Saturday, February 28, 2009

Kidding around down on the farm

Photos from around the farm taken today.JetJetJetChinaOn her throneCuteDog & goat survey each ot...

Saturday Links

* I have a new column on concerning a "last second" appeal brought by the prosecution in the Barry Bonds trial, which was set to begin on Monday and now likely won't start for weeks, if not months. The prosecution wants the Ninth Circuit to reverse Judge Susan Illston's evidence rulings concerning the exclusion of various BALCO related materials. I don't think the appeal will work and because of the delay it is poised to cause, it may backfire on the prosecution. Hope you can check out the column.* Ian Fischer of Florida Law Online has...

Friday, February 27, 2009

The Class of 89

On December 31st 1989, Chicago Tribune writer, Gary Graff wrote an article about country music entitled "The Class of 1989"In the article he suggested that country music will become a major player in the music industry in the states during the 90's.He mentioned four debut albums, Clint Black's Killin' time, Travis Tritt's Country club, Alan Jackson's, Here in the real world...

The Implications of Kevin Durant's Jersey Retiring

Congratulations to Kevin Durant, whose No. 35 was just retired by his alma mater, the University of Texas. Durant's time at UT was admittedly brief; he played just one season before turning pro. But it was quite the season: he averaged 26 points and 11 rebounds per game, leading his team to the second round of the NCAA tournament and earning the honor of 2006-07 National...

Sonny Vaccaro in the Hoosier State

For those of you near Indiana University-Bloomington, Sonny Vaccaro will present there on Monday, March 2nd from 7:30 to 9:00 p.m. He will discuss the NCAA's treatment of student-athletes, particularly male basketball players, and the relationship between those players contributions to their universities and the income generated by those universities from sports TV contracts...

Thursday, February 26, 2009

Robbie's daughter Maddie

Today I visited Madison and her owner, Lisa, with my camera. Maddie is out of a lovely little College Chapel mare and was foaled here. I have not seen her since she left us 3 months ago so it was great to catch up - Boy she has grown! Lisa is really happy with her which is great, as I told her, we love satisfied customers! Have to admit, I'm pretty happy with her myself -...

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

2009 Tulane Law School Moot Court Mardi Gras Invitational Sports Law Competition

Last week, Tulane Law School hosted the 2009 Tulane Law School Moot Court Mardi Gras Invitational Sports Law Competition. This year’s problem was based on hybrid of the single entity issue raised in the American Needle case and the release issue raised in the MSG-NHL case . I want to take this opportunity to thank the students at Tulane Law School—in particular Susan Jaffer,...

Thank you India

What a great nights entertainment the cricket was, and its all thanks to the Indian community in New Zealand, walking into the Paul Kelly stand was a delight, fans were greeted by a Bollywood style dance number, that had the crowd dancing and cheering with delight, even before they got to their seats! ( New Zealand cricket should of used this dance group during the match instead...

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

The 22nd Sports and Recreation Law Association Conference

The 22nd Annual Sports and Recreation Law Association takes place from March 4 - 7 in San Antonio, with presentations and speakers covering a number of issues. SRLA's s conferences focus on issues of school and amateur sports, particularly questions of personal injury and risk management. The subjects may be of interest to those interested in teaching, writing and practicing in those areas of law that do not get the media publicity as legal issues of professional sports do.Professional sports issues will be covered as well. The keynote speaker...

Law Professor's New Book Argues for Unionization of Minor League Baseball

Via the Workplace Law Prof blog and my colleague Joseph Slater, McGeorge Law Professor and labor arbitrator Don Wollett has released a new book, Getting on Base: Unionism in Baseball. The book argues that minor league baseball players should be organized into a union. Among the responses so far:Great! …[I] agree … not affording collective-bargaining to minor leaguers is...

New Sports Law Scholarship

Recently published scholarship includes:Ian C.B. Davis, Note, An analysis of horse racing jockeys riding under Kentucky’s workers’ compensation laws, 97 KENTUCKY LAW JOURNAL 173 (2008-2009)Dionne L. Koller, How the United States government sacrifices athletes’ constitutional rights in the pursuit of national prestige, 2008 BYU LAW REVIEW 1465 Raymond Shih Ray Ku, Is nominal use an answer to the free speech and right of publicity quandary?: lessons from America’s national pastime, 11 CHAPMAN LAW REVIEW 435 (2008)Michael A. Mahone, Jr., Note, Sentencing...

Sunday, February 22, 2009


In protest of Section 92A of the Copyright Act is due to come into force on Saturday in New Zeala...

