the generator...

Snatch 20kg

Snatch 20kg: 7/7, 14/14, 40/40, 30/30,21/21,14/14,14/14 (tot volume 140/140)There's nothing like a 20kg-session. Moreover, I wont feel as guilty when I play struggle with 28-32...

Lewis wins AEGON British Tour event

Chris Lewis upheld Welsh honour by winning the AEGON British Tour competition in Cardiff. The Cardiff-based Neath player, currently ranked fifth in Wales, beat Richard Gabb, from Somerset, 6-4, 6-2, in the final at the Wales National Tennis Centre. Lewis, aged 29, had previously beaten Wales’ number two, James Hignett, of Cardiff 7-5, 6-3 in the semi-final. Last year, Lewis...

Scorpions chairman looks forward to second Caerphilly date

South Wales Scorpions’ chairman Phil Davies is looking forward to the second of the two Scorpions Rugby League matches at Caerphilly RFC this Sunday when the Welsh side take on Workington Town (kick-off 1pm).The match culminates a weekend of Rugby League at Virginia Park which sees Crusaders under 18s take on Warrington Wolves there on Saturday (kick-off 2.30pm) while “Scorpions...

Continued Deceleration of the Decarbonization of the Global Economy

Last summer I noted a distinct trend since 1990 of a deceleration of the decarbonization of the global economy.  What does this mean in plain English?  It means that the the trend of emitting less carbon per unit of economic activity -- in place for much of the 20th century -- was slowing down.  This slow down was occurring despite intentions expressed in policies...

What Players Want From Their Parents

The relationship between players and parents can be a major issue at times for coaches.Coach Mike Bickerman of Rushville Industry High School in Illinois handed out a surgery for his players to answer."I had a meeting to finalize summer stuff with the kids. I gave them an informal survey which said what do you expect from yourself (3 spaces), your teammates (3 spaces), and your parents/family (3 spaces). Of the 106 possible answers I got for the 3 blanks under parents and family, 36 (or 34%) had something to do with the word "support". I think...


Paul Scholes has retired

Paul Scholes has announced his retirement from allof Football.Manchester United will never be the same.Fans on Facebook and Twitter are sending in theirbest wishes to one of footballer's best, a huge day inFootball and a huge day for Man United.Man United will never be the same What a Career...

Monday, May 30, 2011

Most Anticipated Final Series for 20 years

And here we go!!!I haven't looked forward to an NBA final seriesthis much since a certain number 23 decided tofly thru the air and bang in six three pointers.This promises to smash TV ratings thru theroof, the international media is out in force,Basketball is truly a global game now andit's largely thanks to the forgein playersin the NBA and this year, one Germanby the name...

A Swedish Guest

Last week I received a new bicycle for an extended test ride and review: a Pilen Lyx. The distributor (BoxCycles) gave me a choice of colours and I took a gamble once again instead of just asking for black. This time the gamble paid off: The unusual shade of blue looks as stunning in person as it did in pictures. It is an ethereal "northern skies after an afternoon storm"...

Down Go the Dodgers: the Stow Suit Deepens the Debacle

The legal web cast over the storied Los Angeles Dodgers franchise just keeps getting more tangled. The family of injured San Francisco Giants fan, Bryan Stow, filed a nine-count Complaint against the Dodgers, its various holdings, and owner Frank McCourt. Stow was severely beaten in the parking lot following the opening day game between the Dodgers and Giants and remains...

Community Spirit at its Best


Marriage is Stupid

Celebrity break ups and divorces fascinate me. I don't care about the marriages or the beginning of the relationships. I just like watching them implode. The reason for this is obvious. I like watching rich good looking famous people experience the same misery the rest of us do. It isn't that I don't want them to be happy. I just appreciate the fact that they demonstrate on...

Wellington Phoenix to move to Auckland?

Say it anit so!Or all the bonehead moves in sport, this would have to be the worst, why would you move a sports team away from a city that has Made that sports team. The Phoenixare Wellington and vise versa.They are the most passionate sport supporters in all of the  country, but for some reason Frank Van Hattum wants to move them to Auckland.I dont...

Good for Welsh football or one heartbreak too many?

FLYING HIGH: Brendan Rodgers celebrates with his Swansea players following their 4-2 win over Reading at Wembley.If there's one thing I've learned in my 34 years it is that sport is never dull.  Writing on the evening of an incredible (and only hours ago entirely improbable) test match win for England over Sri Lankan here in Cardiff, I'm full of the joys that competitive...

Jerk Orange

Jerk 2x20kg: 5Jerk 2x24kg: 5 Jerk 2x28kg: 2,4,15,10, 6,4,4 (vol 45reps)That's all. Happy with dip speed for on...

Changing rules

MLB, team officials, and the media are talking about the rules governing collisions at home plate, following the pretty gruesome injury Giants Catcher Buster Posey suffered in this collision last week.ESPN's Jayson Stark inadvertently touched on two significant jurisprudential issues and how sports reveals them. First, Stark decries that it took this injury to get people talking about changing these rules: It always takes something like this -- something like the horrifying sight of Buster Posey lying there, face in the dirt, writhing in pain...



Following an overall review and reflection on the performance of the team over the 2010 / 11 playing season, it has been decided to give Dave Jones notice to terminate his contract as manager of Cardiff City Football Club.Speaking on behalf of the Club, Chairman and Board, CEO Gethin Jenkins said:"We would like to thank Dave Jones for his considerable efforts with the Club...


I am learning a valuable lesson right now. This lesson has to do with values and association. More specifically, it has to do with whether or not a militant atheist and a devout Christian could ever be married. I think the answer is fairly obvious.On Facebook, I noticed a lot of libertarians also have libertarian spouses. I don't think this is coincidental. Like with the Christian and the atheist example I gave, I don't see how a libertarian and a statist could make it.If there is a key to a successful relationship, I think it lies in having shared...

Sunday, May 29, 2011

Right of Way and Driver Education

Last night we were returning home on our bikes. As we approached an intersection where we needed to make a left turn, we signaled and moved to the leftmost part of the lane. A motorist approaching the same intersection behind us began to honk. We turned around, confused. The light had just turned red and all three of us were stopped at the intersection. She continued to honk....

Bad Form

    Okay I did a Blog post, there were comments and I commented  in reply to one those comments.   Someone has now copied and pasted my comment as a post on their blog, They didnt take credit for the post, they added this is  a real response and im not making it up.   Is that good form??? and should they be blasting it over all social media sites...

It's a Miracle!!!

I finally got the right end of the stick, andI finally figured out something!!!! It took mea while but I got there!!!...

[U.]The U-Man on Success

shout out to my u-friends!! u-man is in this MOTHERFUCKER and ready to drop a bom on your BRAINS!! spread those legs and receive the VIOLENT TORPEDO OF TRUTH. FAILURE IS NOT AN OPTION.you want to get rich? you want to get LAID? get with the law of ATTRACTION:This shit works for OPRAH and she is a FAT BITCH:SHIT WORKS!randy gage tells you how to get your ass in the GAME:remember...

Gotta Love Calvin and Hobbes



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