Evidence excluded in Bonds case

Judge Illston's order is here Download USAvsBondsOpinion021909. Straightforward, but a good review for my Evidence class of a number of concepts--real evidence requires a chain of custody, the chain of custody requires admissible evidence, the search for hearsay exceptions, and the unreviewable discretion that district court judges have on procedure and evidence.Only one part of the opinion gave me a pause: She excluded one of three audio transcripts of conversations--the one in which Bonds' trainer, Greg Anderson (the guy whose refusal to testify...

Saturday, February 21, 2009

A quick snippet of Hamish at home

One of these days I WILL get Hamish in and tidy him up for some photos and video. I am such a slacker! But, I think he still looks pretty hot au naturale ...

WTA Fines Dubai Tournament for Ban on Israeli Player

It is a truism that sports and politics should not mix. It is an equal truism that they do. The question is in the justification. Nations have boycotted the Olympics and the Olympics have boycotted nations, such as Apartheid-era South Africa. Numerous debates as to the wisdom of boycotts and their effect on sports have gone on for years.But sometimes there comes a political act that is so wrongheaded that it is difficult to come up any justification for it -- except obvious discrimination. Such a decision came last week when Israeli tennis professional...

Friday, February 20, 2009

2009 Arbitration Season Ends with Settlement

The Washington Nationals and Ryan Zimmerman settled early this morning prior to their scheduled hearing at the midpoint figure of $3,325,000. So, the players prevailed in 2 of the 3 hearings this season and that marks the first time since 1996, when the players won 7 of the 10 hearings, that the players defeated the teams in arbitration. For the record, there have now been 487 hearings, and the teams have won 280 and the players 207. Teams are ahead in percentage, 57% to 43%. That is a 1 percentage point change from last year (58%-42%).I went...

I watch way too many you tube videos

5697 to be exact. That is too many over a two and a half year period.I have seen Garth Brooks and Billy Joel concerts from Ireland to Tokyo.I have seen far too many Homer Simpson clips.I have heard Christian Bale lose his rag.I have see Family Guy ripping into Christian Bale for losing his rag.I have seen the best twenty cricket catches of all time.I have seen Arizona Cardinal...

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Harvard Law School Sports Law Symposium: Sports Law in an Economic Downturn

I'm pleased to be joining Rick as a participant in this year's Harvard Law School Sports Law Symposium, which will be held on Friday March 13th and Saturday, March 14th at the law school.The symposium, which is hosted by the Harvard Law School Committee on Sports and Entertainment Law, is in honor of Harvard Law School Professor Paul Weiler, one of the founders of U.S. sports...

Catching Up with Some Links

* Oliver v. NCAA: Last week, Alan Milstein blogged on an Ohio state court's ruling in favor of Oklahoma State University star pitcher Andrew Oliver, who had been suspended by the NCAA. The NCAA had suspended Oliver after learning that, years earlier, Oliver had met with Minnesota Twins representatives with his attorneys while contemplating whether to retain his amateur status and attend college or turn pro after high school. A few days ago, Southern Illinois University Professor Tassos Kaburakis blogged on the same subject on the National Sports...

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

My Brain Hurts

I made the mistake of getting involved in a debate with a socialist, perhaps my brain is getting old, it just started hurting when I read this question of his.....Excuse me, but again.. with some further explanation since I don’t believe you answered my question at all..I wrote: “Civil question.. you wrote National are passing laws.. this appears to me as ‘National’ the...

Not a Problem or Not Enough Money to Fund the Program: Florida Ends HS Anabolic Steroids Testing Program

The Florida High School Athletic Association’s anaboloic steroid testing program, which began in July 2007 for athletes participating in football, baseball and weightlifting, has been put on the back burner, at least for now, due to the economy and the rationale that the money must go elsewhere. In a deteriorating economy, state officials apparently cannot justify spending...

Salary Arbitration Update

There were four hearings set for today, and all proved to be unnecessary as settlements were finalized between Corey Hart and the Brewers, Conor Jackson and the Diamondbacks, Mike Jacobs and the Royals, and Josh Willingham and the Nationals. That leaves only the Atlanta Braves and both Jeff Francoeur and Kelly Johnson and Washington and Ryan Zimmerman left for this year. Of the 40 settled cases this year, we have the following results:Multiyear deals - 11Above the midpoint - 5At the midpoint - 8Below the midpoint - 16The 11 multiyear deals are...

Yale Law School Sports Litigation Panel

Next Wednesday, February 25th, Yale Law School will be hosting a panel discussion on sports litigation.I am honored to be moderating the event, which has some phenomenal speakers.The panel will take place from 4:10 to 6 p.m. and is open to the public.Here are the details:Yale Law SchoolYale Entertainment and Sports Law Association hosts a Panel Discussion on Sports LitigationFebruary...

Can Barry Bonds Receive a Fair Trial?

I address that question and some others in a new column. Here's an excerpt:* * *In addition to avoiding Bonds-haters, counsel for Bonds will seek jurors who are skeptical about the government's decision to prosecute Bonds. A libertarian-leaning person, for instance, might object to the expenditure of millions of tax dollars to prosecute baseball players who used substances...

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

When they say they don't want to politicize sports, . . .

Shahar Peer of Israel, the # 48-ranked women's singles player, was denied an entry visa to the United Arab Emirates to play in this week's Barclays Dubai Tournament, citing security fears of having an Israeli playing in Dubai in the wake of the recent military conflict in Gaza. The denial, by the way, came on Saturday night, with Peer's first match scheduled for Monday. The Tennis Channel refused to broadcast the tournament following the UAE's decision.The tournament organizer, Dubai Duty Free, said Peer's "presence would have antagonized our...

Buzz buzz buzz - Brought the boy back in...

and I still love him to pieces! I just can't get over how laid back he is. Nothing phases him and never has. He's Mr Cool through and through, even when the neighbour chooses to fertilise the boundary paddock as soon as I get back on him after he's had a four month break serving mares! I am perched up on him all paranoid that he's going to freak out and he's like 'Whatever!'....

Big Money is Out

Big Money is out.A couple of posts ago, I wrote about how Vettori and other cricket players are rich, thanks to 20/20 cricket tournaments that were started by Allen Stanford.Well that has all changed overnight, thanks to the FBI who have now arrested Allen Stanford for fraud . He was the man who was going to make cricketers some of the richest sportspeople on earth, but...

ABA Teleseminar this Thursday

This Thursday, the ABA Section of Antitrust Law Trade, Sports & Professional Associations Committee, Section of Intellectual Property Law, The Forum on the Entertainment and Sports Industries and the ABA Center for Continuing Legal Education are sponsoring a 90-minute teleseminar and live audio webcast titled, Whose Home Run is it Anyway? Practical Advice on Intellectual Property Issues in Sports.The teleseminar will explore the ownership and use of intellectual property by sports leagues, their member teams, player associations, and other...

Monday, February 16, 2009

Family Guy's take on Bale

"Highlight has to be "Your going to owe a fortune to the swear j...

Did the Australian commentators go to far?

During the 20/20 match between New Zealand and Australia the channel nine crew hooked up Vettori and Bracken with a microphone so they could speak to them during the game.When talking to New Zealand's captain Daniel Vettori they asked him the usual questions, how he was feeling? How he thought the game was getting on?, Had he been happy with things so far?The questions changed...

Short Meg photo video

The song, 'Carter's Fair' is written and sung by Kate Bramley from 'The Bad Pennies'. Kate and Jez Lowe recently played at 'The Lounge' in Carterton and Nick was the support act for the performance. The song is kinda perfect real...

The Michael Phelps Saga

We've somehow ignored the much discussed Michael Phelps situation concerning a certain photo, for which he has apologized. I was recently interviewed by Ed Berliner on Stone Cold Sports to discuss it. Here are my comments can be heard at this li...

Sunday, February 15, 2009

92A - This is pretty scary!


Saturday, February 14, 2009

Robbie - Sire of Champions!

Just had the best morning at the Masterton A&P. The weather was on our side and the sun shone brightly for our classes. Meg was an absolute super star and I could not be happier with my sensitive little girl's behaviour.We had a last minute near disaster when I took her float boots off after we arrived only to find that the BLACK dye in them had leaked all over her lovely...

Vettori is freakin Rich!!!!

New Zealand's greatest ever cricket captain has every reason to be happy, he might be a multi Millionaire come the end of May.The Blackcaps will be invited to a pre twenty twenty world cup tournament in England, the prize is meant to be a whopping $18 Million dollars, winner takes all.So those 11 players in the winning team are set for a hefty payday, the other three teams...

The Inflated Value of a College Education

Before I begin, I would like to make one point clear. I believe in learning and education. I believe that knowledge makes the world a better place and people better persons. I also believe that learning is a lifelong practice. With that caveat, let's begin.The college degree is becoming more and more suspect as time goes on. Granted, degree holders on average earn more than non-degree holders, but this probably has less to do with the learning than it does with the signal that a degree confers. A college degree tells potential employers that a.)...

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